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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 19th 2020, 9:56 pm
I see everyone always go on and on about the Old Republic or Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War characters, some NJO ones too.

But do you guys have any clue where the Legacy characters rank among all the Force Users? They don't seem to get discussed about as much.

Or is it mostly because lack of material on their part?

Not exactly including Krayt on this, mainly cause that guy has been around since...forever, but mainly looking at the characters within the Legacy era itself.

So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 19th 2020, 10:35 pm
I say this as someone who likes to wank Cade, but I don't think Legacy characters are particularly powerful. A lot (most) of the characters don't have well-established hype that even comes close to even TPM Maul, and they're sorely lacking in Force feats. Jan (or Ostrander?) clarified that they'd write Darth Talon - one of the most powerful Sith in the era - to lose to Aayla Secura. Their main Sith - who is much more powerful than everyone else - is basically dying from the Vong coral seeds, with power established as comparable to Muur, and in terms of combative achievements, he's given a decent fight by early series Cade who was basically given a crash course in Jedi+Sith training and is sorely lacking in Mastery. It's overall a piss-weak era, and the only powerful characters really appear to be Prime Cade and Reborn Krayt.
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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 19th 2020, 10:51 pm
NotAA3 wrote:I say this as someone who likes to wank Cade, but I don't think Legacy characters are particularly powerful. A lot (most) of the characters don't have well-established hype that even comes close to even TPM Maul, and they're sorely lacking in Force feats. Jan (or Ostrander?) clarified that they'd write Darth Talon - one of the most powerful Sith in the era - to lose to Aayla Secura. Their main Sith - who is much more powerful than everyone else - is basically dying from the Vong coral seeds, with power established as comparable to Muur, and in terms of combative achievements, he's given a decent fight by early series Cade who was basically given a crash course in Jedi+Sith training and is sorely lacking in Mastery. It's overall a piss-weak era, and the only powerful characters really appear to be Prime Cade and Reborn Krayt.

Hm....well that's interesting given that everything else as far as world building and the like went up a few notches, seems strange that the characters would be weak apart from Cade and Krayt.

Was under the impression that the Imperial Knights and at least Roan Fel would be pretty good too.
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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 19th 2020, 11:04 pm
Zenwolf wrote:I see everyone always go on and on about the Old Republic or Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War characters, some NJO ones too.

But do you guys have any clue where the Legacy characters rank among all the Force Users? They don't seem to get discussed about as much.

Or is it mostly because lack of material on their part?

Not exactly including Krayt on this, mainly cause that guy has been around since...forever, but mainly looking at the characters within the Legacy era itself.
i mean, i assume that normal force users are normal force users, period. a regular jedi will always be a regular jedi. what matters is the training, which is why i generally assume that an OR jedi and Fel's knights would beat pretty much any other jedi from different times. i actually like the legacy characters, so i usually place characters (the more main ones, of course) above ayla (ironic cuz of that author thing mentioned above), but below someone like kit fisto. for cade, i put him at ROTS obi wan lvls. For his dad, i put him above someone like plo koon, fisto, etc, but below ROTS kenobi. its hard to gauge his ass. for vong krayt, i honestly feel like he stands on the spot that 19/18 BBY vader stood, by looking at him, Muur, and how they interacted (Vader never lost to Muur like that, but Krayt was dying and held some of his power back as to keep the little shits at bay, so this is mostly assumption on my part). Dark side Cade is very impressive imo. him oneshotting that cyborg looking sith bitch was a pretty good feat, from where i stand. I could put him at semi Dooku lvls of power for that.

So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 19th 2020, 11:16 pm

Hm....well that's interesting given that everything else as far as world building and the like went up a few notches, seems strange that the characters would be weak apart from Cade and Krayt.

Was under the impression that the Imperial Knights and at least Roan Fel would be pretty good too.

