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Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

May 26th 2020, 10:22 pm
Gianfi wrote:Ahsoka is being wanked as hell. Even her N1 Wanker, Filoni, said she is weaker than Maul and her victory was circumstancial. Just like TPM Kenobi defeated TPM Maul. In the very episode when order 66 is issued Ahsoka would have died to clones if rex didn't intervene, why Maul stomped everyone by just using the stomp. She couldn't prevent his ship from goign away, while even K'kruhk could do that lol. Against Vader she didn't perform much better than the likes of Eeth Koth, Barr or Infila. She was stalemated by Rebels Maul, and she didn't instalty stomp the Inquisitors. Hell Maul arguably performed against them better than her when he was introduced in rebels. She is stronger than the likes of Ventress or Oppress, but has got nothing on Dooku, Kenobi, Maul or Vos. Dooku has dueled against Yoda and even held his own against him, took on Kenobi + Anakin at the same time several times and so on. Ahsoka on the other hand confirmed to Maul she wouldn't last for long time against Anakin. You need to get Ahsoka's tits off your eyes for a couple of seconds guys
Level Five
Level Five

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

May 27th 2020, 1:13 pm
@Gianfi Your post is absolutely false.

Gianfi wrote:Ahsoka is being wanked as hell. Even her N1 Wanker, Filoni, said she is weaker than Maul and her victory was circumstancial. Just like TPM Kenobi defeated TPM Maul

Dave Filoni said that:
- Maul is a better duelist
- He is overconfident, thus underestimating his opponent (as usual)
- Ashoka needs all her focus and the ability to control her to defeat him
- It will take hugely on Ashoka to compete at his level
[Response of Filoni]

From this answer we can understand that despite not being as good as a duelist as Maul, while working at her best level, she defeats Maul. 
This win isn't circumstantial and cannot be compare at all with the defeat of TPM Maul by the hand of TPM Kenobi which was a cheapshot more than a defeat. 

Gianfi wrote:In the very episode when order 66 is issued Ahsoka would have died to clones if rex didn't intervene, why Maul stomped everyone by just using the stomp.
Have you watch the episode ? Because Ashoka actually face alone some clones (including Rex) and managed to escape. In addition to this you absolutely forget that Ashoka didn't want to hurt the clones that she faced. Indeed they were her friends! So obviously Ashoka cannot go in full rampage mode like Maul... 

Gianfi wrote:She couldn't prevent his ship from goign away, while even K'kruhk could do that lol.
Once again you are completely missunderstanding the context of the feat of Ashoka. Contrary to K'kruhk she wasn't trying to destroy the ship (because she needs it to escape) so instead of just tossing it on the floor she was trying to counter the full power of the reactor in order to stop the ship from escaping.

Now lets have a more in depth analysis of the feat on itself in order to understand why this is way more impressive that what you claim.
When K'kruhk bring down the Empire's ship he didn't counter the full potency of the engine but rather only compete with the stabilisator of the ship (the thing that allow the ship to stay stable) 
Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 4692945-k%27kruhk%20brings%20down%20ship%201 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 4692947-k%27kruhk%20brings%20down%20ship%202 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 4692948-k%27kruhk%20brings%20down%20ship%203 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 4692949-k%27kruhk%20brings%20down%20ship%204
What Ashoka achieve is way way more impressive [Ashoka holding back Maul]

She counter the full power of the reactor (you can see that Maul increase the power of the reactor after being firstly stopped by Ashoka) and hold back the ship. The only reason for her to let the ship go was because she was under the clones' attack. 

Now lets have a brief comparison with someone else who achieve a nearly similar success (in the legend I agree): Darth Malgus.
Deceived wrote:He reached out with the Force as Razor continued its rise, tried to take it in his mental grasp. Its ascent slowed. He held forth both of his arms, made claws of his hands, and shouted with frustration as he sought to hold back the power of the ship’s thrusters.
He felt a tightness in his mind, the string of his power being drawn taut, stretching, stretching. He would not release the ship. Its thrusters began to whine. He held it, teeth gritted, sweat soaking his body, his breath a dry rattle through his respirator.
And then the string snapped and the ship flew free, lifting clear of the roof doors.

As you can see here, Malgus failed to hold back the ship. Despite this, Malgus is someone able to dispatch several tons of rocks and metal to crush him:
Deceived wrote:Malgus stood in a pocket under a mountain of rubble, legs bent, the power from his upraised hands preventing several tons of duracrete and steel from crushing him

And this happened before Malgus' growth because of him killing his love:
Deceived wrote:Thinking of Eleena blew oxygen on the embers of his anger. In life, Eleena had been his weakness, a tool to be exploited by rivals. In death, she had become his strength, her memory the lens of his rage.
He resided in the calm eye of a storm of hate. Power churned around him, within him. He did not feel as if he were drawing on the Force, using it. He felt as if he were the Force, as if he had merged with it.
He had evolved. Nothing split his loyalties any longer.

