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NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 10th 2019, 1:53 pm
Nox, solid fight.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 10th 2019, 3:04 pm
DC77 wrote:Nox, solid fight.

NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 10th 2019, 3:18 pm
Superior feats and scaling.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 228124001
The Adventurous Jedi
The Adventurous Jedi
Level Seven
Level Seven

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 10th 2019, 3:37 pm
You have the shit AP listed with him scaling above Act 2 Basen'thor (I'm pretty sure AP's comments are accurate from what I remember of Blood of the Empire) which places him above Lord Vivicar who's feats I'm sure you're aware of. Then we have him being labeled a worthy successor to Tulak Hord by Khem Val (who can't be referring to anything other than combat efficiency given he's a bloodthirsty beast who thinks about basically nothing but devouring people) and Tulak can pull a 300m ship out of the sky and defeat armies of Jedi.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty RE: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 18th 2019, 8:26 am
Nox resisted the combined efforts of the Dread Masters telepathic fear powers. Just note that each Dread Masters individually have been known to cause Republic Troopers to commit suicide and turn even the greatest of Sith insane. A pre-prime Darth Nox on Belsavis who concurrently was suffering from Force Walking sickness as the Force Ghosts taunted Nox destroyed her body and taunted and exhausted her mind resisted the Dread Masters (Note Force Walking sickness is known to turn one insane if they had not found a cure for the ghost being able to breach into your subconscious and basically irritate and annoy you and you have no defense against it other than patience and just a strong mind unless you go to Voss). Assuming this is the Nox with all Dark-Side choices done, you basically have Lord Ergast, Horak Mul, Darth Andru, Kalotosh Zavros and Mar-Da. Aside from the 4 Sith Lord's force ability and Sith Alchemy (Darth Andru 1 shotted a pre-prime Nox and his companion using a Sith ritual and would presumably have killed her without her knowing the knowledge of the Force Walk and without Aloysius's intervention), Nox bounded Mara-Da a Voss mystic spirit. This can actually prove more significant in the final battle against Zannah than it seems because the Voss are known for physical and more importantly in this context, MIND HEALING rituals (Mar-Da was known to have found a secret mind healing ritual). Which gives Nox the ability if she wants to siphon off Mar-Da's knowledge on healing rituals and applications and use it to defend against Zannah if her already telepathic skills are not good enough. Zannah without her blade has shown from what I recall, ZERO applications of Force Lightning or Tutaminus of any sorts which means that she will be severly handicapped once Nox unleashes Sith Lightning (Which has already been known to injure Thanaton involuntarily, destroy Sith rocks and architecture, absolutely cripple and shred Thanaton voluntarily, kill: Jedi, Sith, Sith spawn, injure Khem Val )
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 18th 2019, 8:42 am
As much as I love the TOR wank, Nox only resisted the Dread Masters in a heavily-weakened state.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty RE: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 18th 2019, 8:52 am
Yet at a weakened state and drugged the Dread Masters passively killed prisoners in a 300 meter radius due to their presence, made Republic officers commit suicide by simply talking to them, turned Imperial forces insane (Note it was not them who did it by an Eshka who siphoned their powers) and note as I said previously Nox was dealing with her own telepathic problems with the Force Ghosts driving slowly driving her insane due to the Force Walking illness yet she was able to resist them. Also while Nox was unable to fully resist their attacks in the future it is good to note that the Dread Masters were in obsession of Sith artifacts and devices+the Phobis Device once again on Oricon and Nox didn't turn insane or die from insanity compared to the Sith and Jedi forces on Oricon at the time. Nox own way to inspire fear actually gained her the respect of the Dread Masters to the point that after Styrak's death she was offered to replace him (this is a stretch but in game mechanics Nox already has Force Fear from the discipline category "Madness" so this could suggest she knows powerful telepathic abilities.)
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 18th 2019, 8:57 am
I'm fully aware of all of this. Though it should be noted that the Jedi and Sith were both waging a telepathic war against the Dread Masters as the coalition attacked on the ground. Also, the phobis devices are a moot point. They and the device are one in the same.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty RE: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 19th 2019, 9:47 am
Fair enough, but with all the points listed I believe that this would give Nox enough showing to handle a sorceror like Zannah given did the Dread Masters were overall much skilled in sorcery compared to Zannah and you can argue even Thanaton have better feats in some areas of Sith sorcery compared to Zannah. Nox would overall dominate in the Force department, her own mental defenses would likely difficult and hard for Zannah to break and Nox would be hammering her hard with her own sorcery alongside the 4 other ghosts in her disposal. In the blade you can argue Zannah Form 3 may prove to be impossible for a Sith who spend their lives dedicated to sorcery instead of the blade like Nox to break, but I believe the battle would immediately turn into a battle of skill in the Force rather than the blade, which is why I believe Nox would definitely take down Zannah.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 19th 2019, 11:33 am
Nox based off scaling from Thanaton, Malgus and the like.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

