- The EllimistLevel Five
Which Sidious feats can the following replicate?
September 8th 2019, 12:27 pm
They have the same context, but cannot increase their overall power.
Unbalancing the Force to the level seen in the PT
Ashing sithspawn with lightning: https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11128/111282615/5927884-2389346681-42218.jpg
Cracking the foundations of Imperial Palace with a thought (or apparently being able to)
Dominating and draining 20 billion people on Byss
Burying the Lusankya with TK
Mind wiping witnesses to the Lusankya burial
Tanking Galen's suicide blast
Traveling through the Void to Byss after death
Consuming fleets and the Eclipse and teleporting fleets with Force Storms, given same time to study Force Storms
SWTOR Vitiate
Unbalancing the Force to the level seen in the PT
Ashing sithspawn with lightning: https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11128/111282615/5927884-2389346681-42218.jpg
Cracking the foundations of Imperial Palace with a thought (or apparently being able to)
Dominating and draining 20 billion people on Byss
Burying the Lusankya with TK
Mind wiping witnesses to the Lusankya burial
Tanking Galen's suicide blast
Traveling through the Void to Byss after death
Consuming fleets and the Eclipse and teleporting fleets with Force Storms, given same time to study Force Storms
SWTOR Vitiate
- BreakofDawnLevel Seven
Re: Which Sidious feats can the following replicate?
September 8th 2019, 12:37 pm
Only using the characters I know about, so Sirak is out.
Unbalancing the Force to the level seen in the PT - Vitiate, maybe. Other than that, none.
Ashing sithspawn with lightning: https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11128/111282615/5927884-2389346681-42218.jpg - Can't ash it, but all of them barring Ventress and Caedus can char it from the inside like Sheev.
Cracking the foundations of Imperial Palace with a thought (or apparently being able to) - Vitiate can. Dooku and Nihilus could too if they focused.
Dominating and draining 20 billion people on Byss - Vitiate given time.
Burying the Lusankya with TK - No clue.
Mind wiping witnesses to the Lusankya burial - Vitiate.
Tanking Galen's suicide blast - Vitiate, Nihilus, Dooku, Krayt...actually, I think all of them could with varying levels of damage.
Traveling through the Void to Byss after death - Vitiate.
Consuming fleets and the Eclipse and teleporting fleets with Force Storms, given same time to study Force Storms - Lol, none of them.
Unbalancing the Force to the level seen in the PT - Vitiate, maybe. Other than that, none.
Ashing sithspawn with lightning: https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11128/111282615/5927884-2389346681-42218.jpg - Can't ash it, but all of them barring Ventress and Caedus can char it from the inside like Sheev.
Cracking the foundations of Imperial Palace with a thought (or apparently being able to) - Vitiate can. Dooku and Nihilus could too if they focused.
Dominating and draining 20 billion people on Byss - Vitiate given time.
Burying the Lusankya with TK - No clue.
Mind wiping witnesses to the Lusankya burial - Vitiate.
Tanking Galen's suicide blast - Vitiate, Nihilus, Dooku, Krayt...actually, I think all of them could with varying levels of damage.
Traveling through the Void to Byss after death - Vitiate.
Consuming fleets and the Eclipse and teleporting fleets with Force Storms, given same time to study Force Storms - Lol, none of them.
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