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Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 4th 2021, 6:43 pm
This is Star Forge amped Malak taking on prime KOTOR II end-game Traya and the Jedi Exile.

Standard gear and abilities, all are fighting all out, and the fight is to the death. Battle takes place on the Star Forge and they start 15 yards apart. SF has no effect on Traya/Exile (as if fighting on neutral ground). Malak can draw from the nexus that is the Star Forge, but there are no Jedi bodies around to replenish his health.

Who wins and why?

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 4th 2021, 7:08 pm
SF Malak > Kun >>> Surik > Traya.

Probably Malak.

Last edited by VictreebelVictr on January 4th 2021, 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 4th 2021, 7:35 pm
He claps dozens of them, add tons it makes no difference
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 4th 2021, 7:37 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 4th 2021, 7:50 pm
Darth Malak.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 4th 2021, 8:54 pm
Malak scales canonically above her by quite a hefty margin.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 5th 2021, 1:39 am
VictreebelVictr wrote:SF Malak > Kun

SWTOR:E is waving.

OP: Traya is arguably more powerful than Malak given Power Beyond Belief. Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile 2266747095

Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

January 5th 2021, 2:35 am
Malak stomps the sub Kun Sith
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Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile Empty Re: Darth Malak vs Darth Traya and Jedi Exile

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