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Trayus Marauder
Trayus Marauder

Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

December 17th 2020, 9:47 am
Mysteryman06 wrote:
Meatpants wrote:Yes, the same Starkiller who always struggles to beat the Vader who's incredibly sub-TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi.

That very same Vader was a match for TPM Maul so how can he be incredibly sub TPM Kenobi?

You have to use a specific interpretation of one GL quote and ignore all surrounding context. It's a classic move.

Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

December 17th 2020, 10:05 am

Are you saying that someone who can defend the full brunt of Darth Sidious' lightning for half a minute not being able to blitz Vader in one move makes sense? Remembering that this Vader is well below ROTJ Vader who's below TPM Kenobi (or at least loosely comparable, if you choose to contest that point).

Sure. Blitz gaps are so rare in Star Wars because characters can always draw super deep into their reserves in order to keep up; at the expense of burning out quicker, and eventually being too slow to block a strike. That, on top of the fact that we see non-Force Users react to even top tier Jedi and Sith (e.g. Jango vs AOTC Kenobi), makes blitz gaps between most characters - even those with big gaps between them - seem utterly implausible. Or, rather, if you need specific examples:

-Grievous clowns exhausted Shaak Ti and co. in OCW, establishing a stupendous gap, but fails to blitz her in 1 on 1 combat - she lasts a solid 10 seconds before going down.

-Arcann fails to blitz beginning of KOTFE Outlander; despite being able to repeatedly abuse openings with Telekinesis to blast the Hero, and defend against the Hero drawing on power beyond that which his body could take for an entire minute.

-Sidious fails to blitz Kit Fisto, when aided by a DS confusion haze hindering the latter, despite being two tiers above him combatively.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

December 17th 2020, 9:32 pm
We're talking about an even larger gap than Sidious and Fisto despite the fact that the highest form of canon has Fisto dying after like 3 lightsaber strikes against Sidious *with* Windu to sync up with. TFU Vader is below Fisto and TFU Sidious is 20 years older than he was in ROTS (and virtually a few years from ROTJ Sidious who per G-canon can ragdoll a far more formidable version of Vader plus his equal in Luke with total ease). Starkiller doesn't even blitz Vader after his becomes enlightened, and both of them are surprised when SK hits a blow. Then we have Vader still able to react to a combatant who's already faster than him before enlightenement too.

However, this is all good faith, since I'm allowing you massive concessions to argue this point.

1. Starkiller "ragdolled" a beaten down and shaking Vader, no proof he can ragdoll a fresh Vader.
2. Starkiller wasn't deflecting Sidious' lightning, it tore straight through his Force defences. His one-time willpower and oneness allowed him to do what he did there. That's not indicative of his general combative level.
3. Starkiller was "ultimately no match" for Sidious per three sources, which by definition includes his oneness blast blowing up right on top of Sidious. So that's Starkiller's full Force potential, as powerful as he could ever get blowing up point blank at Sidious, and the Emperor tanked with apparent ease (with the comic as a single exception showing some light burns on his face).

Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

December 18th 2020, 7:34 am
Given that I already have rebuttals written up to these points from previous discussions - that I'm going to release once I've got a reply written to absolutely everyone I need to - I don't think there's much utility in replying here - in this specific thread. Don't worry, you'll get a response soon.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

December 18th 2020, 8:05 am
Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 1076326320
Level Six
Level Six

Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

December 18th 2020, 9:01 am
Archibald ragdolling
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Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek runs KOTOR gauntlet

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