- DarthAnt66Moderator
Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 11th 2019, 8:01 pm
The Lost Tribe of the Sith have been a largely unexplored area for Star Wars debating. This respect thread aims to shine light on the Grand Lord Darish Vol and two of his greatest disciples -- Lord Viun Gaalan and High Lord Ivaar Workan. They are all members of the Circle of Lords -- the ruling Council of the Lost Tribe -- which consists of the Grand Lord, seven High Lords, and thirteen Lords. I hope to see more versus matchups with these powerful Sith in the future.
Viun Gaalan ranked among the thirteen Lords and dueled Luke Skywalker on Dathomir. Open the spoiler tag to read their full fight.
- Spoiler:
Lord Gaalan ignited his lightsaber; the clover-like growth on the meadow glowed red in its light. The other three Sith and the Jedi ignited theirs a split second afterward. Dyon drew his twin blaster pistols.
Luke and Gaalan hurtled together, green lightsaber blade crashing on red, a blow that would have thrown any two lesser Force-users back half a dozen meters, but the two of them were unmoved. (1) The female Sith beside Gaalan struck at Luke, but he merely adjusted the angle of his blade against Gaalan's to catch her attack. Luke kicked, forcing the woman back; she fell, rolling into a backward somersault and coming up on her feet.
Ben hurtled toward the other Sith male. Luke, in his peripheral vision, saw his son stop short and reverse direction. The Sith man, lunging toward him, slipped off-balance, and his lightsaber flew from his hand.
Blasterfire flashed from Dyon at the disarmed Sith. The Sith man caught the first bolt with his open hand, but, still off-balance, could not catch the second. It seared into his knee. The third took him in the shoulder; the fourth, in the throat.
The second Sith female leapt toward Dyon. He retreated, an expert dodge that caused her to miss his left arm with her lightsaber; the blow cleaved through his left-hand blaster instead.
The woman who'd supported Gaalan now ran at Ben.
Gaalan struck at Luke, high, low, a series of subtle and sophisticated blows that would have bewildered any lesser duelist. He was good; Luke gave him that. He might have been a match for an expert swordsmaster such as Kyp or Kyle Katarn. (2) He would have been too much for a comparatively diffident duelist such as Cilghal, or even Luke as he had been back at Sinkhole Station, at low ebb in physical and mental strength.
But Luke, despite recent exertions, had had time to recover. He parried each of Gaalan's blows, and his ripostes-his blade skittering off Gaalan's and thrusting now at the Sith Lord's face, now at shoulder or knee or torso-came increasingly close to touching flesh.
Luke smiled at the man.
Vestara took her lightsaber in hand and ran, her speed boosted by the Force.
One Sith Saber was down, dead. This still should have been a lopsided match, Gaalan matching Luke, the first female Saber matching Ben, the second Saber overmatching Dyon and almost killing the Jedi washout instantly.
But Dyon was proving hard to kill. He bobbed and weaved, backflipped and somersaulted, keeping just above or below the Saber's blows, firing at his foe in the midst of his acrobatic maneuvers. His blaster shots went wild or were caught on the woman's lightsaber blade, but they had to be reckoned with, countered.
He dived for the dead Saber's lightsaber, the hand that had held his now severed blaster empty, reaching for the weapon. He hit the ground, rolled-and came up with nothing in his clenched fist, having missed the lightsaber hilt.
He looked stricken. The female Saber advancing on him smiled.
Dyon backflipped away from her, his free arm flailing in the air-
No, his clenched fist was not empty. It opened as he flailed and the handful of clover and dirt he held flew, spattering into the face of Ben's opponent. She staggered back, taken momentarily by surprise.
Ben cut her in half at the waist. Dyon landed, no longer looking stricken.
Vestara grimaced. That was Firen's ploy, used only semi-successfully in her last bout with Luke. Now it had changed the odds as intended, tilting them against the Sith.
