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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 9:42 am
Ok but regarding the Rancor, wasn’t it the biggest creature on the planet he had seen? Which would include the Sarlacc?

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 9:46 am
Yeah, I do suppose that the era was a rather weak one.

The most powerful Sith of the time were not even Traya level.

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 9:50 am
Zenwolf wrote:Ok but regarding the Rancor, wasn’t it the biggest creature on the planet he had seen? Which would include the Sarlacc?

Path of Destruction wrote:The rancor didn’t fall right away; it was far too massive to be felled by a pair of wounds from a lightsaber.
I don't think he ever mentioned that exactly, but he did just call it massive (which can be implied to any Rancor to be dead honest).
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 10:16 am
VictreebelVictr wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:Ok but regarding the Rancor, wasn’t it the biggest creature on the planet he had seen? Which would include the Sarlacc?

Path of Destruction wrote:The rancor didn’t fall right away; it was far too massive to be felled by a pair of wounds from a lightsaber.
I don't think he ever mentioned that exactly, but he did just call it massive (which can be implied to any Rancor to be dead honest).

I’m pretty sure he described it as the biggest thing on the planet, which would make it outsize all the other Rancor’s which can be pretty huge, that and considering I believe he didn’t have trouble with any other Rancor on the planet. I’ll double check later.

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 10:21 am
Yeah alright. Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 1289255181

I just read through the battle itself, and he never mentions it there, so he would have to mention it at a later if he ever does.
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 10:23 am
VictreebelVictr wrote:Yeah alright. Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 1289255181

I just read through the battle itself, and he never mentions it there, so he would have to mention it at a later if he ever does.

Of course even disregarding that, the fact he describes it differently compared to the other Rancors does put it in another league itself. But I’ll check later when I’m home.

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 1:54 pm
Zenny is right. The rancor Marek struggles with is stated to be larger than the other rancors he fought and by far the largest living thing he's ever seen. Here are the citations, for those that care about context:

The Force Unleashed Novelization wrote:The thundering noise reached a peak as, with a roar like the colliding of worlds, the largest rancor yet crashed the bone walls aside and stood over them, dripping slime from its mandibles.


Surmounted with tusks and horns longer than he was, the brute - clearly a bull of the species - was by far the biggest living thing he had ever seen. Armor plating thicker than some starship hulls protected its neck and head. Its every movement was ponderous but powerful. It stank of alien flesh and the dark side. The imbalance that had tipped Maris Brood against the Jedi had also turned what had probably once been a noble beat into an insatiable monster.

Last edited by NotAA3 on December 28th 2020, 6:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 1:57 pm
Oh shit, I thought he was talking about the Rancor Kas'im made into sushi. Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 815462187

Sorry man.
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 28th 2020, 2:06 pm
Oh whoops! Wires crossed there, my bad VV. Ha.

Anyway AA, that’s what I thought. In which case given the evidence of how giant it was and the fact naturally a Rancor in its prime state is resistant to a lot of damage, this gigantic outlier Rancor with armor plating thicker than hulls found on starships on the beast itself, not really sure that should be an anti-feat for him.

In fact considering the Rancor seems to be carrying such thick armor plating with no issue, it also stands to reason it’s incredibly strong along with its giant size.

Last edited by Zenwolf on December 30th 2020, 10:20 am; edited 2 times in total

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 10:01 am
It is important to understand that Rancors are not a common sight and their descriptions are typically through the perspective of the characters who might run into them. For instance:

"Surmounted with tusks and horns longer than he was, the brute - clearly a bull of the species - was by far the biggest living thing he had ever seen." <-- This is Galen's perspective.

The beast which Lord Ka'sim ran into? It's description would be from his perspective.

There isn't such a thing as my Rancor is bigger than yours... Correct assumption is that Rancor BULLS happen to be really big and tough.

The Terentatek which Teneb Kel confronted - it is really massive for its kind - WE have VISUAL confirmation in this case.

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 10:44 am

If you're going to write an indirect rebuttal to my post, at least have the courtesy of tagging me.

It is important to understand that Rancors are not a common sight and their descriptions are typically through the perspective of the characters who might run into them. For instance:

"Surmounted with tusks and horns longer than he was, the brute - clearly a bull of the species - was by far the biggest living thing he had ever seen." <-- This is Galen's perspective.

The beast which Lord Ka'sim ran into? It's description would be from his perspective.

