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Bad Batch animated series... Empty Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 8:15 am
Bad Batch animated series... B4EBGEYl
The series follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in The Clone Wars) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. Members of Bad Batch -- a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army -- each possess a singular exceptional skill, which makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew. In the post-Clone War era, they will take on daring mercenary missions as they struggle to stay afloat and find new purpose.

The Slick Obi
The Slick Obi

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 9:04 am
I saw this last night, interesting that the Bad Batch did not stay in the Imperial military. I wonder (due to their genetic weirdness) if they even had the chips in their brains  Bad Batch animated series... 1668617588.
Level Six
Level Six

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 9:05 am
Bad Batch arc was horrible in S7 in my opinion. Not looking forward to this at all.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 9:20 am
HellfireUnit wrote:Bad Batch arc was horrible in S7 in my opinion. Not looking forward to this at all.

Should make it about Delta Squad in Imperial special forces

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 11:51 am
HellfireUnit wrote:Bad Batch arc was horrible in S7 in my opinion. Not looking forward to this at all.
Didn't think it was bad tbh. Leagues better than Martez Sisters arc.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 9:17 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Typical Dave Filoni. I'm not really feeling this one.

And it's already been confirmed that Ashoka is going to show up. She's got more appearance in the new canon than Darth Vader outside of the comics.

Why not use Delta or Omega Squadron? New characters that we haven't seen?

They have a ton fans. Filoni knows this, yet he only chose to grant them a cameo in the animated Clone Wars series.

Fans begged for Clone Commando's and instead of Delta or Omega Squadron we got Filoni's half asses version on Clone Commando Gregor, which was one of the worst arcs in the Clone Wars.

Dave Filoni claims to love the EU and yet Every. Single. Time. he brings something in he changes it just for the sake of changing it. I suspect it's all about ego and there may be a financial incentive he gets.

Night Sisters, Mandalorians, Death Watch, Asaj Ventress, Korriban, General Greivious' origin, Malahcor, Illum, Kyber Crystals, the Noghri, Twileks interbreeding with humans, Denegar's origin, Darth Maul's origin, etc.

The list goes on. Very few of Filoni's changes were actually improvements.


I'll reserve final judgement until I see a trailer, but I don't personally feel any hype for this show at this time.
Level One
Level One

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 9:57 pm
Thrawn wrote:Typical Dave Filoni. I'm not really feeling this one.

And it's already been confirmed that Ashoka is going to show up. She's got more appearance in the new canon than Darth Vader outside of the comics.

Why not use Delta or Omega Squadron? New characters that we haven't seen?

They have a ton fans. Filoni knows this, yet he only chose to grant them a cameo in the animated Clone Wars series.

Fans begged for Clone Commando's and instead of Delta or Omega Squadron we got Filoni's half asses version on Clone Commando Gregor, which was one of the worst arcs in the Clone Wars.

Dave Filoni claims to love the EU and yet Every. Single. Time. he brings something in he changes it just for the sake of changing it. I suspect it's all about ego and there may be a financial incentive he gets.

Night Sisters, Mandalorians, Death Watch, Asaj Ventress, Korriban, General Greivious' origin, Malahcor, Illum, Kyber Crystals, the Noghri, Twileks interbreeding with humans, Denegar's origin, Darth Maul's origin, etc.

The list goes on. Very few of Filoni's changes were actually improvements.


I'll reserve final judgement until I see a trailer, but I don't personally feel any hype for this show at this time.

...AGAIN with Ahsoka? I honesty am indifferent to her as a character, but she's been through 3 eras, is closely connected to the movie cast and now she's gonna appear in...this? Why exactly?

Also what did Filoni change about Grevious' and Dengar's origin? From what I'm reading, they mostly stayed the same.

Also yes...the poor Nightsisters/Mandalorians....Mandalorians and pacifism don't go together. The Nightsisters just....what?

Really though I think Filoni is kinda overrated.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 10:56 pm

EU Grievous was damaged in a shuttle crash (secretly caused by Dooku and Sidious) so that he would agree to cybernetic augmentation. They also installed neural implants that amped his rage from what I recall. It's all in Labyrinth of Evil.

Clone Wars Grievous voluntarily turned himself into a cyborg to compete with the Jedi as explained by Filoni in the Lair of Grievous featurette.

Significant difference.

Denegar was originally injured in a Swoop bike race against Han Solo and wore bandages because of his injuries.

Clone Wars Denegar is Simon Pegg in a head scarf.


As I stated I'm okay with some of the changes, others are just awful.

But the key point is "Why change anything at all?"

A lot of the characters and lore required no reworks. They're just changed...for reasons.

For someone who claims to love the EU as much as Filoni does, he sure doesn't respect any of it in his adaptations.
Level One
Level One

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 11:19 pm

 Ah well guess that’s what I get from going off the wiki. Still fair enough.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 14th 2020, 11:34 pm

I forgot to mention Quinlan Vos.

