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Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 16th 2020, 1:47 am
please add reasons
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 16th 2020, 3:05 am
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
Among dark-siders, Palpatine, unquestionably.

To preface, when a Sith dies, their spirit is banished into the void in less than a minute because they can't resist its pull. The only way they can do so is by latching themselves onto a reservoir of living Force energy, known as an anchor or a tether, in that brief interim between life and oblivion. In life, this was the midi-chlorians in their body, but in death, it can be any kind of dark side nexus from a planet to a tomb or an artifact. If this anchor is destroyed, however, the spirit in question loses their touch with the material realm and dissipates into the void. Freedon Nadd and Karness Muur have been noted to have relied upon their anchors to subsist in the physical realm, and Karness Muur is a good example of a spirit whose anchor was destroyed on-screen and we saw the dissolution process.

Palpatine is the only known Sith Lord to have resisted the pull of chaos and retained his individuality even after the initial buffer period without an anchor. When he died in Return of the Jedi, his spirit pulled itself back from the Netherworld "through sheer will," and he wandered the vacuum of space for over a year before reaching Byss while constantly resisting dissipation. When he died in Dark Empire, he was able to resist the void's pull "with little difficulty." His failed essence transfer attempt in Empire's End also couldn't stop him: he remained in the physical world despite the general rule for essence transfer being that your spirit is cast into the void you fail, which happened to Darth Bane and Valkorion.

In short, every other dark-sider besides Palpatine has simply dissipated on the spot upon the destruction of their anchor.

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Sheev_sig_3

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 19th 2020, 3:07 pm
Revan, Palpatine, or Tenebrae. Az did a good job explaining why Sidious is in the running. Tenebrae is up there for mostly the same reason, he had to resist the pull of Chaos to travel from Dromund Kaas to Yavin IV, and Revan died and held together his body through sheer will, after a 300 year war with Tenebrae and the Dread Masters.

If I had to pick a number 1 though, I guess I'd say Sidious.
Level Three
Level Three

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 19th 2020, 3:10 pm
Didn't Marr persist for years without an anchor
Level Three
Level Three

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 19th 2020, 3:15 pm
maul prolly fits in here somewhere.
Level Six
Level Six

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 19th 2020, 4:34 pm
Revan, Sion
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 19th 2020, 5:27 pm
Vader,palpatine and luke

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 19th 2020, 7:03 pm
KingofBlades wrote:Didn't Marr persist for years without an anchor
His anchor was Satele Shan Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? 3344068304

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 2:16 am

His failed essence transfer attempt in Empire's End also couldn't stop him: he remained in the physical world despite the general rule for essence transfer being that your spirit is cast into the void you fail, which happened to Darth Bane and Valkorion.

Every Jedi spirit up until then kept him captive, so how did they do that to him? He still stayed in the physical world while the spirits were doing this to him? I thought he was pulled into the void but the spirits had to keep him there. I've never really understood what really happened to him.

Also, you've made a really good case for Sidious. I am surprised that nobody mentioned Plaguies here.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 9:45 am

darthbane77 wrote:Tenebrae is up there for mostly the same reason, he had to resist the pull of Chaos to travel from Dromund Kaas to Yavin IV

Citation needed.

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Sheev_sig_3
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 9:46 am
KingofBlades wrote:Didn't Marr persist for years without an anchor

Citation needed.

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Sheev_sig_3
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 9:47 am
SnowxElf wrote:@Azronger

His failed essence transfer attempt in Empire's End also couldn't stop him: he remained in the physical world despite the general rule for essence transfer being that your spirit is cast into the void you fail, which happened to Darth Bane and Valkorion.

Every Jedi spirit up until then kept him captive, so how did they do that to him? He still stayed in the physical world while the spirits were doing this to him? I thought he was pulled into the void but the spirits had to keep him there. I've never really understood what really happened to him.

Also, you've made a really good case for Sidious. I am surprised that nobody mentioned Plaguies here.

The Jedi pulled him down into the Netherworld. At least that is my impression of it.

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Sheev_sig_3
Level Three
Level Three

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 10:32 am
Palpatine and Snoke.
Level Two
Level Two

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 3:49 pm
KingofBlades wrote:Didn't Marr persist for years without an anchor


Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 5:41 pm

- Revan cheating death in the battle of the Foundry
- Palpatine cheating death in the Battle of Endor
- Tenebrae cheating death in the Battle of Dromund Kaas
- Darth Marr

Among dark-siders, Palpatine, unquestionably.

To preface, when a Sith dies, their spirit is banished into the void in less than a minute because they can't resist its pull. The only way they can do so is by latching themselves onto a reservoir of living Force energy, known as an anchor or a tether, in that brief interim between life and oblivion. In life, this was the midi-chlorians in their body, but in death, it can be any kind of dark side nexus from a planet to a tomb or an artifact. If this anchor is destroyed, however, the spirit in question loses their touch with the material realm and dissipates into the void. Freedon Nadd and Karness Muur have been noted to have relied upon their anchors to subsist in the physical realm, and Karness Muur is a good example of a spirit whose anchor was destroyed on-screen and we saw the dissolution process.