Ben charged against Dyon's enemy. Dyon returned to the dropped lightsaber and picked it up with his free hand, all the while maintaining blasterfire against Ben's new opponent. That Saber used her lightsaber to bat his blasterfire toward Ben, but the boy, with reflexes like lightning, batted the bolt straight back at her. It caught her on her sword wrist. She staggered back, pain crossing her features. Dyon's next bolt and Ben's next strike, launched reflexively, before they could even assess her condition or offer her surrender, both caught her, the bolt in her gut and the lightsaber across her neck. Her head flew free, straight up into the air, as her body was propelled straight back into the side of the shuttle.
Vestara slowed, dropping the Force boost to her running speed.
The others sensed her presence. Luke shifted rightward, not abandoning his concentration on Gaalan but putting Vestara's angle of approach in his peripheral vision. Ben turned toward Vestara and-seeing Ben's shift-Dyon did as well.
Gaalan took that moment of adjustment to act. He backflipped straight through the open boarding hatch of the shuttle. The hatch rose. Luke hurtled forward, got his lightsaber blade into the hatchway before it entirely closed, and began burning a narrow furrow around the periphery of the hatch.
But the shuttle thrusters fired. Lord Gaalan could be seen in the cockpit, features beautiful and impassive as ever, in control of the vehicle. It skidded forward, leaving a meters-wide trench in the ground. Its nose lifted before it had traveled thirty meters, and it went airborne.
Luke reached after it, a clear exertion of telekinetic Force power, then dropped his hand. He looked rueful. "He's countering my power." (3)
Gaalan held his own against Luke for a period of time. Per the highlighted text, note that …
(1) Gaalan was "unmoved" by Luke's "hurtling" "blow that would have thrown any lesser Force-user back half a dozen meters."
(2) Gaalan "might have been a match" for Kyp Durron or Kyle Katarn, two of the era's most skilled Jedi. Jacen Solo in 29 ABY, who killed four Yuuzhan Vong Slayers, believed he was "nowhere near as skilled" as Durron. In his prime, Darth Caedus noted Katarn to be "a threat" in combat, though Caedus still decisively defeated him.
(3) Gaalan countered "a clear exertion of telekinetic Force power" from Luke, allowing his shuttle to leave the planet.
Ivaar Workan ranked among the seven High Lords. Workan rose to this position after the death of Sarasu Taalon. Note that Force ability and merit, not political maneuvering or wealth, primarily dictated one's rank in the Lost Tribe, meaning Workan was the strongest of all the other Lords:
Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:Although the attractive, graying human male had been a Lord for many years, he was new to his rank of High Lord. Taalon's untimely demise had paved the way for Workan's promotion. Vol had enjoyed watching Workan step into the role as if he had been born to it. While Sith truly trusted no one but themselves and the Force, Vol nonetheless regarded Workan among those who fell on the side of less likely to betray him.
Vestara Khai, Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:"The Sith had strictly defined castes-a slave caste, a religious caste, an engineer caste, and a warrior caste. There was no transitioning from one to the other. That is, I think, where the Lost Tribe is superior. When we arrived on Kesh, we did not believe in such divisions. Any Keshiri could rise according to his ability with the Force-as you have seen."
Sashal, Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:"While the humans of the Lost Tribe and the Keshiri are different races, no one has ever been excluded from achieving high rank if she can prove herself worthy. You yourself worked with Sarasu Taalon. It is merit, not genetics, that enables one to rise or fall in our culture."
Workan immediately became the second highest ranked Sith upon becoming a High Lord, indicating he was long overdue the rank and just waiting for an empty seat:
Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:With Grand Lord Vol dead, he was, effectively, the highest-ranking Sith not only on Coruscant, but in the entire Lost Tribe.
Darish Vol believed that Sashal -- also ranked among the seven High Lords -- was "nowhere near as powerful as Workan":
Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:"Sith take what we want," said Sashal, stepping toward Workan. Vol watched both of them closely, idly wondering if Sashal was issuing a challenge to her superior. It would be foolish. She was nowhere near as powerful as Workan. But sometimes ambition and wisdom did not go hand in hand.
