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Level Three

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

December 27th 2019, 5:31 pm
oh man, people still use the gillard dueling rating thing for this kriff? im honestly impressed.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Dooku vs. TPM Sidious

January 17th 2020, 6:05 am
Level Three
Level Three

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:11 am
Sidious wins.
Level Six
Level Six

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:24 am
Sidious comfortably
Level Seven
Level Seven

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:26 am
TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 CostlySmoggyGoldfinch-size_restricted

Sidious uses his moves to force Dooku to surrender.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:29 am
@HellfireUnit @Latham2000 I disagree, Dooku has shown his ability to withstand the PT Titans in direct combat (namely, Yoda on Vjun). A Yoda that was arguably more powerful than his ROTS iteration. As Yoda was amped by Vjun as well, it's a far more impressive showing than if Dooku was the sole one amped. From TPM to ROTS, Sidious' power increases dramatically, hence why Dooku's (somewhat) relativity to Yoda is far more impressive than TPM Sidious.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:33 am
TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 39523600
Level Seven
Level Seven

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:35 am
As Yoda was amped by Vjun as well

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 39523600
Level Three
Level Three

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:37 am
BoD (Away) wrote:
As Yoda was amped by Vjun as well

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 39523600
Level Seven
Level Seven

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:43 am
Aaaannnnyway, Yoda explicitly notes that Vjun Dooku is quite a bit more powerful than base Dooku (who he claims TCW Mace could match) and Yoda was fighting a two-front war as he was trying to resist the allure of the dark side at the same time.

Sidious is just more powerful. Skill is debatable, but Sidious is faster and can use his power to overwhelm the Count if he needs to.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:44 am
BoD (Away) wrote:Aaaannnnyway, Yoda explicitly notes that Vjun Dooku is quite a bit more powerful than base Dooku (who he claims TCW Mace could match) and Yoda was fighting a two-front war as he was trying to resist the allure of the dark side at the same time.

Sidious is just more powerful. Skill is debatable, but Sidious is faster and can use his power to overwhelm the Count if he needs to.

Yoda was clearly amped in the novel as well, as were Anakin, Whie, and Scout. They were all amped, and while he is > Base Dooku, Yoda was amped too, and Yoda's belief that Mace might be able to match Dooku means jackshit as Dooku contends with Yoda himself, an amped iteration of Yoda nonetheless.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:46 am
TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 39523600

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:48 am
If it's pre-boost TPM Sidious, Dooku takes it.

If it's post-boost TPM Sidious, Sheev takes it.
Level Seven
Level Seven

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:53 am
When did one author's intent > decades of lore surrounding nexuses?

Anyway, the novel itself says this: 

 Dooku brought his blade down toward the diminutive Jedi Master and Yoda parried, locking his blade against Dooku's. Yoda breathed, calming himself. "And yet, even here on Vjun, where the dark side whispers and whispers to me . . . love you enough to destroy you I do." 

And with that he leapt backward, out the window. Yoda bounded after him. In the dark Vjun air it was all he could do not to leap after Dooku, to fall on him like a green thunderbolt and annihilate him utterly.

Yoda is actively fighting the pull of the dark side throughout the novel, which is incredibly powerful to the point that even Yoda is trying not to murk Dooku.

Also, Dooku is much more experienced in the use of the dark side, so even if Yoda were amped, Dooku has both far more experience and control with the nexus and how to channel its power. He'd honestly be a lot more effective at channelling its power than Yoda, amping him a lot more than his former master.

Last edited by BoD (Away) on January 17th 2020, 6:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:53 am
NotAA3 wrote:If it's pre-boost TPM Sidious, Dooku takes it.

If it's post-boost TPM Sidious, Sheev takes it.
Should've specified, Pre Boost.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:54 am
BoD (Away) wrote:When did one author's intent > decades of lore surrounding nexuses?

Anyway, the novel itself says this: 

 Dooku brought his blade down toward the diminutive Jedi Master and Yoda parried, locking his blade against Dooku's. Yoda breathed, calming himself. "And yet, even here on Vjun, where the dark side whispers and whispers to me . . . love you enough to destroy you I do." 

And with that he leapt backward, out the window. Yoda bounded after him. In the dark Vjun air it was all he could do not to leap after Dooku, to fall on him like a green thunderbolt and annihilate him utterly.

