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Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:09 pm
Did they all live at the same time?
Level Four
Level Four

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:16 pm
No. Vitiate lived at the same time as all of them., but Exar was before Revan’s time. Revan and Nihilus lives at the same time. Malgus was 300 years later.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:19 pm
This isn't a versus battle. I'm moving it to the appropriate section.

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Sheev_sig_3
Level One
Level One

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:22 pm
Azronger wrote:This isn't a versus battle. I'm moving it to the appropriate section.

Oh sorry forgot
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:26 pm
To answer the question, no, not all of them lived concurrently. Here are the known dates of birth and death for all the people you asked about:

Exar Kun: unknown - 3996 BBY

Revan: 3994 BBY - 3638 BBY

Vitiate: 5113 BBY - 3630 BBY

Darth Malgus: 3701 BBY - unknown

Darth Nihilus: unknown - 3951 BBY

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Sheev_sig_3
Level One
Level One

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:47 pm
Azronger wrote:To answer the question, no, not all of them lived concurrently. Here are the known dates of birth and death for all the people you asked about:

Exar Kun: unknown - 3996 BBY

Revan: 3994 BBY - 3638 BBY

Vitiate: 5113 BBY - 3630 BBY

Darth Malgus: 3701 BBY - unknown

Darth Nihilus: unknown - 3951 BBY

Okay. Thanks
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 4:54 pm
To clarify, "BBY" means "Before the Battle of Yavin." It refers to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. In essence, BBY means how many years before ANH.

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Sheev_sig_3

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 1st 2019, 7:03 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? 1289255181 @Seturna: To expand on that a bit more --

Vitiate was over a hundred years old during the Great Hyperspace War -- the first major war between the Jedi and the Sith (led by Naga Sadow). Though, Vitiate didn't participate in the war, and he built his new Sith Empire from the surviving Sith after Sadow was defeated. A thousand years passed until Exar Kun fell to the dark side (alongside Ulic Qel-Droma) and triggered the Great Sith War. Kun was killed, and Revan was born two years later. Revan led the Jedi in the Mandalorian Wars in his early thirties, and Darth Nihilus is implied to have served under him as a Jedi. In the final battle of the war, Revan approved the activation of a super-weapon that, unbeknownst to him, turned Nihilus into a "wound in the Force" -- basically meaning he has to drain other people to survive. Revan then stumbled upon Vitiate's hidden Sith Empire in the Unknown Regions, fell to the dark side, and initiated the Jedi Civil War alongside Darth Malak. However, Revan was captured, redeemed back to the light side, and eventually killed Malak to end the war. Revan left again to the Unknown Regions to hunt down Vitiate (unsuccessfully). Two years later, Darth Nihilus rose to power as a member of the Sith Triumvirate -- the other members being Darth Traya (another fallen Jedi and Revan's former Jedi Master) and Darth Sion. They began the First Jedi Purge and dwindled the Jedi numbers to the dozens. Meetra Surik, aka the Jedi Exile, destroyed the Triumvirate and rebuilt the Jedi Order. 

Meetra then found Revan captured by Vitiate's Sith Empire, and together they tried to assassinate Vitiate, but Meetra was killed and Revan was imprisoned again in stasis. Three-hundred years later, Darth Malgus was among the foremost Sith warriors of Vitiate's Sith Empire in the Great Galactic War and directed the strike team that killed Revan after he escaped captivity. After Vitiate was rendered a spirit by the Hero of Tython, Malgus proclaimed himself the new Sith Emperor, though he was swiftly dethroned and nearly killed. Afterwards, Revan resurrected from the dead and attempted to return Vitiate back to a physical form in order to permanently destroy him. Revan partially succeeded in reviving Vitiate but never had the opportunity to fight him again, so he (more-or-less) commited suicide. Vitiate was killed once and for all about eight years later in the War of Zakuul (which involves the Outlander, Arcann, Vaylin, etc.). After Vitiate died, Malgus came back -- reconstructed into looking more Darth Vader-like due to his previous defeat -- as a major figure of the remnants of Vitiate's Sith Empire. 