I'm not a fan of Quinlan Vos (I like him, but not enough to consider myself a fan) but he was a much better character in the Dark Horse comics. He's a totally different character in the Clone Wars. 

He's so different, there was no reason to call him Quinlan Vos.

That character was massacred by Filoni.

I love the Clone Wars series, but the EU changes Filoni made every single time frustrated me because they were pointless.
Level Six
Level Six

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 12:00 am
Filoni is not just overrated, he is straight trash.
Level One
Level One

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 12:18 am
Well since TCW is starting from a clean slate, they could do what they wanted. I honestly can’t remember much of Vos in TCW other than him with Obi-Wan chasing Cad Bane. It’s also why if discussing previous Canon(read C-Canon) to just ignore it, makes things make a heck of a lot more sense in both character and lore/timeline wise. 
Supplement material relating to TCW such as those comics or novels, simple treat it as such only to TCW. This way no headaches in trying for rationalization.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 7:24 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Yeah trying to mix EU and TCW is hopeless since the latter doesn't acknowledge the former in the slightest
Level Seven
Level Seven

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 11:14 am
So Ahsoka has so far appeared in:

The Mandalorian,

And now this. Jesus Christ.
Level One
Level One

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 11:21 am
HellfireUnit wrote:Filoni is not just overrated, he is straight trash.

I mean...I kinda agree with this? But TCW had some nice episodes.

Although this favoritism with Ahsoka and pushing her into all 3 SW eras, interacting/being important to movie characters, setting her into shows which...I don't get why she would be in them to start with, is kinda much. Kinda like K'Kruhk, although there are differences that make it slightly better for K'Kruhk.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 11:52 am
HellfireUnit wrote:Filoni is not just overrated, he is straight trash.
Completely disagree. Filoni is generally pretty damn good at making the episodes. The problem is that he either tries to shoehorn his favourite character Ahsoka into everything or completely disregards existing lore because he doesn't like it, which includes character portrayals, the romanticisation of Anakin, demonising the Jedi, etc. As stand-alone works (and so ignoring previous depictions of everything, established lore, etc), TCW for example is great. When you try to reconcile it with existing lore, that's when you can really see its problems.
Level One
Level One

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 12:10 pm
BoD wrote:
HellfireUnit wrote:Filoni is not just overrated, he is straight trash.
Completely disagree. Filoni is generally pretty damn good at making the episodes. The problem is that he either tries to shoehorn his favourite character Ahsoka into everything or completely disregards existing lore because he doesn't like it, which includes character portrayals, the romanticisation of Anakin, demonising the Jedi, etc. As stand-alone works (and so ignoring previous depictions of everything, established lore, etc), TCW for example is great. When you try to reconcile it with existing lore, that's when you can really see its problems.

I can agree with this yeah, TCW on its own within the Current Canon fits nicely. But it can't fit within C-canon continuity, it's basically 2 separate timelines at that point.
Level Six
Level Six

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 15th 2020, 12:18 pm
BigMouthPrick wrote:
HellfireUnit wrote:Bad Batch arc was horrible in S7 in my opinion. Not looking forward to this at all.
Didn't think it was bad tbh. Leagues better than Martez Sisters arc.

Disagree. At least taco sisters weren't completely unrelated with the plot and not cliche as Bad Batch.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 19th 2020, 10:12 pm
Thrawn wrote:Typical Dave Filoni. I'm not really feeling this one.

And it's already been confirmed that Ashoka is going to show up. She's got more appearance in the new canon than Darth Vader outside of the comics.

Why not use Delta or Omega Squadron? New characters that we haven't seen?

They have a ton fans. Filoni knows this, yet he only chose to grant them a cameo in the animated Clone Wars series.

Fans begged for Clone Commando's and instead of Delta or Omega Squadron we got Filoni's half asses version on Clone Commando Gregor, which was one of the worst arcs in the Clone Wars.

Dave Filoni claims to love the EU and yet Every. Single. Time. he brings something in he changes it just for the sake of changing it. I suspect it's all about ego and there may be a financial incentive he gets.

Night Sisters, Mandalorians, Death Watch, Asaj Ventress, Korriban, General Greivious' origin, Malahcor, Illum, Kyber Crystals, the Noghri, Twileks interbreeding with humans, Denegar's origin, Darth Maul's origin, etc.

The list goes on. Very few of Filoni's changes were actually improvements.


I'll reserve final judgement until I see a trailer, but I don't personally feel any hype for this show at this time.

LOL Ouch.

This is pretty true though. It frustrates me how many people worship TCW while there's basically an objectively better version in the original multimedia project. People get frustrated at sequel fans for liking the films while not knowing the original versions of the stories that are better. I basically feel that way with TCW fans. 

Also there's Ahsoka who completely derailed Anakin's development during the war. People complain that Rey is handed everything and that all the other characters were turned into stepping stones for her. While I agree and hate Rey, I feel like TCW dumbed down and oversimplified characters just to prop up Ahsoka who isn't even in ROTS or mentioned so focusing on her is pointless. 