June 19th 2019, 11:35 am
Nox, I don't see Zannah's illusions, her only real strength, being even close to enough to win against Nox.
Level Five
Level Five

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 9:07 am

Darth Nox vs Darth Zannah

I will here explain why the heir of Kallig will be able to defeat the first sucessor of Bane. In order to do this, I will divided my post in 2 parts:

  1. Scalling for Nox
  2. Case against Zannah



All of the guys who have played the inquisitor in swtor know this guy who is the ancestor of darth Nox. As you know Kallig have been defeat by Tulak Hord himself who burried him on the place that will become the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. Lets have a brief view on his power.

/Dark Temple\


To sum-up this part :

Kallig actively acting >Kallig passively acting >>>>>>>>>Lord Pharsholl > WotE/Nox (at the end of dromund kaas).

/Nox (end of Act1)\


By this we have this scaling :
Kallig >>>>>>>>>>> Andru > Nox (End Act 1).



Now we have that :
Zash(amped) >>>> Kallig



Credit Lord Zash wrote:"As a darth I answer only to darth Thanaton"

And Zash is below Thanathon. She didn't try to overcome him. But in order to have a precise view of Thanaton superiority, I will base this on the confrontation (if we can talk about a confrontation) the firstly occur between Thanathon and Nox.

When this occur, Nox have hugely increased his power by submitting two ghosts the one of Andru and the one of Ergast. Kallig himself think that would be enough to shield Nox from Thanaton power. This is a way more powerful version of Nox who will face Thanaton.
Then the confrontation itself, this is just a stomp from Thanaton. After using to little of his power, he used more power and just killed Nox and the Dashade. 
Compare to the fight against Zash and you will understand that Thanaton is way above Zash: he faced a more powerful version of Nox, he didn't even let him the time to attack offensively (what Nox managed to do against Zash). Clearly their is no contest possible.

Now we have: 
Thanaton >>>>> Zash (amped)

- Darth Nox -

As we all know, at then end of his third act, Nox defeat Thanaton. So we have 
Darth Nox > Darth Thanaton .

To sum-up this whole scaling chain we have:
Darth Nox > Darth Thanaton >>>> Darth Zash(amp) >>>>> Lord Kallig. Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 3750555731


- Thana Vesh -


So with all of this we have this new scaling:
Darth Nox > Thanaton >>> Start of Act II Nox > Thana  Vesh >>>> Burning to the ground a whole city block  Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 3750555731


Now that we have a good idea of how powerful is Darth Nox, I will explain why Darth Zannah stand no chance against him.

It is clearly obvious that this fight will imply nearly no use of the lightsaber, both of our fighter mainly prefer to rely on their sorcery to destroy their opponent. 

-Madness spell-

The main weapon of Zannah (and one of her most efficient one) are her madness spells who can shattered the mind of her opponent. Nonetheless to counter them, you only need sheer willpower. 

Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil wrote: What he learned was that the only real counter was the victim's strength of will.

And this is something that Nox have.

Codex Entry: Force Walking wrote:Three hundred years after Tulak Hord, the Sith Ergast tried to recreate the ritual the Dark Lord used to devour the spirits of his enemies at Yn and Chabosh. In its place, he discovered what he called the ritual of Force-walking.

Requiring a Sith of great strength of will, the ritual of Force-walking allows the user to bind the restless ghosts of dead Sith to himself. Once the ghosts are bound, the ritualist may draw from their power, channeling it into a powerful exertion of Force energy against his enemies.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia wrote:"Mastery over the dark side requires raw talent and an indomitable spirit. Sith inquisitors draw on their inner passions and dedicate themselves to one facet of the dark arts in their pursuit of ultimate power."

In addition to this, we can see that having already defeat your own fear is something that help you resist this spell:

Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil wrote:They were just figments of his imagination born from the repressed memories of his childhood, his greatest fears manifested in physical form. But he had conquered these fears long ago. He had turned his fear of his abusive father into anger and hate-the tools that had given him the strength to endure and eventually escape his life on Apatros. He knew how to defeat these demons, and he struck back [...] she saw that Bane was on his feet again, and she knew he had resisted the spell

Once again, the good news for Nox is that he also already faced and defeat his own fear:
Codex Entry: Dream-Walking wrote:The spirit healers and dream-walkers of Voss are a strange group, even by Voss standards. Preferring to spend most of their time meditating in the wilderness of the Old Paths instead of in Voss-Ka, these Mystics work on healing the mind rather than the body.