Yoda is actively fighting the pull of the dark side throughout the novel, which is incredibly powerful to the point that even Yoda is trying not to murk Dooku.

Also, Dooku is much more experienced in the use of the dark side, so even if Yoda were amped, Dooku has both far more experience and control with the nexus and how to channel its power.
Vjun is an exception. It corrupts force users and amps them.
Level Seven
Level Seven

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 6:55 am
Corruption that Yoda is actively fighting against. So again: how was Yoda more powerful than normal when he's fighting Dooku and the nexus' effects at the same time?
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 7:28 am
TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 20200111
I think it's possible for Jedi to tap into the higher concentration of Living Force energy in a nexus without succumbing to or being disturbed by its Dark Side alignment. Quinlan Vos and Revan are characters who skirt the edge and so aren't disturbed by dark side nexuses.

Also, nexuses have different characteristics. I think Zygoola, Nathema and Malachor V are more disturbing than Vjun or The Works.
Level Four
Level Four

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 7:40 am
BoD (Away) wrote:When did one author's intent > decades of lore surrounding nexuses?

Anyway, the novel itself says this: 

 Dooku brought his blade down toward the diminutive Jedi Master and Yoda parried, locking his blade against Dooku's. Yoda breathed, calming himself. "And yet, even here on Vjun, where the dark side whispers and whispers to me . . . love you enough to destroy you I do." 

And with that he leapt backward, out the window. Yoda bounded after him. In the dark Vjun air it was all he could do not to leap after Dooku, to fall on him like a green thunderbolt and annihilate him utterly.

Yoda is actively fighting the pull of the dark side throughout the novel, which is incredibly powerful to the point that even Yoda is trying not to murk Dooku.

Also, Dooku is much more experienced in the use of the dark side, so even if Yoda were amped, Dooku has both far more experience and control with the nexus and how to channel its power. He'd honestly be a lot more effective at channelling its power than Yoda, amping him a lot more than his former master.
"In the dark, drunken Vjun air, Yoda was terrible to behold." 

"Just having a little fun," Whie said, appearing. "Scout, it's incredible. There's something about this place-can't you feel it? I've never felt the Force so strongly. Normally I would have to concentrate just to hold all these bones in the air, but here..." He hummed, waving his lightsaber like a conductor's baton. The two skeletons joined hands and began to dance. 

"I love this planet. It's just steeped in the Force. I could feel it the moment we touched the atmosphere. I'm usually a good pilot-" "Great pilot," Obi-Wan admitted. "-But here it was like the ship's hull and my skin were the same thing. I could feel exactly how much heat she could take, how much torque, how many rolls..."

Anakin hung in the air for an impossibly long time, let himself fall at last into a shoulder roll, two more shots at a droid trying to sneak up behind him, taking off its weapon hand and blowing out a knee, and then he was standing, perfectly balanced, with the blaster pistols steaming in the thin Vjun rain. "I could walk on water," he said. 

”The difference between Coruscant and here is like the difference between swimming in fresh water and in the ocean. I feel so buoyant." 

"A cabinet exploded in a shower of debris. Ventress was swinging for the girl, but the Force was strong in Scout, too, in this place and hour, and her parry was there before the killing blow could fall." 

"Usually the Force only helped Scout predict her enemies' moves when they were face-to-face, but the air of Vjun was rich even for her, and a prickling premonition had danced over her skin seconds before the caves started to collapse." 

All of the Jedi were amped by this nexus, so it's only logical that Yoda is as well. The author himself clarifies that Yoda and Dooku are both able to "surf" Vjun's nexus, implying that Yoda's capable of using the nexus too, which he does. Dooku's shown from his performance against Yoda that he's probably only < him, if not <=.
Level Seven
Level Seven

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 7:44 am
Meh, fair enough. Yeah, Dooku takes this.

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 8:20 am
Even pre-boost Sidious takes this. He was a peer of Darth Plagueis. 

As for his lightsaber skills, any improvement up to ROTS is negligible at best.
Level Two
Level Two

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 8:24 am
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 9:10 am
Sidious obviously
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 9:45 am
Merged the threads

TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Sheev_sig_3
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

January 17th 2020, 10:00 am
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TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku - Page 2 Empty Re: TPM Sidious vs ROTS Dooku

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