The final arc that takes place during ROTS honestly just feels like fan fiction. Like just by watching ROTS I have a hard time believing that Anakin has an offscreen former Padawan that's fighting a revived Darth Maul offscreen and somehow it's never mentioned. 

TCW was a large part of my childhood but looking back there are just more and more things about it that I don't like.

Last edited by TheNuisanceBird on July 20th 2020, 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 19th 2020, 10:13 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:Disagree. At least taco sisters weren't completely unrelated with the plot and not cliche as Bad Batch.

Well I'd rather have a show about the Bad Batch rather than the Martez sisters lol

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 4:50 am
Quinlan Vos is also rumoured to appear

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 10:04 am
Gianfi wrote:Quinlan Vos is also rumoured to appear

Wouldn't be surprised. The canon version would fit right in.
Level One
Level One

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 10:32 am
 TheNuisanceBird wrote:

LOL Ouch.

This is pretty true though. It frustrates me how many people worship TCW while there's a basically an objectively better version in the original multimedia project. People get frustrated at sequel fans for liking the films while not knowing the original versions of the stories that are better. I basically feel that way with TCW fans. 

Also there's Ahsoka who completely derailed Anakin's development during the war. People complain that Rey is handed everything and that all the other characters were turned into stepping stones for her. While I agree and hate Rey, I feel like TCW dumbed down and oversimplified characters just to prop up Ahsoka who isn't even in ROTS or mentioned so focusing on her is pointless. 

The final arc that takes place during ROTS honestly just feels like fan fiction. Like just by watching ROTS I have a hard time believing that Anakin has an offscreen former Padawan that's fighting a revived Darth Maul offscreen and somehow it's never mentioned. 

TCW was a large part of my childhood but looking back there are just more and more things about it that I don't like.
I think it’s because TCW is/was more readily available, as you yourself noted it was a big part of childhood. I mean sure there was also the OCW but those weren’t long episodes and not hugely character focused apart from Anakin, though it certainly fits better to the movies and the battles were extremely huge to where I felt like an actual war was happening, the first 3 minutes of the 1st episode shows that.

 But yeah I think the comics, novels, OCW and games fleshed out Anakin better at least imo. Of course such material isn’t readily available, but that’s kinda the only obstacle. All of the material also didn’t really throw a whole bag of monkey wrenches into everything.  
Which is why it makes far better sense to separate C-Canon from T. Yeah technically T is there, but it starts a clean slate compared to meshing with C. It certainly makes for less headaches and trying to rationalize things that can’t be.

 Plus they didn’t have Anakin and Dooku fighting like every other week, which to me really devalues their final duel in RoTS.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 1:42 pm
Yeah it's easier since TCW's on screen as opposed to books and comics which people won't wanna read. Out of all things I agree with Jensaarai1 on it's TCW. I feel like if the original multimedia project was exposed more people would realize how much better it is. 

I didn't get Anakin and Dooku meeting so often. Same with Grievous and Obi-Wan. 

"You fool! I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku!" 

That line basically is the equivalent of the confirmation of Anakin and Grievous not meeting until ROTS. They could've just had other Jedi fight them instead like Mace Windu who was honestly portrayed really poorly in the show. Asides from his center spot episode in season one they don't do much with him and was another character that was oversimplified. I feel like they took his portrayal in the films too literally and as a result Mace in TCW just comes off as an incredible dick and a "because fuck you that's why" type of person. 

Honestly while it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he'd be ten times better than Kathleen Kennedy in her position it'd be foolish to pretend that Dave Filoni's perfect and hasn't said stupid shit that fans would get upset over if KK said them. 

There's a meme that goes around saying how Anakin in a 20 minute episode has more development than he does in the films when that's not true. As a result of Ahsoka existing they cut out his development and as a result he and Obi-Wan stay relatively stale throughout the entire show. The most is in the Mortis arc but that gets deleted because it's reset as it basically just gets dismissed as a dream sequence. Anakin's already shown to be ok with using his anger whereas a post AOTC Anakin regretted using his first Force choke. There's really not much they could do with him because of Ahsoka's existence. 

Even going back to Anakin and Dooku meeting, if their Legends counterparts where locked in the pirate jail with each other realistically they'd get along pretty well. 

Honestly during my rewatch of Rebels I enjoy it way more than TCW. People say the animation and art style isn't great when TCW has a lot of weirdly shaped heads as well. For me Rebels is less infuriating to watch than TCW. Rebels does have retcons and does have watered down versions of previous stories but it's not to the same extent as depending on the arcs, the individual stories are more contained. 

I don't hate Filoni but if you take the rose tinted glasses off, half if not most of the shit TCW does with retconning comes off as pretty insulting so when people say they'd trust him as a higher up I don't think they really understand what that means.

Bad Batch animated series... Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 1:44 pm
BoD (away) wrote:the romanticisation of Anakin, 

What about this? I'm wondering if it's for the same reasons I have.
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