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Level Seven
Level Seven

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

November 24th 2019, 3:04 pm
Title. Who'd have posed the biggest threat to the galaxy if one day they'd decided that they either wanted to completely take it over or destroy/consume it?

Last edited by BreakofDawn on November 24th 2019, 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

November 24th 2019, 3:12 pm
threat? honestly, sheev is the lowest, in my eyes. he wasnt a threat, as far as i can tell, but more of an obsessive ruler. now, valk and abeloth wanted to wipe out everything lol so i think its between them.
Level Three
Level Three

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

November 25th 2019, 2:33 am
Abeloth, then Vitiate, then Sidious

Abeloth was far more powerful then either, and she wanted to consume the galaxy, so she gets the edge

Vitiate, because his intent was to consume the galaxy.

Last is Sidious, because he intended on ruling the galaxy under the Sith, not consuming it. If he wanted to, he would be #2
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

November 27th 2019, 3:48 am
Sidious wanted to consume the galaxy.

Anyway, what are the starting conditions?
Level Three
Level Three

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

November 29th 2019, 5:20 pm
Azronger wrote:Sidious wanted to consume the galaxy.

Anyway, what are the starting conditions?
Sidious never wanted to consume the galaxy, he just wanted to rule the galaxy under the Sith forever.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

November 30th 2019, 5:46 am
EmperorCaedus wrote:
Azronger wrote:Sidious wanted to consume the galaxy.

Anyway, what are the starting conditions?
Sidious never wanted to consume the galaxy, he just wanted to rule the galaxy under the Sith forever.

Wandering Jedi
Wandering Jedi

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

January 26th 2020, 7:42 pm
All of them.

Galaxy devoured, Galaxy enslaved, Galaxy Destroyed are all bad.
The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

January 27th 2020, 4:39 am
You could make the argument that Abeloth is the one in which the Force wasn't as actively throwing the protags a bone to stop, since it apparently unleashed Abeloth.

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 11th 2020, 6:36 am
Sidious is pretty much the Darkseid of Star Wars while Abeloth and Vitiate are Anti-Monitor and Thanos. But all equally worse in their own way. However, I'd rather die than being the slave of someone else.

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 11th 2020, 1:51 pm
Abeloth and Vitiate wanted complete annihilation of all life in the galaxy, Sidious didn't want that.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 12th 2020, 3:26 am
Yes, Sidious did. I've never heard of Abeloth aiming for that, though; my impression is that she just wanted to restore the Mortis family. Do you have quotes on her wanting to destroy the galaxy?
Darth Zanos
Darth Zanos

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 12th 2020, 4:16 pm
Abeloth for sure. Her teeth are so scary

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 14th 2020, 11:38 pm
Vitiate wanted to CONSUME the entire galaxy to achieve absolute omnipotence - what can be worse than this?

Abeloth was twisted and all that but her end-goal was to resurrect The Son and The Daughter or something on these lines (she saw potential in Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai for the needful). Not sure what else she had in mind.

Palpatine desired absolute rule over the galaxy with others being subservient to him - totalitarian regime. This is textbook villain.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 15th 2020, 2:15 pm
I guess it's time to clear up some misconceptions. Sheev didn't just want to rule the galaxy the way an ordinary dictator would. The Dark Empire is only in its embryonic stages in the eponymous comic series. The planet Byss is a microcosm for what the final form of Palpatine's regime would look like: its citizens are rendered "almost mindless under the oppression of the Emperor's dark side influence," and they "find their life energies leeched off during the Emperor's evil machinations. Essentially, the people of Byss cease to exist as individuals, living in "a dreamlike state" with their very life force linked and "forever enslaved to the mind that would devour a Galaxy." This is Palpatine's "model for the Galaxy-wide society of the far future, when the Dark Side of the Force will rule all without the need for weapons," wherein he would "use the dark side of the Force to control everything and everyone." In effect, he wouldn't just rule the galaxy; he would become the galaxy, more a force of nature than man.

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? 6600974-sidious%20drain%207

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Sheevs_true_plans_4

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Sheevs_true_plans_3

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Sheevs_true_plans_2

After his apotheosis was realized, he would expand it to the universal scale. "He would journey across the universe spreading the shadow of his rule, blotting out the stars themselves, and taking his Dark Rule to other helpless galaxies." In time, "he would create an eternal dynasty, with the descendants of Skywalker as its nobility, and Palpatine himself as its omnipotent ruler."

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Sheevs_true_plans

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Sidious_aimed_for_omnipotence

Darth Sidious isn't just a dictator; he is the personification of malignant narcissism who identifies himself with civilization, the galaxy, and finally even the universe itself. He doesn't seek the destruction of all life in the conventional sense; rather, he seeks the destruction of all life and all things, from microorganisms to whole galaxies and the laws of nature, as entities distinct from himself. Imagine that the universe gained sentience, then imagine that sentience as Palpatine, and you get the picture.

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi novelization wrote:Emperor. It had a certain ring to it. The Republic had crumbled, the Empire was resplendent with its own fires, and would always be so—for the Emperor knew what others refused to believe: the dark forces were the strongest.

He’d known this all along, in his heart of hearts—but relearned it every day: from traitorous lieutenants who betrayed their superiors for favors; from weak-principled functionaries who gave him the secrets of local star systems’ governments; from greedy landlords, and sadistic gangsters, and power-hungry politicians. No one was immune, they all craved the dark energy at their core. The Emperor had simply recognized this truth, and utilized it—for his own aggrandizement, of course.

For his soul was the black center of the Empire.

He contemplated the dense impenetrability of the deep space beyond the window. Densely black as his soul—as if he were, in some real way, this blackness; as if his inner spirit was itself this void over which he reigned. He smiled at the thought: he was the Empire; he was the Universe.

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 17th 2020, 12:15 am
Legend, you're the LadyKulvax of Tenebrae

The same could be said of Azronger and Sidious, but I actually like Sidious because he's neither a coward nor a dumbass

Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

July 17th 2020, 10:46 pm
Vitiate and Abeloth because both were more capable & powerful than Sidious in regards to achieving galactic destruction.
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Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion? Empty Re: Who was a bigger threat to the galaxy, Abeloth, Darth Sidious or Vitiate/Valkorion?

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