Note that the seven High Lords, including Sashal, were described as "utter masters" of the Force -- in apparent contrast to some of the thirteen Lords:
Fate of the Jedi - Omen wrote:Next to him on either side were seated the High Lords, two of whom were female and actually addressed as "Lady." They wore robes that were similar to the Grand Lord's, but slightly less ornate. Less powerful manipulators of the Force than Vol, they were nonetheless utter masters of it. Vestara recognized among their number Lord Takaris Yur, the Lord whose task it was to run the Sith Temple.
There were no members of the third level of leadership, the Lords, present on the dais, though Vestara had spotted them standing off to the side.
Workan later dueled Luke Skywalker on Coruscant. Open the spoiler tag to read their full fight.
- Spoiler:
Seha and Doran were just rushing through the breach, angling toward the last guard, while Luke and Workan had already joined battle in a whirling tempest of color and smashed office furnishings. (1) With only three Sith left, there was no question of the final outcome-even a High Lord could not overcome those odds, not when Luke and Ben Skywalker were on the other side.
Vestara sprang to the attack, swinging high to prevent the guard from leaping into a Force tumble. He blocked and spun, bringing his blade around in time to deflect a leg slash from Ben, then glanced toward a display table near the wall. Guessing that a glass sculpture would already be flying toward her head, Vestara dived into a forward roll, then locked her lightsaber into the ON position and tossed it at her attacker's legs.
The guard dropped his own blade to deflect the one flying toward his thighs-then simply divided along the spine as Ben's lightsaber cleaved him from collar to belt. The body did not fall so much as peel apart, and the sculpture crashed to the floor three meters away.
Vestara called her own weapon back into her hand and then looked up to find Ben stepping across the body toward her.
"So," she said, glancing down at the dead Sith. "I guess you do care."
"Of course I care." Ben smiled and reached down to take her hand. "Good teammates are hard to find."
"And you two certainly make a good team," Doran Tainer said, joining them. He studied the three Sith they had killed. "Did you even have weapons when this thing started?"
"A Jedi is always armed," Vestara said, quoting a maxim that was a favorite of the Sith as well as the Jedi.
She held Ben's hand for a moment, enjoying its strength and warmth-and knowing that one day soon, she would have to turn her back on his touch. Finally, she allowed him to help her to her feet, then turned toward the battle between Luke and Workan. A swath of shattered glass and smoking furniture marked the path their fight had taken to the rear part of the room. It seemed clear from the crooked route that the fight had been both desperate and well matched, but now Workan was finally being forced to retreat past his desk. (2) With Seha Dorvald rushing to join the fight, he would eventually be pushed into a corner and perhaps even taken for interrogation.
And that, Vestara could not allow-not after the trick she had used to get them into the office in the first place. She thought for a moment, then pulled a blaster pistol from the holster of a dead guard.
"Something's wrong!" She started toward the back of the room. "We've got to stop him."
A large hand caught her by the shoulder. "Stop him from what?" Doran demanded. "Luke wants to take Workan-"
Vestara shook free. "Look at where he is-he's trying to get to his desk." She raised the blaster pistol and began to fire into the combat, not so much trying to kill Workan herself as to force him away from the desk-and onto Luke's blade. "He must have a detonator switch back there!"
Doran released her shoulder, and a moment later two more streams of blasterfire joined Vestara's.
"Dad, trap!" Ben yelled. "Back off!"
"Seha-you, too!" Doran added.
Both Jedi dived away at once, leaving a badly confused Workan struggling to bat aside the storm of blasterfire coming his way. Already exhausted and wounded, with one arm hanging limp and a smoking slash across his chest, he was no match for three attackers trained to coordinate their fire to overwhelm his defenses. It took only six shots for Ben to burn a hole through his head.
Workan held his own against Luke for a lengthy period of time. Per the highlighted text, note that …
(1) Workan and Luke engaged in "a whirling tempest of color and smashed office furnishings," indicating active exertion from both parties.
(2) Workan and Luke were "well matched" and "desperate" according to Vestara Khai, based on the smashed furniture and "crooked route" of the fight. However, note that Luke still showed a dominant edge given Workan's severe injuries, and that Khai was unaware that Luke was trying to capture Workan alive.
