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Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 27th 2019, 5:28 pm
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Level Six
Level Six

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 27th 2019, 5:30 pm
Yoda decimating thousands of battle droids and ships.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 27th 2019, 5:49 pm
Marek wiping out an army of clones collectively superior to Vader by a wide margin while already exhausted from his prior atomisation of the Salvation springs to mind.

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 27th 2019, 7:08 pm
Nadd is credited as having "army-busting waves of power". Not a feat, exactly, but impressive nonetheless.

The Emperor's Wrath II cutting through thousands of the Republic best troops on Balmorra, while still apprenticed to Darth Baras.

Revan single-handedly driving the Sith off Korriban.
The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 27th 2019, 7:39 pm
some of the sith-army busting feats of Revan/Meetra
basically everything in OCW
DE Sidious
Luke in TUF and some of the NJO comics
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 3:06 am
Qui-Gon TK'ing that one battle droid.
Level Three
Level Three

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 3:48 am
Yeah that was insane

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 9:29 am
I loath army busting feats.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 9:39 am
I guess Tulak Hord's feats too
Level Four
Level Four

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 9:40 am
Level Six
Level Six

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 9:42 am
Wasn't Hord's busting is a myth/implication only?

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 10:36 am
We know he single-handedly killed thousands of Jedi at the battles of Yn and Chabosh. Whether he had aid in the battles as a whole (aside from Khem Val) or not, it's still impressive.
Level Six
Level Six

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 11:03 am
Well, they could be false rumors though. Noone was there are people only passed down the stories from thousands of years ago. He is known to be a legendary duelist and a Sith Sorcerer as far as I know, him killing thousands of Jedi was never shown nor witnessed by anyone in the mythos we know.

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 11:08 am
...Literally false, we have a living eye-witness in Khem Val who corroborates and recounts these feats.
Level Six
Level Six

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 11:12 am
Oh, my bad then. Thanks for correcting detective Peralta.
Level One
Level One

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 28th 2019, 10:24 pm
Meatpants wrote:Qui-Gon TK'ing that one battle droid.
This tbh

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 29th 2019, 11:11 am
Meatpants wrote:Qui-Gon TK'ing that one battle droid.

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats 1289255181
Level Four
Level Four

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

August 29th 2019, 11:56 am
Kolar tk’d 4
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 27th 2020, 2:02 pm
Level Three
Level Three

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 27th 2020, 3:05 pm
doesnt SK/galen have something like this?
The Slick Obi
The Slick Obi

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 27th 2020, 3:26 pm
Mace besting an army of Super Battle Droids with his bare hands should be high up on the list.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 27th 2020, 4:01 pm
Maul soloing the Black Sun in their most heavily fortified base.

The Wrath soloing a Republic base with like 1,000+ soldiers.

Revan on the Star Forge.

Grievous soloing several clone companies (1 company = 144 clones) + Jedi bare handed, as his first feat with his new cybernetics.

Krayt soloing a Vong Advance Scout Ship while near dead.

Marr and Malgus taking Republic fortifications down single handed.

All I can think of apart from what's already been said.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 27th 2020, 5:20 pm
vader s force wave against 100 dozen troops 

anakin soloing a army during the battle of Praesitlyn

revan shitting on the fodder dark jedi at his arrival on the star forge

krayt destroying a vong advance ship

luke decimating yuuzhan vong warriors with legit zero difficulty
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 31st 2020, 1:23 am
Vader single handed slaughtering a company of Stormtroopers:

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats 4617671-stormtrooper%20company

The Essential Guide to Warfare
Company (128 troopers): A company consists of four platoons, led by a captain.

Vader "personally" taking on organizations and enemies the empire alone could defeat:

Hero's Guide wrote:
Aiding the Emperor in his monumental responsibilities is his apprentice and confidant, the formidable Lord Vader-a tragic hero who serves as the Emperor's strength when diplomacy fails. Vader personally battles against the Empire's most dangerous enemies-those individuals and organizations too powerful or too well-defended for the Imperial military alone to overcome. And as a price for his noble efforts, Lord Vader must suffer eternal confinement within his life-sustaining armor, without which he would surely perish within moments.

Stomping more than 20 wookies while still not being fully immersed in the dark side

Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
Counterattacking, Vader strode through fountaining flames to take the fight to the Wookiees. Crimson blade slashing left and right, he parried blaster bolts and amputated limbs and heads. Caterwauling and howling, showing their fangs and waving their long arms about, the Wookiees tried to hold their positions, but they had never faced anything like him, even in the darkest depths of Kashyyyk's primeval forest. As tall as some of them, Vader waded in, his lightsaber cleaving intricately carved war shields, sending blasters and bow-casters flying, setting fire to shaggy coats, leaving more than a score of bodies in his wake.

And while I don't have it on me, an author for a piece that was liscensed by Lucasfilm claims that Vader can "fight for days" until he is "nothing more than rage" against armies and keep going. Of course there is plenty missing from this list like his presumed conquering of Dark Times freedom fighters
and annihilation of Rebel Bases, but I figured I would just drop a few of the more noteworthy ones since nobody mentioned them.

Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats Empty Re: Most Impressive Army-Busting Feats

March 31st 2020, 11:13 am
Boba's, Jango's, Kanos', Scree's, Voidhound's, Cipher 13's, Meteor's, and other non-superpowered army busting feats seem particularily impressive to me since they're forced to perform similar feats but due to limited maximum firepower have to deal with opponents on a far more individual-based killstreak.

A forceuser can dismiss thousands with gestures. The non-forceuser have no or limited advantages besides skill and intelligence. In some way, army-buster feats get less impressive the more powerful the forceuser is since the opponents numbers hardly matters at that point. Even high-tier nonforceusers would notice the difference between ten and hundred battledroids.

EDIT: Oh and Sidious in ROS and Vader Down are good canon ones
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