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Vader's Environmental TK feats Empty Vader's Environmental TK feats

February 24th 2020, 9:34 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Lesser Known Vader TK Feats:

This is going to be a very short blog on the matter of some of Vader’s more impressive earlier showings with TK. This is honestly a little response to the lowballing idea of “muh Vader was being challenged with a being who can’t lift an x-wing he sucks.” Also, these are just cool environmental feats that don’t get any attention I wanted to share.

Dark Times Mining Unit:
Here Vader as of 19bby lifts and throws a Mining apparatus:
Vader's Environmental TK feats PrT0VXRrhi1lurFez9HnZYhQzuai0A-TgOiYHIvo38E8rqS9uJnw9ZYrtdkjryGEBqMql78yq_EoG73tteIzNyedT5IDmVouJ1M0x7mDpDsvOjTsyArh5hM02QEN27G6m6Lfyq2x
The scale of this thing is absolutely huge:
Vader's Environmental TK feats DniFxVLT6GPm9qcsViFH6-2T4J0JGdYOT6YdHwZKqPVkBloOyS1yXCjn95DNd95lgxcmWVSLoGfXd8Dx8sSlIZgx1lxSWz3zpJm0r99qkU_IVQ9U0fNCqLT4AWSbe7zreBQg64TI
Vader is on-top of one of them and as seen he’s utterly dwarfed by it.

It’s comparable in height to one of the cliffs which are seemingly comparable to that structure of the building:
Vader's Environmental TK feats ZORaLuNHYThvRgidor5_sUOIwPyD7DyyTkJsGdAhSeNp9i57PahM8Lgg3MkqMpVXAgnR9nHkLMv3TdYvwIOnxEpv78KS9Ol-uSwCCHi_FS_DRvWuzWbqqEkjoqn4CFicTH9Lyz8o
After Vader decimates it we get another view of that wheel:
Vader's Environmental TK feats 0hAziAQkwP0srhPDSDhdI1SpPcIA2pcUYK6TRmH3os_hZgR88e3tUt4vFd4z88HeLylBY9_3BwbapAwbnmJXNSDtRPpUIMBE6cyw-s3HJP1Cc4tmqopbYZMTvcVERpDw1la-zdA8

The Next one might seem very weird, how could lifting a large alien be a good TK feat? This thing is like the size of a starfighter though. Just to get an idea of the size and scale of the being Vader was manipulating:
Vader's Environmental TK feats NfxtEE-mZ-8KxHhV_1Jiw-vXTldWhe4xK_clt2BZdXjmFugNg8TuXiIkaIKazCvPgSMw5sJMRabROUjr2SPgIUIDJRAARKEpC6fEpm8mG9dleHijoY3ZZL2HUW_ZxH9xSt7hed9S
Vader's Environmental TK feats TsjgyzixPUgWUWPvo0XBXEazdmWSim5uCBjtn5PAXYAfSGey7qiJuDz3bR3QZjYe8u3ea2m-8MLEEUHFStec5Wy5-jXTHl6RLoGeaKdyOlZqwEl24S-XAo0QspvXZY8pjL3IY2vI
He’s doing this while a TK storm is swirling beings above him and he is fending off other foes with his lightsaber. It’s nothing incredible but that it’s worthy of note since this is 19bby again.

Vader's Environmental TK feats RkfnfbwqR6h0qyKB1RPdsWo8gT76lyajI06tFPVvhwZIobIzyELOrbLIKPs4gKv-BWPnEaiDgeN9K53aFSTsuFy1gH8pTRbeW49kHejBoID0von35p_huR1dTJ1lOVf3b6_KLThq
Big War Droids:
Straightforward, one for size comparison:
Vader's Environmental TK feats O2O5nCUcLqObBTFmgUj38km0ueeyBfcqFyyGYcsvq98iUxw0BUIFK_buVrpRWZUZGyu5ktPfnfAdP6uCHO5d5lxqp_RfGlN-yc_tokAWPvt3jvMIj9SnCYI9yWaUswPHYr5Y5N_k
He Iifts it and tears it apart:
Vader's Environmental TK feats DM4_T2L4fqfJNVDXGUjVH74cu3W_4WqkbogCHeXfPdD3bK4BgWN-yAk_TwDqrfyjJpt12by_v-ktrsQoE461I0006Ts825jf-X0F_eTxIB77SWvMG8F3etP79zdQ_XBQziuXnp3i
Vader's Environmental TK feats CCZVHWsHq5VFjbg0NR5fOS9OLI24cvRfsSArshyYk0MWWX2Fr1YP2LX4AIxi5fj1y6cRaRlhT4PB5F7G_Ai_SerwHrVIcDLyIuEjvkb8ACd9PTJNixemMhyFb6dC5kGPc7n0Q6g7
Here Vader lifts a mega Y-wing that in this first scan you can see dwarfs those X-Wings in the surrounding scan:
Vader's Environmental TK feats T4PEbd3FrORFKotw1p181Weyq-9AdTbvkDKvDwoiyL3q46qMamprlg_Xhxs7Rgb1nk-XLnAEDWoaKDv_3OcrFgo-74EkmFAAXXbh2kghw4SUovmFfKv34e7YZ1sD-FhMvLFjsKMu
Then tosses it:
Vader's Environmental TK feats N2k2x_VFNmv5qzcFkOqPl2FmHo3yzkGQBjpW8wtJUuCozXEZXQXZiz93m7bU5IgJsirL-OltJQFdeMDcNMTSIxgs-Ha_04LcAKvTvcqC2y_RLfDQQzhExFM_T0w5tPiv2cyb4EE8

Mega Repulse:

Vader sends some 30 or 40 people flying:

Vader's Environmental TK feats Sd4vFXZP85p44oTRFbHGM1zZ_7JEmbrK92bNlp2e3Tlz-oLWymmQs9x7nMUOedb1HEP1RjjsJp44=s1600

The publisher summary for the comic says that there are thousands of soldiers:

Vader's Environmental TK feats Unknown

And they are all in line:

Vader's Environmental TK feats Unknown

Not sure he blew a thousand soldiers away with his TK seeing as how many of them are still fighting but he sure repulsed a large number of them since the rest of the stragglers were picked off by a crew of about 20.

That’s it, just a small catalog of Vader’s TK feats, I don’t want to hear anymore about Vader failing to hold back Tie Fighters and being equal with someone unable to lift an X-wing, thanks.

Last edited by Isv on February 24th 2020, 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level One
Level One

Vader's Environmental TK feats Empty Re: Vader's Environmental TK feats

February 24th 2020, 1:18 pm
Nice. Just one thing involving the 3rd feat, that’s a V-wing not an A-wing.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Vader's Environmental TK feats Empty Re: Vader's Environmental TK feats

February 24th 2020, 1:43 pm
Zenwolf wrote:Nice. Just one thing involving the 3rd feat, that’s a V-wing not an A-wing.

Will edit, thanks.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Vader's Environmental TK feats Empty Re: Vader's Environmental TK feats

February 26th 2020, 11:07 am
nice post my lord
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