Darish Vol was indisputably the most powerful Sith of the Lost Tribe and survived over eight decades of assassination attempts from rivals:
Fate of the Jedi - Omen wrote:Vol was a striking, almost heavy presence in the Force; he was not the Grand Lord without reason. No one on this world was stronger in the Force than he.
Fate of the Jedi - Omen wrote:They wore robes that were similar to the Grand Lord's, but slightly less ornate. Less powerful manipulators of the Force than Vol, they were nonetheless utter masters of it.
Fate of the Jedi - Apocalypse wrote:Workan did not know how Roki Kem had managed to defeat an unmatched Force user such as Grand Lord Vol, and he could hardly ask her.
Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:Lord Darish Vol was no casual observer of others. He had not climbed as high as he had, nor lived as long as he had, without being superior to any who would challenge him. He had lost count of the assassination attempts and political ploys that had been thrown his way over the last eight-plus decades. But he had learned from each one. And so he played the good, benevolent host smoothly while taking stock of all he saw.
Vestara Khai was shocked to learn any Sith could "replace" Vol, unaware that Abeloth killed him:
Fate of the Jedi - Apocalypse wrote:"Grand Lord Vol has been replaced."
"Replaced?" Though Vestara felt not even the slightest inclination to mourn Vol's passing, her surprise was genuine. "Who could do that?"
Ivaar Workan believed that Vol could kill him with the Force quicker than he could mutter an apology:
Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:But if she knew the Sith were here on Coruscant-
No. If something happened and his Master found that Workan had not warned him, Workan would not live long enough to draw breath to apologize. It had to be now.
Vol also battled Abeloth in a psychic war of wills. Open the spoiler tag to read their full fight.
- Spoiler:
- Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:Sleep found him quickly.
And so did something else.
He stood, alone, on the lavender shores of the ocean, lightsaber held in one gnarled hand. The heat was oppressive, the sun beating down on him more strongly than it did even in the height of summer. His robes were heavy, far too heavy, and he became aware immediately that this was much more than a simple dream.
She stood facing him, wearing her lovely Keshiri visage like the mask she had worn tonight. But this time, she was deliberately permitting the mask to slip.
Vol had seen much violence, deceit, ugliness, and brutality in his day. He had seen, and sometimes committed, deeds such as evisceration of the body and torture of the mind through the power of the dark side. He had seen bodies explode into tiny fragments, watched powerfully intelligent people reduced to gibbering idiots when their minds were destroyed thought by thought.
And he shrank back in horror now at the monstrosity revealed to him.
Before him was a nightmare. Her hair was long, twining tendrils of hideousness, her eyes sunken and yet bright as tiny stars, her mouth widening, widening, until it split her face. She laughed, the tendrils reaching out both physically and in the Force.
"Silly Vol," she said. "To imagine, even for a moment, that anything human could even conceive of the vastness that is Abeloth, let alone trap me for your own tiny-minded purposes. Now you shall die, and your world shall become mine. I shall be unto them Protector and Destructor both, and there is nothing that you or any of your little friends can do to stop me."
The tendrils were on him now, slithering into his mouth, his ears, his nose, caressing in a strangely appealing manner even as he cringed back in loathing.
It was a dream, he knew, but it was more than a dream as well. And even in such an in-between place, Vol knew what he had to do. It terrified him, but the thought of being destroyed without a fight by this vile thing terrified him even worse.
He had to dive inside that mind.
He took a precious second to wrap the Force around him like a blanket, then unshielded his mind and opened it to Abeloth.
In her arrogant glee at the ambush she had performed, she was reckless. She surged forward, violating his mind, unaware that this was precisely what Vol wanted. She had given him entrance, and he wasted not a heartbeat in opening up to the ugliness that was within. Like a thief with the law on his heels, Vol plundered swiftly, with no care for delicacy or of discovery. And he found unexpected riches.
Anguish. Loss that ripped and tore at the heart of all that was Abeloth. Betrayal. Need-need!-for companionship, for love, for someone, anyone, anything, to adore her and to never, ever leave. To stay with her forever ...
