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Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 1:06 pm
I’ll love to hear your opinion on this
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 1:30 pm
Yes, Kenobi Ragdolls Dooku so hard
Level One
Level One

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 1:48 pm
Isv wrote:Yes, Kenobi Ragdolls Dooku so hard
Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? 39523600
Level Seven
Level Seven

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 2:28 pm
No, but there's a pretty obvious power gap.
Level Three
Level Three

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 2:41 pm
i think it depends. like, Dooku is good 2x more powerful than kenobi by the beginning of ROTS, but by mustafar, i think they are even.
The Witness
The Witness

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 3:51 pm
watch the film. Dooku shitstomps Kenobi its not even funny
Level One
Level One

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 6th 2020, 8:26 pm
Seeker lmao

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 7th 2020, 2:39 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Nah but he's clearly got the right skills to seek and create openings to do so, and catch him before he has a chance to brace himself. Is he that much more powerful than Kenobi? No because Vader is even more powerful than Dooku and Kenobi was able to hang with him. It's not like Yoda's tooling of Ventress where clearly there is an enormous power gap, it's just a matter of skillful timing.
Level Four
Level Four

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 7th 2020, 3:25 am
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 7th 2020, 5:22 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Define ragdolling. Even Sidious can't outright penetrate Maul's Force barriers, so Dooku doing that to Kenobi is evidently implausible. However, Dooku can skillfully exploit and engineer lapses in Kenobi's defense and "ragdoll" him that way, which is what we saw in happen in the story.

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Sheev_sig_3

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 7th 2020, 5:25 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Azronger wrote:Define ragdolling. Even Sidious can't outright penetrate Maul's Force barriers, so Dooku doing that to Kenobi is evidently implausible. However, Dooku can skillfully exploit and engineer lapses in Kenobi's defense and "ragdoll" him that way, which is what we saw in happen in the story.

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? 1289255181 Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? 1289255181 Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? 1289255181
Level One
Level One

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 7th 2020, 5:38 am
Blade_of_Dorin wrote:Seeker lmao
Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? 1019854026
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 26th 2020, 11:19 am
Level Three
Level Three

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

January 26th 2020, 11:22 am
Power wise no. If there was, Dooku wouldn't have been in such a hurry to hurl Kenobi after getting a surprise choke on him. And even that feat required Dooku to expend all of his energy.

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

February 4th 2020, 4:43 pm
No unless Palpatine is helping out. Think, Anakin and Obi Wan are equals but why couldn’t Dooku throw Anakin who was literally about to kill him?

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

February 4th 2020, 10:31 pm
ROTS, Wrede: wrote:
"He can’t fight in two directions at once, Obi-Wan thought as he came up behind the Count. If we can — 
Count Dooku half-turned and raised a hand. A rush of dark power lifted Obi-Wan off his feet and choked the air from his lungs. He reached for the Force to counter Dooku, but the attack had been too sudden. He saw Dooku twist, kicking out at Anakin with all his weight behind it. Anakin fell backward, and Dooku hurled Obi-Wan over the edge of the balcony. 
Obi-Wan dropped to the floor below and lay half-stunned. Distantly, he felt a surge in the dark side, and then a large chunk of the balcony hurtled down at him. His last thought before he lost consciousness was, It’s up to Anakin now."

In the movie, Dooku, counters both Obi's and Ani's strikes at the same time, then chokes Obi while kicking Ani. After Ani is removed shortly from the kick, Dooku, then proceeds to ragdoll Obi. The Junior ROTS Novel is close to the movie’s portrayal. However, notice that is says that the TK assault was too sudden for Obi to counter.

ROTS, Stover: wrote:"He gathered the Force once more in a single indrawn breath that summoned power from throughout the universe; the slightest whipcrack of that power, negligent as a flick of his wrist, sent Kenobi flying backward to crash hard against the wall, but Dooku didn't have time to enjoy it."
"Kenobi reached the top of the stairs and a single slash of his lightsaber dismantled both droids. Before their pieces could even hit the floor Dooku was in motion, landing a spinning side-stamp that folded Skywalker in half; he used his last burst of dark power to continue his spin into a blindingly fast wheel-kick that brought his heel against the point of Kenobi's chin with a crack like the report of a huge-bore slugthrower, knocking the Jedi Master back down the stairs. Sounded like he'd broken his neck. Wouldn't that be lovely?There was no sense in taking chances, however. While Kenobi's bonelessly limp body was still tumbling toward the floor far below, Dooku sent a surge of energy through the Force. Kenobi's fall suddenly accelerated like a missile burning the last of its drives before impact. The Jedi Master struck the floor at a steep angle, skidded along it, and slammed into the wall so hard the hydrofoamed permacrete buckled and collapsed onto him."

In the Senior Novel, Obi was never ragdolled, only force pushed. Dooku, while defending against Both Ani and Obi got a force push in on Obi that hurled him across the room at the start of the fight, like the movie. Dooku seemed to force push Obi with rather little effort (a flick of his wrist). Obi wasn't KO'D till another force push came from Dooku. This time it was after Dooku incapacitated Obi with a kick until the second force push was delivered.

In the ROTS comic Obi is KO'D by a kick from Dooku, without the added force push after that which was in the Senior novel.

OT: The fact that Dooku can ragdoll Obi while fighting Anakin at the same time should pretty much speak for itself. I'd say Dooku can ragdoll Obi If he wants to.
Level Three
Level Three

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

February 7th 2020, 4:33 am
I quite like the theory that Palpatine was pulling some background shit that led to Obi-Wan being rag dolled, even if it's just a theory.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

February 7th 2020, 6:32 am
It's a nonsense theory. Sidious wouldn't have gotten involved because he didn't want to risk his cover.

Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

February 7th 2020, 6:54 pm
No there isn't. Dooku can Force push him when he hasn't got a barrier up, which isn't the same as ragdolling him.
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Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi? Empty Re: Is there a ragdoll gap between dooku and Kenobi?

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