Palpatine is the only known Sith Lord to have resisted the pull of chaos and retained his individuality even after the initial buffer period without an anchor. When he died in Return of the Jedi, his spirit pulled itself back from the Netherworld "through sheer will," and he wandered the vacuum of space for over a year before reaching Byss while constantly resisting dissipation. When he died in Dark Empire, he was able to resist the void's pull "with little difficulty." His failed essence transfer attempt in Empire's End also couldn't stop him: he remained in the physical world despite the general rule for essence transfer being that your spirit is cast into the void you fail, which happened to Darth Bane and Valkorion.

In short, every other dark-sider besides Palpatine has simply dissipated on the spot upon the destruction of their anchor.

While much of that is true, there are 'grey areas' in this matter. Darth Marr for instance.

Palpatine had created a FAIL-SAFE in Jeng Droga prior to cheating death in the Battle of Endor. This does not take away from his initial effort to cheat death and retain his essence in the maddening bodiless existence of the void, but having an acute psychic connection with Jeng would have helped him in coping with such circumstances for a lengthy duration, reach Byss, and awaken inside him.

Having a FAIL-SAFE is wise and smart while having to cope with such circumstances.

Azronger wrote:@darthbane77

darthbane77 wrote:Tenebrae is up there for mostly the same reason, he had to resist the pull of Chaos to travel from Dromund Kaas to Yavin IV

Citation needed.

Tenebrae does not perform Essence Transfer after his VOICE is bisected inside the Dark Temple:

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? 6757200-6970890955-64622

THAT is not Essence Transfer.

Essence Transfer is swift from one HOST to another HOST without the process being visible to naked eyes.

NOTE: Essence Transfer was not possible from within the Dark Temple because this structure was intentionally designed to TRAP all manner of Force ghosts inside via Sith Sorcery - a prison of Sith spirits.

Tenebrae's essence emerged from the bisected body (making itself visible) and proceeded to breach the Dark Temple in order to make its way to YAVIN 4; a clear display of manipulating the physical environment in this capacity.

This is also a remarkable display of power for Tenebrae in this capacity given the fact that his powers had almost diminished at this point. Breaching the Dark Temple is a feat even some of the most powerful Force-users could not manage while actively trying; each wall was thick in the order of meters which is uncommon for a structure. The Dark Temple was a solid prison for both living and the dead.

Tenebrae's essence had to actively resist the pull of the VOID while doing all that.

Tenebrae was something more than a living being and his essence could resist the pull of VOID for unspecified duration.

The Dark Temple would not be the tether for him because he would not be able to breach it and move to another planet then.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 9:25 pm
KingofBlades wrote:Didn't Marr persist for years without an anchor


Azronger wrote:Citation needed.

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Sheev_sig_3

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 9:45 pm

Interesting post, but it would be nice to see official sources to confirm. 

Also, I quickly just looked briefly and I found that Vitiate himself reconstructed the temple and did experiments there and he rid the spirits there. So the Idea that his spirit was trapped there doesn't really add up. 
Palpatine had created a FAIL-SAFE in Jeng Droga prior to cheating death in the Battle of Endor. This does not take away from his initial effort to cheat death and retain his essence in the maddening bodiless existence of the void, but having an acute psychic connection with Jeng would have helped him in coping with such circumstances for a lengthy duration, reach Byss, and awaken inside him.
Having a FAIL-SAFE is wise and smart while having to cope with such circumstances.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 20th 2020, 10:36 pm
Vader said fuck you to death twice at least. Forcing himself to stay conscious and climb mustafars hill, and then willing himself back to life at least once.

He's a contender. Along with Krayt

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

June 21st 2020, 6:53 am
SnowxElf wrote:@S_W_Legend

Interesting post, but it would be nice to see official sources to confirm. 

Also, I quickly just looked briefly and I found that Vitiate himself reconstructed the temple and did experiments there and he rid the spirits there. So the Idea that his spirit was trapped there doesn't really add up. 
Palpatine had created a FAIL-SAFE in Jeng Droga prior to cheating death in the Battle of Endor. This does not take away from his initial effort to cheat death and retain his essence in the maddening bodiless existence of the void, but having an acute psychic connection with Jeng would have helped him in coping with such circumstances for a lengthy duration, reach Byss, and awaken inside him.
Having a FAIL-SAFE is wise and smart while having to cope with such circumstances.

Thank you.

Servant One of the Emperor's Hand, in a private communication with the second Emperor's Wrath, disclosed this much:

While you silenced Darth Baras, the Jedi attempted the impossible feat of destroying the Emperor. Instead, they merely defeated the Emperor's true Voice.

The unexpected blow was a shock. The Emperor's consciousness was wrenched from his Voice. He now slumbers, gathering his strength.

WE see most of it ON VISUAL which I shared in my previous post.


Regarding Palpatine, the Jenga Droga angle was disclosed in the Star Wars Gamer magazine series no. 5 "The Emperor's Pawns."

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

January 19th 2021, 9:06 pm
Jedi= Obi-Wan
Don't know for Sith.

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

January 20th 2021, 8:31 am
Some great input

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

January 20th 2021, 10:43 am
Thanks man

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

January 22nd 2021, 7:33 pm
Sion for the Sith. Jedi, no idea tbh.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

January 22nd 2021, 10:01 pm
Vader for the sith

Jedi Jacen Solo
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Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why? Empty Re: Which Jedi and Sith has the strongest willpower and why?

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