-Don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me-
Something that was part of her, that she had loved with all that was in her, was gone, gone beyond finding again, and someone would pay, and she would be loved and idolized and worshipped, it was right, it was what should be, what would be-
He felt her astonishment, and then fury, and knew he was discovered. The tendrils were no longer coyly teasing and caressing. They were violent and brutal now, wrapping about his throat, invading his body. He resisted and went on the attack. There was a wound, visible as something black and bloody and infected, in what passed for a soul or a heart of this monster. And he went right for it.
No one loves you. You are ugly, and disgusting, and if you ever thought anyone did care for you, you were tricked and lied to, and they laughed at your gullibility.
A blast of Force anger buffeted him, but he rooted himself against it and continued.
You will never be loved. You will never be adored or cherished. Only feared and hated. And there is nothing you can do, no words you can speak, no one you can become to change that. Luke Skywalker was appalled at what you were, when he truly saw you. He follows you, not as a young gallant, oh no, but to kill you and put the universe out of its misery.
She convulsed, writhing in pain in the heart of the Force, reacting to his relentless attack on her wounded area as if he were ripping at an infected cut in the physical world. Her attack on him changed from a desire to harm to a desire to escape. Elation filled Vol. He only hoped he could survive long enough to deal the killing blow.
You live causing revulsion, you will die that way. You will die now-
He threw everything he had into the attack, slamming his Force self into the psychic, oozing wound as if he were punching a lacerated torso.
Her pain exploded and hurled him back, releasing him, but causing the most exquisite agony Vol had ever experienced to race through every part of his being.
Vol surged forward out of the dream so quickly that he hurled himself from his bed and landed hard on the floor, where he lay gasping, weak, so weak, sweat-soaked and terrified. He-used to manipulating objects in the Force, leaping great distances, crushing things with a thought-had not the strength of a new-hatched uvak. It was an effort to lift his head, to push himself up off the floor, and the muscles quivered from that simple strain.
Grunting, he dragged himself to a seated position, muscles trembling. It would have to do-rising, let alone walking, would take several more minutes. He summoned his last drop of energy and sent forth an urgent demand to Revar, the young Sith Saber who attended him. Four seconds later Revar burst into the room, lightsaber illuminating the darkness and the younger man's worried face with an eerie red glow.
"My lord," Revar cried, lighting the room with a gesture at the same time he deactivated the weapon, "what happened?" He rushed and eased the old man up onto the bed.
Vol opened his mouth, but could not speak. Finally, he rasped, "Abeloth ..."
"She was here?"
Vol shook his head. "No. In ... dream ..." He knew that he sounded senile, but he also knew that there were marks on his body that Revar and others could see. "My ship-take me to my ship. And awaken the Lords," he said, alarmed at how feeble he sounded. "And the defenses-the city ... she is going to ... to make the city pay ..."
Revar wasted no more time on questions. Using the Force, he lifted his Master as gently as possible, then, holding on to him, Revar raced, with Force-augmented speed, toward the hangar atop Vol's estate. There was always a small personal vessel at the ready; one never knew when the Grand Lord might wish to depart on short notice.
As they fled, Vol began to weep. Revar was disconcerted, but not so much that he did not pay close attention to the mumbled words.
"Nothing can hold her ... Fool to think I could use her ... What is she?... Mistake ... By the dark, the greatest mistake I have ever made ..."
Abeloth had been wandering the City of Glass when she had attacked Vol. She had been enjoying the calmness and prettiness of the place illuminated by the fireglobes, and had been idly thinking about what she might do with it once it came under her control. Should she make this her base, from which to rule the galaxy? It was quaint and charming. Or should she give it to those who had served her well, as a reward?
Too, the attack on Grand Lord Vol had been in her mind the moment Ship had begun to head for Kesh. She had wanted to strike here on this world, from the center of this place of which he was so proud; to show Vol and the others that nothing they held as precious was safe from her. She knew he was a powerful Force-user and strong with the dark side. And that, she could have handled.
But he had tricked her, had used a technique that his antithesis had used on her not so long before. He had learned the uprooting technique of the Theran Listeners, as had the despised Skywalker, and used it with even less care than that Jedi had.
