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Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

August 2nd 2019, 11:16 am
BreakofDawn wrote:
Azronger wrote:I don't even think Galen can rival the Emperor conventially anymore. The entire fight in the novelization takes place from Galen's POV, and mere moments prior, the Emperor had pretended to be far weaker and more frail than he actually was. Galen has no way to ascertain the true depths of the Emperor's power, so the "desperation" point is moot - it only serves to convey Galen was exerting himself to the limit, not the Emperor.

On the other hand, we have a clear, out-of-universe statement saying Galen sacrificed himself specifically because he was "no match" for the Emperor, referring to the lightning lock. Two other statements reiterate that Galen was "ultimately no match" for the Emperor, after which he poured "all the power of the Force within him" into the blast, which likewise failed to do anything to the Emperor.

We also have the Yoda comparison from TFU II. Starkiller is overwhelmed by the Cave of Evil and desperately seeks to get out of there. Yoda, on the other hand, is casually sitting by its entrance, which utterly baffles Starkiller. Yoda's far superior willpower translates to greater Force power, and here he's even weaker than he was in Revenge of the Sith. The reverse is arguably true for Starkiller: he may be even stronger than he was in the first game, yet is still far beneath Yoda.

Galen is nothing compared to Palpatine.
Guessing that last paragraph is citing the novel?

No, it is my opinion.
Level Three
Level Three

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 9:50 am
Team 2, Revan potentially solos
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 10:07 am
Team 2. Outlander has probably surpassed Vaylin in power by chapter 9 and definitely by JuS/Onslaught, and Revan can take Galen.

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 12:36 pm
Revan soloing is laughable.

Anyway, Revan can definitely take Galen, and The Outlander already beat Vaylin.

Team 2 every time.
Level Four
Level Four

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 1:28 pm
Revan can't solo. Even I'll admit that. But Revan can take either on team two in a mid-diff fight. Outlander can do the same but high-diff.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 1:36 pm
IdrisianGraecus wrote:Revan can't solo. Even I'll admit that. But Revan can take either on team two in a mid-diff fight. Outlander can do the same but high-diff.
Why is the Outlander < Revan when he's more skilled and more powerful? Esoteric abilities?
Level Three
Level Three

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 2:01 pm
Word Salad wrote:Revan soloing is laughable.

Anyway, Revan can definitely take Galen, and The Outlander already beat Vaylin.

Team 2 every time.
If it is at their base with no circumstantial events, then yes Revan probably won't solo. But if the cards play in Revan's favor, I could see how he solos. That's why I said 'potentially'

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 2:20 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:
Word Salad wrote:Revan soloing is laughable.

Anyway, Revan can definitely take Galen, and The Outlander already beat Vaylin.

Team 2 every time.
If it is at their base with no circumstantial events, then yes Revan probably won't solo. But if the cards play in Revan's favor, I could see how he solos. That's why I said 'potentially'

I mean certain circumstances can cause anyone to beat anyone lol, I don't see the relevance. Both combatants are on his tier individually imo, so collectively he definitely can't beat them, in fact, he probably loses rather badly.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

November 15th 2019, 2:55 pm
Vaylin > Revan in power. Revan can maybe take Vaylin due to his superior mastery, esoteric abilities and his durability, but he has absolutely no chance of beating both Galen and Vaylin at the same time. Vaylin's saber skill by chapter 8 was on Arcann's level to the point that they stalemated, and her destructive output is insane.
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Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan - Page 4 Empty Re: Galen and Vaylin vs Outlander and Revan

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