I say "weak", but most of the characters are actually solid tier 7s. The point I'm trying to get across here isn't that the characters are all just terrible fighters, it's more that they're lacking solid tier 8 and 9 combatants - as I said they have absolutely no one who is really indicated to be above TPM Maul - when contrasted with other eras who have a shit ton. Considering Talon - sub-Aayla Secura - is better than the majority of Sith in Krayt's Empire, and Cade - the main protagonist of the series - is given continually decent fights by her for the majority of it we're looking at pre-prime Cade (who competed with Vong Krayt) being around Quinlan Vos level at best, and a similar level for Wyyrlok (probably around a similar level to pre-prime Cade based on him being much less powerful than Vong Krayt). They're two low tiers 8s at best, meanwhile, the PT has Maul, Kenobi, Dooku, etc, all as mid-high tier 8 combatants. And as for tier 9s before Cade and Krayt hit their peak... well Vong Krayt being ~ Karness Muur pretty much throws that out of the window (scales too low down from Sidious's supremacy quotes). The only combatants who at all have the potential to be high tier 8s or tier 9s are realistically speaking, Prime Cade and Prime Krayt.
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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 20th 2020, 12:18 am
NotAA3 wrote:@Zenwolf

Hm....well that's interesting given that everything else as far as world building and the like went up a few notches, seems strange that the characters would be weak apart from Cade and Krayt.

Was under the impression that the Imperial Knights and at least Roan Fel would be pretty good too.

I say "weak", but most of the characters are actually solid tier 7s. The point I'm trying to get across here isn't that the characters are all just terrible fighters, it's more that they're lacking solid tier 8 and 9 combatants - as I said they have absolutely no one who is really indicated to be above TPM Maul - when contrasted with other eras who have a shit ton. Considering Talon - sub-Aayla Secura - is better than the majority of Sith in Krayt's Empire, and Cade - the main protagonist of the series - is given continually decent fights by her for the majority of it we're looking at pre-prime Cade (who competed with Vong Krayt) being around Quinlan Vos level at best, and a similar level for Wyyrlok (probably around a similar level to pre-prime Cade based on him being much less powerful than Vong Krayt). They're two low tiers 8s at best, meanwhile, the PT has Maul, Kenobi, Dooku, etc, all as mid-high tier 8 combatants. And as for tier 9s before Cade and Krayt hit their peak... well Vong Krayt being ~ Karness Muur pretty much throws that out of the window (scales too low down from Sidious's supremacy quotes). The only combatants who at all have the potential to be high tier 8s or tier 9s are realistically speaking, Prime Cade and Prime Krayt.

Hold up, can't you also say that for like DotJ characters or even some ToTJ characters? Yet we see them sometimes in VS that are up against some pretty top tier combatants.

Because how do you guess which characters are Tier 8 or 9s?
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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 20th 2020, 1:29 am
not this shit again. tiers arent for power, they're for skill my guy.

So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 20th 2020, 7:24 am

Hold up, can't you also say that for like DotJ characters or even some ToTJ characters? Yet we see them sometimes in VS that are up against some pretty top tier combatants.

Sure, but I don't see the relevance to my point. You can rank characters in any way you want, I'm just saying from my perspective the holistic portrayal of characters in Legacy is that they aren't painted as particularly high up on the tier lists of other eras. Talon is high on Legacy scaling chains and Secura - who per writer intent is above Talon - is pretty low on PT ones.

Because how do you guess which characters are Tier 8 or 9s?

We look at the scaling chains. We know for a fact Secura scales down pretty massively from the tier 8s of the PT (e.g. Maul, Kenobi, etc), whereas Talon is portrayed as beating or contending with most characters in the era - she beats Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao simultaneously early on and consistently contends with Cade for the majority of the series.
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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

March 20th 2020, 11:43 am
excluding reborn krayt,cade skywalker and wryylok 
i said the majority enter to the nivel of tpm maul only a few to at least aotc kenobi levels
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So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly? Empty Re: So where do the Legacy characters stand exactly?

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