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SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan) Empty SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan)

October 27th 2023, 1:01 pm
SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan) Caedus_vs_wyyrlok_banner

Darth Wyyrlok III vs Darth Caedus, Both are in their prime, Standard Equipment, Neutral Ground

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Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan) Empty Re: SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan)

November 19th 2023, 8:27 pm
The implication that Wyyrlok III is an acceptable opponent for Caedus, probably makes Ant laugh his ass off.

SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan) Empty Re: SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan)

November 19th 2023, 8:40 pm
AncientPower wrote:The implication that Wyyrlok III is an acceptable opponent for Caedus, probably makes Ant laugh his ass off.
i'm dying 😭😭😭😭😭
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SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan) Empty Re: SS - Darth Wyyrlok III (Ethan) vs Darth Caedus (Noan)

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