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Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder? Empty Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder?

September 2nd 2019, 10:56 am
How Vader views his former Jedi identity, Anakin, seems to suggest that he has split personality, or has he got some other mental illness?

Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder? Empty Re: Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder?

September 2nd 2019, 11:19 am
It varies from source to source, but the ROTJ adult novelization definitely suggests Vader actively suppressed many of his Anakin memories:

Vader saw his son crying, and knew it must have been at the horror of the face the boy beheld.

It intensified, momentarily, Vader's own sense of anguish - to his crimes, now, he added guilt at the imagined repugnance of his appearance. But then this brought him to mind of the way he used to look - striking, and grand, with a wry tilt to his brow that hinted of invincibility and took in all of life with a wink. Yes, that was how he'd looked once.

And this memory brought a wave of other memories with it. Memories of brotherhood, and home. His dear wife. The freedom of deep space. Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan, his friend ... and how that friendship had turned. Turned, he knew not how - but got injected, nonetheless, with some uncaring virulence that festered, until ... hold. These were memories he wanted none of, not now. Memories of molten lava, crawling up his back ... no.

This boy had pulled him from that pit - here, now, with this act. This boy was good.

The boy was good, and the boy had come from him - so there must have been good in him, too. He smiled up again at his son, and for the first time, loved him. And for the first time in many long years, loved himself again, as well.

Suddenly he smelled something - flared his nostrils, sniffed once more. Wildflowers, that was what it was. Just blooming; it must be spring.

And there was thunder - he cocked his head, strained his ears. Yes, spring thunder, for a spring rain. To make the flowers bloom.
Level Three
Level Three

Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder? Empty Re: Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder?

September 2nd 2019, 1:05 pm
I think he overcame it at some point, although he never removed it completely as Luke was able to capitalize on the “good” that was still in him.

Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder? Empty Re: Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder?

September 2nd 2019, 1:12 pm
Nah Vader and Anakin are two sides of the same individual same with Des and Bane and Rain and Zannah. Everyone has an ugly side and Anakin let his grow unchecked. Vader certainly acknowledges he's the same individual "We meet again at last" "When I last met you I was but a learner" "I am your father" yada yada. Also, people with real DID often experience amnesia and hallucinations and switch back and forth between identities and Anakin never goes through any of that. He just made bad choices, turned evil, got beat up, ended up a bitter broken man, and eventually found peace and redemption.
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Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder? Empty Re: Does Darth Vader suffer from Split Personality disorder?

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