Using the ritual of dream-walking, the Mystics enter their own minds and face their own fears, hopes, loves and rages, seeking spiritual balance and health. Such spirit healers are few, but there is evidence of their existence throughout Voss history, and an archive of their writings is kept for spirit healer initiates in the Shrine of Healing.

As you can see, Darth Nox have more than enough tools to deal with Zannah main attack and like during her fight against Bane, she won't be able to use them really efficiently.  Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 2668642404

-Overall knowledge  of the Dark Side-

While every one agree on the fact that Bane and Zannah dedicated their life to harness and learn more and more knowledge, this is also the case for Darth Nox. Firstly because of him being a Sith Inquisitor: 

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia wrote:Mastery over the dark side requires raw talent and an indomitable spirit. Sith inquisitors draw on their inner passions and dedicate themselves to one facet of the dark arts in their pursuit of ultimate power
Star Wars the Old Republic Website wrote:The Inquisitor experiments with forbidden powers

The Sith Inquisitor is a master of the dark side of the Force.
Star Wars the Old Republic Website wrote:The Dark Side holds dangerous secrets – and immense power for those who dare to uncover them. The Sorcerer reaches into the darkest corners of the Force to harness volatile energies that can wreak devastation on his enemies and bolster or even heal his allies. The air around a Sorcerer crackles with dark energy, and those foolish enough to get in a Sorcerer’s way soon learn a new definition of suffering

But also because of his position in the Dark Council itself:
Darth Marr wrote:By order of the Dark Council and in light of your reputation as a master of the dark side, you are now Darth Nox. You are head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge. You are charged with keeping the mystical knowledge of the Sith and preserving the secrets of our order. With us, you are ruler of all the Sith, answerable only to the Emperor himself

Now the question that stand is the following: Which of the two have more knowledge of the Dark Side ? Indeed, we didn't have any informations to compare both of knowledge they have respectively harness. We must rely only on the context of their respective era. 

  • On one hand we have a sith inquisitor in an empire (which exist for centuries) using the knowledge that all his predecessor have gathered and himself following some old and unknown path with lots of people who obey his will.
  • On the other hand, we have an alone sith sorceress, in a galaxy with nearly no allies (just an apprentice), who try to find everything that have been lost from all the sith before, with as only predecessor Darth Bane itself. 

Anyone honnest here will agree on the fact that Nox have a clear advantage here and that it is rather obvious that the Heir of Kallig is the one which have more knowledge. Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 2668642404

-Others possibilities for the fight-

  • Lightsaber fight

As explain at the start of this part this fight will include nearly no use of the lightsaber. However, if Zannah decide to go in close quarters, Darth Nox is far from defensless :

Star Wars The Old Republic Encyclopedia wrote:Inquisitors unleash the dark side of the Force to destroy everything in their wake. Their single and double-bladed lightsabers destroy any foe foolish enough to approach within striking distance
Star Wars The Old Republic Website wrote:An Inquisitor’s skills with a Lightsaber are equally impressive. Often wielding a double-bladed Lightsaber, Inquisitors use quick, guileful, and lethal maneuvers to strike their enemies down with astonishing speed

This is further solidified by the fact that he defeat Lord Paladius (during the Act I) while being sever from the force. 
Lord Palladius wrote:That painful twisting you feel in your gut is your essence draining, rather rapidly. And that hollow, sinking feeling? Your connection to the Force being severed. Soon you will be no more powerful than little Denton here, or Ramona.[...]you seem so very eager—let’s settle this with lightsabers.
and Lord Skar which is quote as an:  unparalleled lightsaber duelist (Codex Entry: Lord Skar). Clearly Nox had more than enough proof for him as a really good lightsaber fighter

  •  Force Lightning:

While we have no display of Force Lightning for Zannah it is rather obvious than she should be able to use them. I will use the feat from Bane himself as a comparison for this power.
We have three noticeable moment when Bane use his FL. Lets compare them with Nox own feat with this really classic but insanely deadly force power.

Destroying the environnement:

With the use of a Lightning Storm Bane seems to destroy the ground:
Darth Bane: Rule of Two wrote:The ground was littered with debris and marred by dozens of still-smoldering black scorch marks Zannah recognized as the remnants of a terrible storm of unnatural lightning. The air still crackled with the power and energy of the dark side that made her tingle in fear and anticipation.