Note that Vitiate and Revan were the only two to have ever actually met and fought one-another. Most of Revan's career was obsessing over killing Vitiate.
Level One
Level One

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 2nd 2019, 1:23 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? 1289255181 @Seturna: To expand on that a bit more --

Vitiate was over a hundred years old during the Great Hyperspace War -- the first major war between the Jedi and the Sith (led by Naga Sadow). Though, Vitiate didn't participate in the war, and he built his new Sith Empire from the surviving Sith after Sadow was defeated. A thousand years passed until Exar Kun fell to the dark side (alongside Ulic Qel-Droma) and triggered the Great Sith War. Kun was killed, and Revan was born two years later. Revan led the Jedi in the Mandalorian Wars in his early thirties, and Darth Nihilus is implied to have served under him as a Jedi. In the final battle of the war, Revan approved the activation of a super-weapon that, unbeknownst to him, turned Nihilus into a "wound in the Force" -- basically meaning he has to drain other people to survive. Revan then stumbled upon Vitiate's hidden Sith Empire in the Unknown Regions, fell to the dark side, and initiated the Jedi Civil War alongside Darth Malak. However, Revan was captured, redeemed back to the light side, and eventually killed Malak to end the war. Revan left again to the Unknown Regions to hunt down Vitiate (unsuccessfully). Two years later, Darth Nihilus rose to power as a member of the Sith Triumvirate -- the other members being Darth Traya (another fallen Jedi and Revan's former Jedi Master) and Darth Sion. They began the First Jedi Purge and dwindled the Jedi numbers to the dozens. Meetra Surik, aka the Jedi Exile, destroyed the Triumvirate and rebuilt the Jedi Order. 

Meetra then found Revan captured by Vitiate's Sith Empire, and together they tried to assassinate Vitiate, but Meetra was killed and Revan was imprisoned again in stasis. Three-hundred years later, Darth Malgus was among the foremost Sith warriors of Vitiate's Sith Empire in the Great Galactic War and directed the strike team that killed Revan after he escaped captivity. After Vitiate was rendered a spirit by the Hero of Tython, Malgus proclaimed himself the new Sith Emperor, though he was swiftly dethroned and nearly killed. Afterwards, Revan resurrected from the dead and attempted to return Vitiate back to a physical form in order to permanently destroy him. Revan partially succeeded in reviving Vitiate but never had the opportunity to fight him again, so he (more-or-less) commited suicide. Vitiate was killed once and for all about eight years later in the War of Zakuul (which involves the Outlander, Arcann, Vaylin, etc.). After Vitiate died, Malgus came back -- reconstructed into looking more Darth Vader-like due to his previous defeat -- as a major figure of the remnants of Vitiate's Sith Empire. 


Note that Vitiate and Revan were the only two to have ever actually met and fought one-another. Most of Revan's career was obsessing over killing Vitiate.

Thanks for the info.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? Empty Re: Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time?

October 2nd 2019, 12:11 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Did exar kun, revan, vitiate, malgus and Nihlius live at the same time? 1289255181 @Seturna To expand on that a bit more--

5113 - 4980 BBY: Vitiate was born 5113 years before the Battle of Yavin on Medriaas, a planet in the old Sith Empire established by the Dark Jedi Exiles 1787 years prior, to the planet's ruler, Lord Dramath, and an unnamed farmer woman in an act of adultery. Back then he was known as Tenebrae, a demonic child with eyes as black as the void and a voice as deep as the ocean. When he was six years old, he murdered both his mother and stepfather, and started developing his powers of the dark side. He went on a rampage from village to village, gaining a cult following. By the time he was ten, he had conquered the entire northern continent of Medriaas. It was at that point his real father and the planet's ruler, Lord Dramath, decided to investigate the rumors about the boy personally. However, Tenebrae's might proved greater, and he shattered Dramath's mind, severed his connection to the Force, and imprisoned his spirit in a holocron whose crystal matrix he had altered to be able to house the spirits of powerful Force-users. Three more years passed, and Tenebrae claimed all of Medriaas as his own. He travelled to Korriban and met with the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith and sovereign of the whole Sith Empire, Marka Ragnos. Ragnos recognized Tenebrae's power and formally christened him Lord Vitiate, taking him as his apprentice.