He had-
Abeloth screamed from a mouth that slashed her face in two. Unable to retain her form, unable even to notice that she had not retained her form, she thrashed and howled as tentacles erupted from her torso and her face shifted like melting wax. Her anguish used the Force as a weapon, as she had so often before, but this time she was barely aware that she was releasing nearly it.
Abeloth sat huddled in Ship's interior. She had not revealed to Khai or anyone just how badly wounded she had been by the attack on Kesh. Vol had much of the power of Skywalker, combined with experience, and it had been a devastating encounter.
She had harmed him, too, though. Almost killed him. And she had destroyed his precious city, unleashing her outrage and fury on the site of her shame.
A summary of the fight was provided in The Essential Reader's Companion:
The Essential Reader's Companion wrote:As he sleeps that night, Vol is visited by Abeloth in his dreams. She attacks the Grand Lord in this state, but he fights back with his keen mind. He is able to peer past Abeloth’s illusions and see her as a painfully lonely being desperate to be loved. Frustrated with Vol’s tenacity, Abeloth reacts by blasting a Force shock wave that devastates the city of Tahv. Millions of citizens die in the disaster—among them Vestara Khai’s mother, Lahka—though Vol survives.
Abeloth confronted Vol in the "psychic world" intending to destroy him. However, Vol deliberately opened his mind to Abeloth, simultaneously resisting her advances and using mnemotherapy to pinpoint her most vulnerable memories. Vol then slammed his Force self into this mental wound, badly wounding Abeloth -- though he almost died in the process. The resultant anguish prompted Abeloth to unleash a Force scream that obliterated and melted the city of Tahv. Per the highlighted text, note that …
(A) This battle was not just "a simple dream." If Abeloth had killed Vol in the physic world, then he would have also died in the corporeal, and the injuries Vol sustained even transferred to his physical body. Moreover, Vol fought Abeloth with his "Force self," and Abeloth partially attributed the feat to Vol's Force power.
(B) Vol, after "wrapping himself" in a Force barrier, "resisted" violent and brutal attacks from Abeloth's tentacles -- which were largely manifestations of raw Force energy -- and "rooted himself" against "a blast of Force anger" from an increasingly furious and desperate Abeloth.
Reflecting on the fight, Abeloth judged that "Vol had much of the power of Skywalker." Note that Abeloth had already fought an all-out Luke Skywalker three times:
Fate of the Jedi - Ascension wrote:Abeloth sat huddled in Ship's interior. She had not revealed to Khai or anyone just how badly wounded she had been by the attack on Kesh. Vol had much of the power of Skywalker, combined with experience, and it had been a devastating encounter.
Overall, Vol clearly ranks among the most powerful Sith Lords in history, being far more powerful than Workan and radically more powerful than Viun Gaalan (both of whom fought admirably against Luke), performing remarkably against Abeloth, and wielding "much of the power" of Luke himself.
- GuestGuest
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 11th 2019, 8:14 pm
Solid stuff.
- PeraltaEagle45
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 11th 2019, 8:22 pm
Vol is a badass.
- NevesYtneves (DC77)Level Seven
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 11th 2019, 8:34 pm
Awesome work.
- JakeLevel One
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 11th 2019, 8:41 pm
I really don't like blacks
- Blade_of_DorinLevel One
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 11th 2019, 11:09 pm
Darish Vol is P O W E R
- MasterCilghalLevel Three
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 12th 2019, 2:31 am
Excellent thread my friend. I’m a huge fan of Vol’s character.
- xoltholLevel Five
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 12th 2019, 6:40 am
Really good work
- MasterCilghalLevel Three
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 23rd 2019, 8:25 am
@DarthAnt66 I think the source for the summary of he Abeloth fight is the Essential reader’s companion, not chronology.
- DarthAnt66Moderator
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 23rd 2019, 3:27 pm
MasterCilghal wrote:@DarthAnt66 I think the source for the summary of he Abeloth fight is the Essential reader’s companion, not chronology.
Thanks, fixed.
- MasterCilghalLevel Three
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
August 23rd 2019, 4:56 pm
Always glad to helpDarthAnt66 wrote:MasterCilghal wrote:@DarthAnt66 I think the source for the summary of he Abeloth fight is the Essential reader’s companion, not chronology.