In comparison, we have Nox who casually destroy stone with simple FL:
Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 4540793-3878679258-vqDOp

Attacking something which can resist classic lightning: 

Here, Farfalla was amped by BM and only survived because Raskta put herself in front of the lightning.
Darth Bane: Rule of Two wrote:Farfalla saw the Sith Lord turn toward him, sensing the intervention that had saved Raskta's life. Bane unleashed a barrage of Sith lightning, gathering and releasing his power at the speed of thought. The Jedi threw up a Force barrier to shield himself, but the electricity tore right through it and arced toward him. Then suddenly Raskta was there to save his life, repaying a debt that was only a few seconds old as she threw herself in front of him.

In comparison, Nox casually incapacitate his Dashade by using FL. Just for you to remember, Dashade are known to be Force-resistant
Star Wars The Old republic Website wrote:A powerful species of Force-resistant killers, they drew strength from feeding on Jedi and Sith alike

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 4540811-0833845805-mPWdD

Destroying insanely resilient thing through lightning:

Bane nearly kill himself with a FL storm and managed to destroy a part of his orbalisk armor.
Darth Bane: Rule of Two wrote:When Zannah first reached Bane's side, she was sure her Master was dead. The lightning had reduced his clothes to ash, and his gloves and boots had melted away. The flesh of his face and hands was charred and burned, covered with blisters that oozed a runny yellow pus. Several of the parasites on his chest and stomach hadn't survived, their brown shells turned black and brittle by the lightning's electrical charge. Wisps of still-smoldering smoke crept out from beneath their shells, bringing with it a sickly stench that made Zannah's stomach churn.

In comparison, Nox was able to injure a Force Ghost with his own lightning.
Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 4540865-1636612481-yxBjl

As you can see, for each demonstration of Bane power, it is easy to find something comparable or better in term of power from Nox. 

  • Telekinesis

Here, none of the fighter have really lots of feat of their own mostly because they prefere rely on more complex dark side technics. 
Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 2668642404

- Overall view of the fight-

As I have shown above, Zannah could try to use her madness spell but they will be inefficient against someone with such strenght of will and who have already defeated his own fear. 
She also haven't enough dark side knowledge to cheapshot him the way she did against Bane (with the use of the dark side tendril) while by having more knowledge it is clearly plausible that Zannah could be cheapshot by a technic that she didn't know at all.
If she try to engage with lightsaber she won't be able to defeat him, even though I agree that there is only a little possibility that Nox defeat Zannah only with his skills with a blade knowing Zannah's insane focus on Soresu.

There is no other option for Zannah to win this fight. She is by all mean below Darth Nox and cannot succeed here. She will be destroy by the heir of Kallig who have both the power and the knowledge to crush her in the same way he did against Thanaton. Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 2668642404


With all of this explain it is now pretty obvious that Zannah haven't any chance to defeat Darth Nox and that the latter will dominate this fight.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Imperial_diehard__sith_inquisitor_by_hannelart_dchxjtf-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODUwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTliMWU4YWUtMTI3Ni00Nzc5LTk4YjktMmMwNmExYjNkOWQwXC9kY2h4anRmLTY2ZWMyNjkzLWVhNjAtNDVkNy04Y2VkLTNlNDViMmRlOWU4ZC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NjAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0

@Azronger @SummertimeSadness @NotAA3 @Deronn_Solo @HellfireUnit @DC77 (Reborn)

Last edited by xolthol on August 13th 2019, 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 9:12 am
Unsure, I could see this going either way.
The Adventurous Jedi
The Adventurous Jedi
Level Seven
Level Seven

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 9:53 am
I'll back Zannah.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 12:02 pm
Zannah in a spectacular stomp

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Sheev_sig_3

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 8:11 pm
Yeah, Zannah handily.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 8:30 pm
Nox murderstomps now that I think about it.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 11th 2019, 9:00 pm
Still Nox
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 12th 2019, 7:44 am
Zannah beats.
Level Five
Level Five

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 14th 2019, 4:21 am
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 14th 2019, 4:51 am
I'm switching to Zannah now.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 14th 2019, 5:20 am
Azronger wrote:Zannah in a spectacular stomp

I still stand by this.
Level Five
Level Five

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 14th 2019, 8:08 am
Someone carre to made an argument in favor of Zannah
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 14th 2019, 8:10 am
Sorry, but I have other debates active atm. I'm trying not to stretch myself too thin here. Perhaps someone else will step up, though.

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Sheev_sig_3
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox - Page 2 Empty Re: Darth Zannah vs Darth Nox

August 14th 2019, 8:43 am
xolthol wrote:Someone carre to made an argument in favor of Zannah
Isn't that what we have a DMB for?
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