Deceived wrote:He served the Force and only the Force, and his understanding of it increased daily.

So it is pretty clear that Ashoka would be able to do way more than just holding some tons of stone with TK... 

Is this still something laughable? 

Gianfi wrote:Against Vader she didn't perform much better than the likes of Eeth Koth, Barr or Infila.
She faced a way more powerful version of Vader thus her performance put her way above Koth, Barr or Infila who only faced a newly suited Vader who isn't used to fight with it. Knowing that Vader is considered as the best duelist of the era, her showing is more than insanely good.

Gianfi wrote:She was stalemated by Rebels Maul, and she didn't instalty stomp the Inquisitors. Hell Maul arguably performed against them better than her when he was introduced in rebels.
The fight was just way to short to claim that Maul stalemate her. Yes she didn't stomp him but knowing that Rebels Maul is weaker than TCW Maul and that Rebel Ashoka is better than her TCW iteration it is obvious that she is Maul superior and even by a pretty huge margin when you see that she can face Vader for a pretty long time  

For the inquisitor argument I will just quote what @King Joker precisely explained:
King Joker wrote:Lol, besides the obvious authorial intent in that duel, Ahsoka is so unthreatened by the end of the (brief) fight that she literally deactivates her lightsabers and proceeds to physically and telekinetically disarm and incapacitate the Seventh Sister. The implication that there was any degree of parity between the duo and Ahsoka is patently absurd.

Gianfi wrote:She is stronger than the likes of Ventress or Oppress, but has got nothing on Dooku, Kenobi, Maul or Vos. Dooku has dueled against Yoda and even held his own against him, took on Kenobi + Anakin at the same time several times and so on. Ahsoka on the other hand confirmed to Maul she wouldn't last for long time against Anakin.
Do you remember that Dooku was trashed by Anakin when he operates at full power on the IH? Dooku only faced Anakin and Obi-Wan because they were trapping him. Once again you forget that the objectif was to capture Dooku not to kill him. 

Knowing that S7 Ashoka was able to hold her own against TCW Maul and even defeat him and taking into account that she grows massively between RotS and Rebels this isn't absurd at all to think that she is able to compete with Dooku. If you want we can do a SS in order to konw which one will win...

Gianfi wrote: You need to get Ahsoka's tits off your eyes for a couple of seconds guys
This is one of the most stuppid thing you ever said! Ashoka is a really well written character so people love her. This could be an explanation for her being wank. however she isn't at all over-sexualized so really this sentence is just stupid and insulting for people who think that she is a good character.


Stop saying stupid things about Ashoka!
Level Three
Level Three

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

May 27th 2020, 1:31 pm
Damn Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 1289255181

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 1st 2020, 11:50 am
My only issue with that response is that we're now comparing Ahsoka to Malgus lol
Level Five
Level Five

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 2nd 2020, 1:28 am
TheNuisanceBird wrote:My only issue with that response is that we're now comparing Ahsoka to Malgus lol
And why this is a problem? If character A can achieve a better feat than character B we can at the very least compare A and B
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 2nd 2020, 8:38 am
Solidly below season 7 Maul as of TCW. Should be around his level by Rebels. Hard to quantify how much she grew between TCW and Rebels because there is such little material to quantify it off of. Open to her being above him by Rebels, however. That said, I have Rebels Maul below TCW Maul due to age, lack of practice and insanity.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 2nd 2020, 9:05 am
@BoD: Rebels Ahsoka is noted to be vastly more skilled than S7 Ahsoka.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 7380512-desc%C4%83rcare
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 2nd 2020, 9:13 am
Neat find, thanks.
Level Five
Level Five

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 2nd 2020, 11:55 am
@BoD How can you argue that S7 Ashoka is "solidly below" TCW Maul when she faced and even defeated him? 
You can argue that she a bit below him but on his league but absolutely not that she is "solidly" below Maul, this makes absolutely no sense. 
Based on this and on the fact that in rebel she is way more powerful than her S7 iteration, she must be "solidly" above TCW Maul.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 2nd 2020, 1:17 pm
xolthol wrote:And why this is a problem? If character A can achieve a better feat than character B we can at the very least compare A and B

Well it's just sorta weird imagining Ahsoka doing what Malgus can lol 

I mean Ezra Bridger also has some Malgus level stuff as well so canon scaling is ridiculous. Like he literally executes a 20 foot Force jump prior to any training. That's some Darth Bane/Plagueis level shit there. 