A century passed, and Marka Ragnos died from old age. This left a power vacuum that many Sith Lords sought to fill, but Lord Vitiate had secluded himself on Medriaas and chose not to participate in the struggle for the throne. In his stead, the chief contenders were Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh. Following Ragnos' burial ceremony, Sadow and Kressh dueled for the mantle of Dark Lord, but their bout was cut short by the untimely arrival of two Republic explorers named Gav and Jori Daragon. Convicted as spies, the Daragons were imprisoned by the Sith, but Sadow sensed his opportunity had come. He rescued Jori and murdered some of his own people, blaming the atrocities on the Republic and, through his deceit, justifying the act of going to war. And so was Naga Sadow crowned the new Dark Lord of the Sith, and by following the trail left by Jori as she escaped back to the Republic, he led the Sith Empire to war with the Republic, sparking the conflict known as the Great Hyperspace War. Towards the war's end, however, Sadow was betrayed by Gav, whom he had made his apprentice, which forced him to retreat. Upon his return to Sith space, his rival Ludo Kressh ambushed him, and the Republic fleet that pursued him exacerbated the situation. In the skirmish, Kressh met his end but Sadow managed to flee to Yavin IV where he slumbered for the rest of his life. Upon the rest of the Sith, the Republic had declared genocide. Here is where Lord Vitiate stepped in. By exploiting the fear and paranoia prevalent among the Sith, Vitiate convinced 8000 Lords to join him on his homeworld Medriaas where they would concoct a ritual that would bind the Sith together as the ultimate dark side weapon to use against the Republic. However, Vitiate double-crossed his brethren, and the actual purpose of the ritual was to extend his lifespan, which it did, at the cost of the 8000 Sith and all other life on the planet. Now a barren wasteland devoid of life, sound, color, and even the Force, Medriaas became known as Nathema, and the quasi-immortal Lord Vitiate assumed control of the remnants of the Sith Empire that he promptly led into the Unknown Regions. After a two-decade-long trek through space, the Sith arrived on the long-lost world of Dromund Kaas, where Vitiate reconstituted the Sith Empire and declared himself the Sith Emperor.

circa 4631 BBY: Sometime around a thousand years before Knights of the Fallen Empire, Vitiate began to grow disillusioned with the Sith Empire he had built, observing Sith philosophy to be limiting and narrow-minded. He discovered the planet Zakuul in Wild Space, and despite the primitive customs and culture of its people, he decided to found a new empire there. He hollowed out and possessed Valkorion, a champion of the Zakuulans, assuming his identity and proclaiming himself the Demon Savior of Zakuulan prophecy. Vitiate-now-Valkorion eventually came to be worshipped as a god and Emperor of the new Eternal Empire that he would rule in secret from Wild Space while simultaneously governing the Sith from Dromund Kaas.

3998 - 3996 BBY: Perhaps because of Vitiate's abandonment of Sith ways, the spirits of the ancient Sith did not respect his claim to power and chose to award their support to another. Exar Kun, a renegade Jedi who had long been fascinated with the dark side, discovered the resting place of Naga Sadow on Yavin IV and plundered his tomb. Meanwhile on Cinnagar,  another rogue Jedi named Ulic Qel-Droma had fallen to the dark side. Sensing Qel-Droma as a potential rival, Kun travelled to Cinnagar and challenged Qel-Droma to a duel. However, the battle was interrupted by a congregation of Sith spirits led by the shade of Marka Ragnos, who anointed Kun the new Dark Lord of the Sith, and Qel-Droma as his foremost apprentice. Together the pair launched the Great Sith War against the Republic, gathering allies such as the Krath cult, the Mandalorians, and a group of Jedi Padawans corrupted by Kun. During a raid on the Jedi Temple on Ossus, Ulic struck down his own brother, Cay Qel-Droma, which released him from the grip of the dark side. Remorseful, he betrayed Exar Kun and revealed the location of Yavin IV to the Jedi, who marshalled all their remaining forces in a bid to cut off the serpent's head. Realizing Kun couldn't win against the combined might of the entire Jedi Order, he evoked a ritual that separated his spirit from his physical body, hoping to roam the stars unrestricted by mortal limitations. However, the Jedi conjured a Wall of Light that trapped Kun's spirit inside his Great Temple where he would lay dormant for millennia. Without their leaders, the Krath cult collapsed, the Mandalorians were routed, and the remaining Sith students scattered across the galaxy.