Yes, and unless you have reason to dismiss this perspective, I see no reason to. Galen's comments should be considered valid unless you have evidence to the contrary.

There isn't such a thing as my Rancor is bigger than yours... Correct assumption is that Rancor BULLS happen to be really big and tough.

Citation needed. I see no reason to assume this, and it goes contrary to what we know about real-life Biology - that animals (even within their own species) can/do vary massively in size - why wouldn't SW be the same?

The Terentatek which Teneb Kel confronted - it is really massive for its kind - WE have VISUAL confirmation in this case.

And we have Galen's comments in this case... which you're arbitrarily dismissing for seemingly no reason.
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 10:46 am
S_W_LeGenD wrote:It is important to understand that Rancors are not a common sight and their descriptions are typically through the perspective of the characters who might run into them. For instance:

"Surmounted with tusks and horns longer than he was, the brute - clearly a bull of the species - was by far the biggest living thing he had ever seen." <-- This is Galen's perspective.

The beast which Lord Ka'sim ran into? It's description would be from his perspective.

There isn't such a thing as my Rancor is bigger than yours... Correct assumption is that Rancor BULLS happen to be really big and tough.

The Terentatek which Teneb Kel confronted - it is really massive for its kind - WE have VISUAL confirmation in this case.

Well yes Rancors are big, but given Galen had encountered other Rancors before and he took them out without any issue, such as blasting one with Lighting.

A rancor bearing a Felucian rider thundered through the forest, crushing delicate life-forms beneath its clawed feet and sniffing for his scent. The apprentice jumped from mushroom cap to mushroom cap until he was in a position above the rider's head, then he leapt down with lightsaber swinging. The rider's organic headdress covered everything from the neck up, as with all the warriors. He had some Force resistance, but he couldn't withstand Darth Vader's apprentice for long. Once the rider was dispatched, he brought down the rancor with a stream of Sith lightning that made its eyes shine like the headlights of a city speeder. It died with a roar that echoed through the jungle.

- Force Unleashed

Then going on to fighting a dozen Rancors and their riders.

He followed it, wondering what might lie at the end. He crossed blades with several Felucian raiding parties, all of them mounted atop foaming, barely controllable rancors. Their behavior suggested to him that he was heading in the right direction. When they ran from him, they a I ways tried to draw him off the path. When he returned to the path, another raiding party appeared. Soon he was fighting a dozen rancors and at least as many of the Felucian warriors. The more determined they became to stop him, the more determined his insistence that he continue unchecked. When another squadron of Imperials descended into the maelstrom, the conflict threatened to become a stretch for him, just for a moment.

The sound of a rancor screaming its death throes was one he had carried with him after his last trip to Felucia, occasionally disturbing his dreams. He had never thought it a sound to which he could so quickly become accustomed . . .


Then he goes out of his way to describe how huge this other Rancor is, it's clearly > other Rancors he had seen(which even the average Rancor is going to be huge), couple this with the armor plating that it wore adding to an already natural strong defense it already has along with its strength, I dunno if I'd see it as an anti-feat.

Last edited by Zenwolf on December 30th 2020, 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 10:49 am
Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 1289255181 That, too.
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 11:29 am
Also I'm not exactly sure why it's a negative against Kota. Being that this is his first appearance, there isn't anything to contradict that he couldn't be just that powerful to dismiss Galen's lighting or fight evenly with him for a time. The fact that it's noted that he stood out during the Clone Wars(not just because of his troops), a Jedi Master(which already are few within the Jedi Order) along with his own feats, there isn't anything to suggest that it should be a negative.

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 11:33 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
NotAA3 wrote:@S_W_LeGenD

If you're going to write an indirect rebuttal to my post, at least have the courtesy of tagging me.

My apologies, friend. Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 228124001


Thanks for the information. That is instructive. And yes, these are not anti-feats. Not for Galen Marek and not for any other Force-user.

This thread is hilarious, but it does put things into perspective as well, in its own unique way.
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 11:44 am
The Rancor is an anti-feat? Since when?
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Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

December 30th 2020, 8:31 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
In all honesty, I'm not really understanding a lot of these so called 'fails', because many just don't make sense.

Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Galen Marek Disrespect Thread

January 27th 2021, 1:15 pm
LETS GOOOO Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 2668642404 Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 2668642404 Galen Marek Disrespect Thread - Page 2 2668642404
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