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SWTOR rips shit off Empty SWTOR rips shit off

April 28th 2019, 3:00 pm
Part 1: Vitiate in vanilla TOR, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
(it goes without saying that if you're watcing through this anime, there will be spoilers)

Vanilla Vitiate's story is very comparable to that of Father from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Both of them start off as these otherworldly beings with great knowledge, Vitiate being this weird demon child with black eyes or some shit, and Father being a speck in a flask with an absurd degree of alchemical knowledge.

Then, they both deceive their respective civilizations into performing some ritual for the promise of immortality, but instead what happens is their respective civilizations are annihilated and their souls absorbed by Vitiate/Father, granting them great power and immortality.

They both then bide their time for centuries, both scheming at attaining the power of God. Father extracts some of his essence and creates the homonculi, his "Children" imbued with some of his essence and power... not unlike the children of the Emperor.

Both are portrayed as these cold emotionless beings who consider other people to be beneath them as insects, and for both eliciting an emotional response is something impressive and unusual.

Then they both attempt a similar ritual on an even larger scale to claim the power of God, both orchestrating a fuckton of bloodshed through war in order to perform this ritual.

Seems pretty damn similar to me, beat by beat, tbh.

The Eternal Empire, and Avatar the Last Airbender
So let's look at the set-up of ATLA and the Eternal Empire shit.

While the main protagonist is frozen (in Outlander's case for three years, in Aang's case for a century), an evil empire has subjugated the rest of the world.

The make up of this empire constitutes an evil tyrant (Valkorion and Ozai) who is kinda a terrible abusive father to put it bluntly. He has two children (not including Thexan here). Their daughter is a mentally unhinged prodigy with the force/firebending (Azula and Vaylin respectively), and their son is an angsty cunt who is not respected by his father and who has half of his face burned/fucked up (Arcann and Zuko). Their mother is estranged because of all the weird bullshit and ran off (Senya and Ursa).

The protagonist is unfrozen from the ice by a whamen (Lana/Katara) and returns to the Galaxy where he is being pursued by Arcann/Zuko. This protagonist is connected with a very powerful spirit (Valkorion's spirit and the Avatar Spirit) that allows them to occasionally go into this OP as fuck state where they just fucking destroy everything.

After Arcann/Zuko fails in his mission, he runs off with an older wiser family member (Senya and Iroh) and just kinda roams around and finds himself, while his sister (Vaylin and Azula) becomes the primary antagonist.

The brother and sister eventually fight each other, that's broken up, and eventually Arcann/Zuko is redeemed and joins Outlander/Aang's crew.

Hijinks ensue and Outlander/Aang have this final showdown with Valkorion/Ozai where they discover they can rob him of his power and best him. And a new alliance between disparate factions rules.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

SWTOR rips shit off Empty Re: SWTOR rips shit off

April 28th 2019, 3:47 pm
He also rips off sheev SWTOR rips shit off 2266747095
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

SWTOR rips shit off Empty Re: SWTOR rips shit off

April 28th 2019, 9:20 pm
Yeah, I've grown warmer to SWTOR over time but you really can't deny the lack of novelty is what drove me and others away from it in the first place. That, and the utter butchery it committed to KotOR's legacy.

SWTOR rips shit off Empty Re: SWTOR rips shit off

May 6th 2019, 6:38 am
In-sidiousvader wrote:He also rips off sheev SWTOR rips shit off 2266747095

And Nihilus
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

SWTOR rips shit off Empty Re: SWTOR rips shit off

May 6th 2019, 6:45 am
To be fair, any Sith worth his/her salt is going to be proficient in some variation of Force drain. It's a core power of the Sith, and it could arguably be above Force lighting vis-a-vis a Sith's primary weapon with the Force.
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SWTOR rips shit off Empty Re: SWTOR rips shit off

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