Thanks, fixed.
- Gaunter O'Dimm
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
October 16th 2019, 4:02 am
Awesome work. Is there a chance for adding Sarasu Taalon to this?
- Tondemonai
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 12th 2019, 2:48 am
Great thread as always Ant.
- BreakofDawnLevel Seven
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 12th 2019, 6:20 am
So where does he sit on the power level? ROTS Sheev level?
- MasterCilghalLevel Three
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 12th 2019, 7:46 am
Would say taking into account this scaling he should definitely be able to at least contend with someone on that level. However, I don’t think he can win as he has no lightsaber feats to his name.WalkingInCircles wrote:So where does he sit on the power level? ROTS Sheev level?
- Master AzrongerModerator
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 12th 2019, 8:01 am
@Tondemonai Welcome to the forum.
- EmperorCaedusLevel Three
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 12th 2019, 9:45 am
Gaunter O'Dimm wrote:Awesome work. Is there a chance for adding Sarasu Taalon to this?
- Tondemonai
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 14th 2019, 9:54 pm
@azronger Thanks m8.
- Tondemonai
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 19th 2019, 8:36 pm
Is there much detail given in Ascension when Abeloth levels Tahv with a Force Blast? I’m curious if it’s ever noted how Vol survived it & what condition he was in afterward, and also interested to see how casual it was for her.
- DarthAnt66Moderator
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
November 19th 2019, 9:12 pm
Tondemonai wrote:Is there much detail given in Ascension when Abeloth levels Tahv with a Force Blast? I’m curious if it’s ever noted how Vol survived it & what condition he was in afterward, and also interested to see how casual it was for her.
@Tondemonai: Vol survived it via evacuating on his ship beforehand. And here's the feat in full:
- Spoiler:
- Abeloth had been wandering the City of Glass when she had attacked Vol. She had been enjoying the calmness and prettiness of the place illuminated by the fireglobes, and had been idly thinking about what she might do with it once it came under her control. Should she make this her base, from which to rule the galaxy? It was quaint and charming. Or should she give it to those who had served her well, as a reward?
Too, the attack on Grand Lord Vol had been in her mind the moment Ship had begun to head for Kesh. She had wanted to strike here on this world, from the center of this place of which he was so proud; to show Vol and the others that nothing they held as precious was safe from her. She knew he was a powerful Force-user and strong with the dark side. And that, she could have handled.
But he had tricked her, had used a technique that his antithesis had used on her not so long before. He had learned the uprooting technique of the Theran Listeners, as had the despised Skywalker, and used it with even less care than that Jedi had.
He had-
Abeloth screamed from a mouth that slashed her face in two. Unable to retain her form, unable even to notice that she had not retained her form, she thrashed and howled as tentacles erupted from her torso and her face shifted like melting wax. Her anguish used the Force as a weapon, as she had so often before, but this time she was barely aware that she was releasing nearly inconceivable amounts of Force energy upon a city that was completely unprepared for it.
There were several dozen beings within immediate range, some sleeping quietly in their beds. Most were with their families.
They imploded. Farther away, others awoke in agony as their bodies were turned inside out and chunks were ripped from their bones.
The entire city was attacked by a wind filled with glass shards, each a shikkar driven by a single purpose-to hurt anyone, anything, living inside the City of Glass. They were the Lost Tribe-they would suffer, all of them, as their leader had made her suffer.
The shards melted as they pierced flesh, spreading white-hot, painful death. The buildings, made of metal and glass, dripped slowly toward the ground, smothering those unfortunate enough to be dwelling inside them.
None of it harmed Abeloth, though she would not have noticed if it had. She barely noticed when she was lifted from the street where she lay convulsing up into the night air, and a large shape that looked like nothing so much as an angry orange eye sped toward her.
- The lord of hungerLevel Two
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
January 12th 2020, 4:38 pm
great thread
- IGLevel Four
Re: Darish Vol / Ivaar Workan / Viun Gaalan Respect Thread
March 21st 2020, 8:47 pm
Good thread.
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