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Status of the SWTOR chief protagonists as of the events in Knights of the Fallen Empire and later Empty Status of the SWTOR chief protagonists as of the events in Knights of the Fallen Empire and later

December 16th 2020, 3:14 am
This thread highlight the status of chief protagonists as of the The Knights of the Fallen Empire (Patch 4.0) and later.

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The legendary Jedi Knight (alias Hero of Tython)
Original Faction: The Jedi Order (SWTOR times)

[name] has become the Jedi Order's Battlemaster after saving the Republic from many nefarious plots by the evil Sith Emperor. On countless planets, this champion of the Force is all that stands between helpless innocents and the enemy's conquest. But a terrible new threat has emerged at the galaxy's farthest edge, forcing an unlikely alliance between [name] and old foes....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Jedi Knight (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A terrible new threat = The Eternal Empire and its new faction of Force-users

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The legendary Jedi Consular (alias Barsen'thor)
Original Faction: The Jedi Order (SWTOR times)

A true Force prodigy, Jedi Master [name] has stood as a beacon of hope in the war against the Sith Empire, earning the title BARSEN'THOR: Warden of the Jedi Order. Uniting the Republic's most contentious worlds, [name] exposed and defeated deadly Sith infiltrators hidden deep within the ranks of both the Jedi and the military. But now a new enemy threatens to destroy both Republic and Empire, forcing  into an even more dangerous alliance in the desperate hope of saving the galaxy....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Jedi Consular (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A new enemy = The Eternal Empire and its new faction of Force-users

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The legendary Republic Trooper
Original Faction: The Republic

Sole survivor of brutal treason, highly trained soldier [name] rose to take command of the Republic's most elite Special Forces unit: Havoc Squad. When war with the Sith Empire broke out in earnest, [name] conducted critical operations to break the enemy advance, culminating in the defeat of the Empire's greatest general. But changing circumstances have led Havoc Squad's commander to join with former adversaries to defeat a new enemy that threatens to destroy them all....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Republic Trooper (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A new enemy = The Eternal Empire by and large

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The legendary Smuggler
Original Faction: The Republic

Notorious starship captain [name] has earned fortune and glory across the galaxy as a treasure hunter and Republic privateer. Pursued by the Sith Empire as a wanted criminal, [name] always stays one hyperspace jump ahead of the enemy's warships. But as a new foe threatens Republic and Imperial worlds alike, the time has come for these old rivals to join forces....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Smuggler (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A new foe = The Eternal Empire by and large

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The legendary Sith Inquisitor (alias Darth Nox)
Original Faction: The Empire (SWTOR times)

Once a slave, [name] overcame the brutal trials of Korriban, the schemes of rival Sith Lords and deadly Republic opponents to become a force few in the galaxy dared to challenge. Now a member of the Dark Council, the Sith Empire's ruling body, [name] is master of a vast domain, with apprentices and soldiers ready to fight and die at their master's bidding. But with a new enemy threatening to destroy both Empire and Republic, new alliances must be struck, and [name] must personally intercede to ensure total victory....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Sith Inquisitor (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A new enemy = The Eternal Empire by and large

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The legendary Sith Warrior (alias The Emperor's Wrath)
Original Faction: The Empire (SWTOR times)

Ranking from birth among the most elite in the Sith Empire, [name]'s deadly skills and command of the dark of the Force have become legendary. Lightsaber in hand, [name] has carved a path of destruction through Republic foes and scheming Sith adversaries alike, eventually becoming the favored enforcer of the Sith Emperor himself. But now the Emperor has betrayed the Empire, forcing [name] to join with unlikely allies to defeat a seemingly invincible foe....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Sith Warrior (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A seemingly invincible foe = the Emperor (context) = Valkorion

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The legendary Imperial Agent (alias Cipher Nine)
Original Faction: The Empire

[name], code name Cipher Nine, is a highly trained covert operative of Imperial Intelligence and an expert infiltrator, spy and assassin. Initially tasked with hunting terrorists in the Sith Empire, [name] eventually unraveled a massive conspiracy that had infiltrated both Empire and Republic. Now Cipher Nine's skills will be put to their ultimate test, joining a tentative alliance in their mission against a seemingly invincible foe....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Imperial Agent (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: A seemingly invincible foe = The Eternal Empire by and large

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The legendary Bounty Hunter (alias Champion of the Mandalorian Great Hunt)
Original Faction: Flexible

Armored from head to toe and equipped with an arsenal of deadly gadgets, [name] has earned a reputation as the best bounty hunter in the business. Rising to prominence after becoming champion of the Mandalorian Great Hunt, [name] has taken on bounties against brutal criminals, veteran Republic officers and even Jedi Masters. Now, working alongside forces from both the Sith Empire and the Republic, [name] begins the hunt for the deadliest bounty in the galaxy....

- SWTOR Codex Entry: The Bounty Hunter (Patch 4.0)

NOTE: the deadliest bounty in the galaxy (context) = Valkorion ???

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All of them joined The Alliance to help fight The Eternal Empire spearheaded by Valkorion and his family. This is the impression given in writing to say the least.

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The Eternal Empire suffered a significant blow in a major battle on (and around) now recovering Nathema due to conspiracy of the Order of Zildrog which awakened the Zildrog (an ancient superweapon of Iokath in origin, having the power to wipe out entire civilizations).

The Alliance remained intact nevertheless. Lana Beniko's revelation as of the Onslaught:

War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire is inevitable. While the Alliance cannot stand alone, both factions are eager to secure our allegiance; given the tremendous skill of the individuals in our ranks, we are far more desirable as friends than enemies. This provides us with an opportunity for continued operations and influence over galactic affairs while retaining functional autonomy.


It shall be noted that numerous Knights of Zakuul also joined The Alliance as of the Onslaught.
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