- EmperorCaedusLevel Three
Ki-Adi-Mundi (Rogue Emperor) vs Corran Horn (Admiral Ackbar)
August 12th 2021, 3:38 am
Suspect Showdown
(Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)
(Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse)
(Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)
(Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse)
The debate follows all formal and informal policies of Lucas Licensing as of September 2012, including the internal continuity rankings of the Holocron. The rules include but are not limited to, specific parts of the following: http://www.st-v-sw.net/CanonWars/SWCanonquotes2.html#Licensing. In addition:
- Quotes are binding and have no expiration date unless directly or subtextually contradicted. For the latter, such a case will be made within the debate itself.
- Feats take precedent over directly contradicted statements. A feat indisputably showing X is greater than Y overrides a statement stating Y is greater than X.
- Corran Horn
Re: Ki-Adi-Mundi (Rogue Emperor) vs Corran Horn (Admiral Ackbar)
August 12th 2021, 3:59 am
Corran Horn is an extremely powerful Jedi Master who lived during the time of the New Jedi Order. A master of mind control and manipulation, Corran Horn was able to manipulate the minds of powerful Jedi such as Luke Skywalker and Kyp Durron, as well as defeating formidable opponents such as Mara Jade and Shedao Shai in combat.
Mind Manipulation
Corran Horn was extremely proficient at the tactic of manipulating minds.
Though, at least at the time, Kyp Durron was more powerful than Corran Horn, the fact that Corran was able to implant visions in Kyp’s mind speaks to his impressive power. This is not an isolated event. He was able to mind trick the entire Jedi Academy, including Luke Skywalker, into believing he had lifted a massive rock.
Corran Horn was able to mind trick the entire Jedi Academy, including Luke Skywalker, with minimal training. It should be noted that Corran gets significantly more powerful as time progresses. So this shows only a fraction of Corran’s true power. Indeed, almost all the feats of Corran come from when he is either vastly pre-prime or badly injured.
Dueling Abilities
He defeated Mara Jade in combat. Corran noted that he could have easily killed Mara.
In order to demonstrate how impressive this is, firstly we must note that Mara Jade is near the level of Jacen Solo in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. Indeed, she duels, injures, and nearly defeats Jacen- who, by that point, was a “complete master of the force.”
Mara is also more powerful than Lumiya.
She later sends Lumiya running.
Lumiya is quite powerful- she fights Luke Skywalker to a standstill. The same Luke Skywalker who moved black holes, was more powerful than UnuThul, and saw 15 years into the future, along with other impressive feats. This means that at the very least, Mara, and therefore Corran, is near LOTF Luke in power.
She’s also more powerful than Jaina, Zekk, and Jagged Fel combined, a powerful and deadly trio. Yet Corran has proven that his victory against Mara was not a fluke. Only days after he obliterated Mara, a badly injured and vastly pre-prime Corran faced off against Shedao Shai.
Shai was one of the highest ranking Yuuzhan Vong commanders. Seeing as the rank one obtains in the Vong society is based off of combat skill, Shai was certainly an impressive fighter. The New Jedi Sourcebook even calls him nigh invincible.
Despite this, Corran is able to defeat Shai.
It should be noted that Corran was unfamiliar with the Yuuzhan Vong, and that he couldn’t use the force against the Vong during his fight since the Vong did not belong to the force.
Yet one of Corran’s greatest feats comes during the Liberation of Coruscant. Corran was injured, having lost two fingers and having a broken knee swollen to the size of a hubbagourd. To picture how badly his knee was swollen, here’s a picture of a hubbagourd:
Despite this, Corran duels four Sith Sabers- and wins.
Now, Sith Sabers are quite impressive. Their role is equal to that of a Jedi Knight, and they have trained for decades in combat. One example of their power is they mind trick millions of Coruscanti civilians into believing the Jedi were running a spice cartel.