3976 - 3950 BBY: In the following decades, Vitiate involved himself in the affairs of the greater galaxy for the first time. The Mandalorians were a proud and warmongering people, and the Sith Emperor exploited the desire for revenge and conquest that had been burning inside them since their defeat in the Great Sith War. He manipulated the new Mandalore, known by the sobriquet "the Ultimate," into launching a campaign against the Republic to soften it up for invasion by the true Sith Empire still waiting in the Unknown Regions. At first the Jedi Council ignored the depredations, sensing a more sinister force at work. However, a group of Jedi refused to let the defenseless innocents get slaughtered, and joined the war effort against the Mandalorians. The conflict came to be known as the Mandalorian Wars. Leading the Jedi was the man known as the Revanchist, or Revan, and among his closest followers were Alek Squinquargesimus and Meetra Surik. As the war progressed, Revan and Alek skirted closer and closer to the dark side, discovering the bits and pieces of the history and knowledge of the ancient Sith on worlds such as Korriban and Malachor V. The latter, in particular, Revan chose to be the final battleground of the war. Thus, in orbit above Malachor V, the Mandalorian and Republic fleets clashed for one last time. The dark side energies emanating from the planet below tempted Revan's Jedi followers and drew them closer to the dark side, while Revan himself slew Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat, and Meetra Surik ordered the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator, a superweapon that crushed every ship in close proximity to the planet's surface by multiplying the gravity of the planet. The instantaneous massive loss of life caused a scream that echoed through the Force and brought unbearable pain to Force-users. In desperation, Surik severed her own connection to the Force to end the pain and became a Wound in the Force in the process. Another casualty of the event was the man who would later become Darth Nihilus, who similarly became a Wound. Although the Republic proved victorious, the Jedi Council excommunicated Surik from the Order for her war crimes, and did the same to Arren Kae, Revan's former Jedi Master, whom the Council blamed for Revan's fall. Revan and Alek, however, they could not punish, for they did not return to the Jedi.

As Mandalore had breathed his last, he had revealed to Revan that the Mandalorians had not acted on their own but had rather been tricked into starting the war by the Sith hiding in the Unknown Regions. Following a trail that eventually led to Dromund Kaas, Revan and Alek confronted the Sith Emperor, but he was far too strong for them. He dominated their minds and turned them into slaves of his will, commanding them to find the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan factory capable of manufacturing an infinite armada of ships. With time, distance, and their own formidable willpower, the two former Jedi managed to break free of Vitiate's control, but the mental sorcery nonetheless warped their psyches, burying the memories of the true Sith Empire and its ruler, and making them think they were operating of their own volition. They discovered the Star Forge, and with its endless fleet, on top of a cadre of Dark Jedi and Sith converted during the Mandalorian Wars and some remnants from Exar Kun's time, the pair established their own Sith Empire and returned to the galaxy as Darth Revan and Darth Malak, Master and apprentice, determined to conquer the Republic they had once protected, launching the Jedi Civil War. However, Malak chafed under Revan's authority, attempting to seize the mantle of Dark Lord more than once. His moment of triumph came when Revan's ship was boarded by a Jedi strike team - Malak fired upon his Master and left him for dead, assuming leadership of the Sith. Unbeknownst to him, Revan survived and was brought to the Jedi Council who erased his memory in hopes of retraining him as an ally of the Republic again. The amnesiac Revan eventually learned of his true identity but remained in the light, and along with a group of allies, brought an end to the Jedi Civil War by killing Darth Malak and destroying the Star Forge. However, while he did regain his identity, he did not recover his memories, and for the next two years, Revan was plagued by nightmares of Dromund Kaas and the Sith Emperor. He eventually embarked on a quest to uncover the mystery of his past, but he got no farther than Nathema where he was captured by Darth Nyriss and Lord Scourge, two Sith from the true Sith Empire, who brought him to Dromund Kaas for interrogation.

