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Level One
Level One

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Empty Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights?

August 26th 2020, 12:20 pm
Level One
Level One

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Empty Re: Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights?

August 26th 2020, 12:31 pm
I find the Dread Masters kinda...strange. Collectively and individually they are powerful(as shown with Ocrion), but at the same time they get capture by a Republic SF Team and a singular Jedi Knight and get locked away on Belsavis.

Unless I've missed something(probably, haven't played TOR in awhile, only going back when big story updates happen)...then I find it extremely bizarre any of that happened.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Empty Re: Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights?

August 26th 2020, 3:16 pm
They're said to have unprecedented dark side power during the Dread War storyline.

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Sheev_sig_3
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Empty Re: Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights?

August 27th 2020, 1:38 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
By the time of the Dread War, they as a collective are arguably more powerful than any Jedi or Sith that have preceded them bar Vitiate imo.

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? IJgYXn1
Caelus Pall
Caelus Pall

Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Empty Re: Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights?

August 28th 2020, 11:27 am
For all their supposed "unprecedented dark side power", they aren't impressive and don't rank very highly.
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Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights? Empty Re: Where would the Dreadmasters rank in power in comparion to the heavy weights?

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