Fuck Rey, Ezra's the real top fuck.
Level Five
Level Five

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 7:32 am
@TheNuisanceBird Yes comparing canon scaling and legend one isn't so much efficient. However this is still valid
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 3:46 pm
DarthAdi wrote:@BoD: Rebels Ahsoka is noted to be vastly more skilled than S7 Ahsoka.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 7380512-desc%C4%83rcare
do you have any type of source for that scan?
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 3:47 pm
btw nice post xolthol by rebels i have ashoka above dooku.
Level Six
Level Six

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 4:21 pm
Nothing suggests there is a notable gap between Maul and Ahsoka during Rebels and they seemed to be around the same level. How come post-prime Maul is a match for Dooku when he was very well below Dooku as of SOD?

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 4:50 pm
@HellfireUnit: Why is Rebels Maul post-prime? Rebels Maul matching a vastly more skilled version of Ahsoka than the one that could contend with TCW Maul suggests that Rebels is Maul's prime, at least as of season 2. And why is SOD Maul very well below Dooku?

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 5:07 pm
@The lord of hunger: Star Wars: The lightsaber Collection.
Level One
Level One

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 5:42 pm
DarthAdi wrote:@HellfireUnit: Why is Rebels Maul post-prime? Rebels Maul matching a vastly more skilled version of Ahsoka than the one that could contend with TCW Maul suggests that Rebels is Maul's prime, at least as of season 2. And why is SOD Maul very well below Dooku?

My theory is that he is post prime in S3
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 3rd 2020, 7:26 pm
@Xolthol Afraid I don’t have the time to respond to it in the near future so consider this a concession. By “solidly”, I meant that there’s a distinct gap whereby even Dave comments on it, albeit it’s not one that can’t be bridged, if that makes sense.
Level Five
Level Five

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 4th 2020, 3:14 am
@BoD I think I understand your idea but I disagree with it.

@The lord of hunger Thanks


Nothing suggests there is a notable gap between Maul and Ahsoka during Rebels and they seemed to be around the same level. How come post-prime Maul is a match for Dooku when he was very well below Dooku as of SOD?

Contrary to what you claimed, there is evidence for Ashoka to be above Maul as in Rebels and even by a pretty huge margin. As I already explained:

Xolthol wrote:Knowing that S7 Ashoka was able to hold her own against TCW Maul and even defeat him and taking into account that she grows massively between RotS and Rebels this isn't absurd at all to think that she is able to compete with Dooku.
Level Three
Level Three

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 4th 2020, 8:22 am
@oxolthol I think what BoD means is that Ahsoka put a lot more effort in fighting Maul than Maul did in fighting Ahsoka, which is what made the fight so competitive. Ahsoka being able to compete with Maul in TCW doesn't necessarily mean they're on the same level because you don't need to be on someone else's level to compete with them, which you're also implicitly arguing for Maul vs Ahsoka in Rebels, because you're saying that there is evidence that Ahsoka is above Maul in Rebels by "a pretty huge margin," but Maul still managed to compete with her for roughly 2 minutes.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

June 4th 2020, 12:16 pm
Latham2000 wrote:@oxolthol I think what BoD means is that Ahsoka put a lot more effort in fighting Maul than Maul did in fighting Ahsoka, which is what made the fight so competitive. Ahsoka being able to compete with Maul in TCW doesn't necessarily mean they're on the same level because you don't need to be on someone else's level to compete with them, which you're also implicitly arguing for Maul vs Ahsoka in Rebels, because you're saying that there is evidence that Ahsoka is above Maul in Rebels by "a pretty huge margin," but Maul still managed to compete with her for roughly 2 minutes.
Pretty much this.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 3:37 am
@SithSauce @Nute_Chethray @xmysticgohanx
I wonder if yall will change your view that Ahsoka is > Dooku once you realize post prime Rebels Maul is her confirmed superior:

Reality is often disappointing. Post prime Maul>Dooku. Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 815462187 Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 815462187
Level Four
Level Four

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 3:41 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Bro I don’t really care for Canon but that quote doesn’t say shit.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 3:45 am
CuckedCurry wrote:Bro I don’t really care for Canon but that quote doesn’t say shit.

It says the logical pairing is to pair the weakest Jedi, Ezra, with Maul. Therefore, Maul is the strongest since he is paired with Ezra, who is the weakest.

It's quite simple. The only way it could be more straight forward is if they said Maul>Ahsoka.

Where Ahsoka Tano stands - Page 3 Empty Re: Where Ahsoka Tano stands

February 9th 2021, 3:45 am
Now I shall wait for the squirming to commence.
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