While all of this was going on, some of the survivors of the Mandalorian Wars had gathered on Malachor V. Arren Kae, now an exile of the Jedi Order, fell to the dark side herself and took on the name Darth Traya. She discovered Darth Nihilus and taught him to harness his life-draining ability to greater heights. Traya also took on another pupil, Darth Sion, a marauder who had served first under Exar Kun and then under Darth Revan and Darth Malak, and together they formed the Sith Triumvirate. However, Sion knew only of pain and suffering, and nothing of knowledge or teaching, and Nihilus began to care less and less for the Sith and only sought to satiate his ever-growing hunger, so eventually they had had enough of Traya, and joined forces to oust her. The two went on to unite what remained of the Sith after the fall of Darth Malak, and began the Sith Civil War. They also started to systematically eliminate the Jedi in what became to be known as the First Jedi Purge. Five years after the Jedi Civil War, only a handful of Jedi remained, among them Meetra Surik. Darth Traya had also survived and abandoned the Sith, going by the name Kreia. She met with Surik, and the two became Master and student as they went on to locate the extant Jedi Masters and topple Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion. Along the way Surik gained several allies whom she trained in the ways of the Force, but Kreia became Darth Traya again, and Surik was forced to kill her at the heart of Malachor V. Afterwards, she left for the Unknown Regions in search of Revan while her allies remained behind to re-establish the Jedi Order.

Surik eventually found out Revan was held captive on Dromund Kaas by the true Sith. She brokered a deal with Lord Scourge, who had become entangled in a conspiracy to overthrow the Sith Emperor at the behest of his liege, Darth Nyriss. Upon witnessing the horrors of Nathema, the Emperor's birth world, both Sith had become convinced he was insane and needed to be stopped. However, over time Scourge came to find Nyriss an ineffectual and recreant leader to the cause, and agreed with Surik to betray her and liberate Revan. Scourge informed the Emperor of Nyriss' plans and had her stronghold swarmed by the Imperial Guard as a result. In the chaos, Surik and Scourge freed Revan, who killed Nyriss personally. The trio then attempted to assassinate the Sith Emperor, but the plan failed due to Lord Scourge's last-minute backstab of Meetra Surik. She was killed, Revan was captured and placed in stasis, and Scourge was promoted to the position of the Emperor's Wrath. However, the three had caused enough mayhem to delay the Empire's impending invasion considerably, and Revan was able to telepathically amplify the Emperor's paranoia through the mental link they shared to impede the invasion even further.

3701 - 3653 BBY: The subsequent centuries were peaceful and prosperous for the Republic and the Jedi Order as they recovered from three consecutive wars. For the Sith Empire, however, that time was spent in preparation for another war. One of its greatest warriors was Veradun, who was enrolled in the Sith academy on Dromund Kaas and apprenticed to Lord Vindican under the name Malgus. When the day of the war the Empire had spent millennia preparing for finally came, Malgus and his Master were the first Sith to cross blades with Jedi in almost three hundred years. Although Vindican was killed, Malgus proudly reconquered Korriban and was promoted to the rank of Darth. The Great Galactic War dragged on for decades, reaching its conclusion as Darth Malgus led fifty Sith Warriors to storm the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. However, Revan, whose lifespan had been prolonged by Vitiate's Sith alchemy, managed to calm the Sith Emperor through their mental link, and the Emperor called for an armistice between the Republic and the Empire, and Coruscant was not glassed as Malgus had hoped. This enraged him, and he left known space after his purpose in war had been stripped from him.

