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Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 3:06 am

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 3:16 am
King Joker
King Joker
Level One
Level One

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 4:32 am
Where's this from?

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 5:21 am
Level Two
Level Two

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 5:22 am
King Joker wrote:Where's this from?

Forcecast April 15 2011 episode with Dave Filoni


Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 7:41 am
Not sure that Sidious not thinking of replacing Dooku with Ventress precludes her from being perceived as a threat. For one, there's the fact that Anakin was a superior candidate for that. Also, even though Dooku's power might be the hard cap for Ventress' own, perhaps she only needs to get close to that level for the two of them to challenge Sidious. After all, there are OOU quotes stating he was wary of Ventress' growth indeed, though perhaps they are only applicable to Disney Canon:
Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Ventre10
Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Ventre11

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 9:51 am
Yeah, it makes sense that Palpatine wouldn't perceive Ventress as a serious threat. After all, Asajj was easily bested by Dooku, who himself is vastly below Palpatine. Even the two working together would never be able to better Sidious.

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 9:56 am
dark-sith123 wrote:Yeah, it makes sense that Palpatine wouldn't perceive Ventress as a serious threat. After all, Asajj was easily bested by Dooku, who himself is vastly below Palpatine. Even the two working together would never be able to better Sidious.

How do you explain the above quotes then?

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 10:34 am
Rohirrim wrote:
dark-sith123 wrote:Yeah, it makes sense that Palpatine wouldn't perceive Ventress as a serious threat. After all, Asajj was easily bested by Dooku, who himself is vastly below Palpatine. Even the two working together would never be able to better Sidious.

How do you explain the above quotes then?

The first quote is the only one that's relevant, in all honesty. Being "wary" only meant he watched out for any potential dangers that could arise. The first quote did indeed say Sidious was troubled, but the evidence conflicts- Mr. Filoni, the show's creator, stated that Sidious didn't actually perceive Ventress as a real threat and, when one analyzes the power levels of Ventress, Dooku and Sidious, this assertion makes perfect sense. Furthermore, Sidious is an excellent liar and manipulator- just because he said Ventress was a threat doesn't mean he actually viewed her as such.

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 10:52 am
dark-sith123 wrote:
The first quote is the only one that's relevant, in all honesty. Being "wary" only meant he watched out for any potential dangers that could arise. The first quote did indeed say Sidious was troubled, but the evidence conflicts- Mr. Filoni, the show's creator, stated that Sidious didn't actually perceive Ventress as a real threat and, when one analyzes the power levels of Ventress, Dooku and Sidious, this assertion makes perfect sense. Furthermore, Sidious is an excellent liar and manipulator- just because he said Ventress was a threat doesn't mean he actually viewed her as such.

Filoni didn't say Sidious didn't consider Ventress a (potential) threat, but that he didn't think so highly of Ventress' abilities as to have her kill Dooku. So really, all Sidious thought was that Ventress wouldn't surpass Dooku. There's still room for the duo to eventually challenge Sidious, even if they weren't strong enough at that point. So there's no contradiction in him being "wary" and "troubled".
The Witness
The Witness

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 1:12 pm
Kind of obvious but ok
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

April 24th 2019, 3:16 pm
Level Three
Level Three

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

May 3rd 2019, 10:15 am
I actually think it was a good  idea to clear that up, considering that there are people around who really think Sidious considered her a threat.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

May 3rd 2019, 11:01 am
Which is good, because sheev being threatened by Vader is more ratified Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  2960029119
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Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.  Empty Re: Palpatine did not view Ventress as a threat.

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