3642 - 3629 BBY: As tensions between the Republic and the Empire grew strained again, a string of events was set in motion. A Jedi Padawan who would became known as the Hero of Tython began training on the Jedi Temple on Tython, and a strike team led by him freed Revan from his prison, but in doing so severed the mental link that had pacified the Sith Emperor for so long. Revan eventually went rogue, hellbent on destroying the Empire, the Emperor, and the Sith species as a whole. However, suffering under mental torture for nearly three centuries had shaken his sanity, and an Imperial strike team was able to kill him before his plans could be initiated. Although Revan failed, the Hero of Tython went on to successfully foil the Emperor's schemes and strike him down on Dromund Kaas. Vitiate's physical vessel was destroyed, although his spirit survived and teleported to Yavin IV to recuperate. In his absence, Darth Malgus declared himself the new Emperor, although his bid was cut short by the same strike teams who had freed and killed Revan, respectively, but Malgus survived and his body was frozen in carbonite by Vitiate's servants after being recovered from the wreckage of the battle. Revan, too, despite his death, managed to avoid a permanent end at the hands of the strike team, as the dark half of his spirit had clawed its way back to the realm of the living and reanimated his corpse after being separated from its light half. Knowing of Vitiate's survival, the Dark Revan rounded up his followers, and the Order of Revan became a significant third faction in the newly-renewed war between the Republic and the Empire. Revan's plan to kill all life on Yavin IV to resurrect Vitiate in a physical body so he could kill him for good, though, was thwarted by the combined efforts of a group of Jedi and Sith working in unison who had deemed Vitiate a mutual threat to everyone and concluded Revan deluded to think he could defeat Vitiate alone. The former Sith Emperor, however, had gained enough fuel by leeching on the deaths of the Revanite conflict to teleport to Ziost, a planet he cleansed of life entirely to rejuvenate fully, after which he travelled to Wild Space. Revan, on the other hand, merged with his light half and became one with the Force, leaving the fate of the galaxy in the hands of the Hero of Tython and his companions.

The same splinter groups of the Republic and the Empire who had worked to stop Revan cooperated again in the hunt for Vitiate. On the border of Wild Space, they were assaulted by the Eternal Empire that had been waiting outside the known galaxy all this time. The Hero of Tython and Darth Marr were captured and brought before Valkorion, the Immortal Emperor of Zakuul, whom they immediately recognized as the former Sith Emperor. Valkorion killed Marr and offered to share his power with the Hero of Tython, but an act of treachery engineered by the Emperor's son, Arcann, resulted in Valkorion's demise. His spirit latched onto the body of the Hero of Tython, who was dubbed "the Outlander" by the Zakuulan populace and placed in carbonite, while Arcann ascended to the Eternal Throne as the new Eternal Emperor. In five years, the Eternal Empire defeated both the Republic and the Sith Empire, becoming the dominant faction in the galaxy. However, Arcann was far from the benevolent ruler Valkorion had been, and many rebelled against his tyranny. Lana Beniko and Koth Vortena organized a rescue mission to extricate the Outlander from carbonite so he could lead them to victory against the Eternal Empire. Valkorion's spirit offered the Outlander guidance and cryptic warnings as the latter took down Arcann, and later his sister, Vaylin. As the Outlander reached the Eternal Throne, Valkorion unveiled his true plan to possess the Outlander and govern galaxy once more. In a battle waged inside the Outlander's mind, Valkorion's spirit was finally snuffed out for good. Thus, Tenebrae - Vitiate - Emperor of the Sith - Valkorion - Immortal Emperor of Zakuul, was no more.

With three monarchs dead in the span of six years, the Eternal Empire's hold over the galaxy began to slip. Now that a common enemy had been taken out of the picture, hostilities between the Republic and the Sith Empire reignited. Darth Malgus was released from carbonite and placed as the vanguard of the Sith army. Malgus' final fate and the conclusion of the new war is unknown, but it will be explored in the upcoming Onslaught expansion for The Old Republic video game.

11 ABY: Over thirty-six centuries later, eleven years after the Battle of Yavin, Exar Kun's spirit was reawakened by the arrival of Luke Skywalker and his new band of disciples, who had chosen to establish their Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. Kun's spirit killed and corrupted several of Luke's students to the dark side, and even managed to separate Skywalker's essence from his body, leaving the Jedi Master comatose and defenseless. It was only through the combined efforts of Luke's pupils, Luke's spirit, and the spirit of Vodo-Siosk Baas, Kun's own ancient Jedi Master, that Exar Kun was finally vanquished forever.


Last edited by Azronger on October 3rd 2019, 6:41 pm; edited 3 times in total
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