This propaganda was highly effective, with Mirax Terrik noting some civilians had begun to take up arms against the Jedi. In addition, the passengers on the train Luke was on seemed transfixed by Fei’s voice. It’s safe to say that Sith Sabers are very powerful and deadly.
So let me say this again: while injured badly, Corran defeated four Sith sabers. This only demonstrates his excellent skill as a combatant.
Corran is quite fast as well. He literally has inhuman reaction times.
Darts shot from blowguns can travel hundreds of feet per second. Given that Alema Rar is a powerful Dark Jedi, and that a good blow dart user can fire a blowdart at 400 feet per second, I think that 500 feet per second, or about 150 meters per second, is a good estimate for the speed of a blowdart. Since Corran was standing two meters away, that means that he had 1/75th of a second to catch a blowdart.
That’s 25 times faster than the average human reaction speed and over 9 times faster than the fastest human reaction speed ever recorded. And keep in mind Corran likely caught the dart somewhere out in front of him, and that he didn’t just block the dart, he also caught it. This not only means that Corran’s reaction time was faster than previously shown, but also that he has insanely impressive dexterity, since he plucked the dart from the air.
Corran is very proficient at tutaminis. Indeed, he stops an attack from Kyp Durron, an extremely powerful force user as I explained earlier.
Summary of Corran Horn
Corran Horn is clearly a powerful Jedi. He is an expert at mind illusions, even putting illusions in the heads of the most powerful Jedi of the New Jedi order. His dueling abilities is near that of Luke Skywalker, as he defeats nigh-invincible enemies such as Shedao Shai, and extremely powerful foes like Mara Jade and Sith Sabers.
Horn’s opponent, Ki-Adi-Mundi, is no match for Horn. Indeed, Ki-Adi-Mundi was bested by General Grievous.
This is the same General Grievous who was defeated by a couple of Gungans.
Ki-Adi-Mundi is a powerful Jedi Master- but he is no match for the likes of Corran Horn. Though considering that the average Jedi Knight of the NJO era is stronger than the average prequel-era Jedi Knight, I’m not surprised. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/866739804230254602/868853789355024414/image0.png?width=414&height=432
NOTE: I'm bad at formatting on SI, so feel free to check out this google doc where it's formatted much better. https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1k0P-uHNsQg3XubqooMXId6xz5yyXZ5DUwIk7pqKR-bM/edit
Corran Horn is an extremely powerful Jedi Master who lived during the time of the New Jedi Order. A master of mind control and manipulation, Corran Horn was able to manipulate the minds of powerful Jedi such as Luke Skywalker and Kyp Durron, as well as defeating formidable opponents such as Mara Jade and Shedao Shai in combat.
https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11117/111173561/6965227-5874135278-50435.png“Horn, who has become one of the most capable Jedi of Luke Skywalker’s new order, grew up never knowing his true heritage” -Star Wars Databank (Old)
Mind Manipulation
Corran Horn was extremely proficient at the tactic of manipulating minds.
To give you an idea of how impressive this is, in 11 ABY, Luke attempted to probe Kyp Durron’s mind. This is what happened:“In one experiment, I implanted a vision of dinner being served in Dorsk 81's mind, summoning him and Kyp back from one of their hikes though they were still half a kilometer away.” (I, Jedi)
“Luke remembered the dark-haired teen Han had rescued from the black spice mines. When Luke had used a Jedi testing technique to see if Kyp had potential to use the Force, the boy’s response had knocked Luke across the room. In his entire Jedi search, Luke had never encountered such power.” (Jedi Academy II - Dark Apprentice)
Though, at least at the time, Kyp Durron was more powerful than Corran Horn, the fact that Corran was able to implant visions in Kyp’s mind speaks to his impressive power. This is not an isolated event. He was able to mind trick the entire Jedi Academy, including Luke Skywalker, into believing he had lifted a massive rock.
“Luke had arranged us in a circle around a huge boulder buried halfway into the ground. He nodded toward it. "You have all been told repeatedly that size does not matter. This is true. However, this does not mean all tasks will be simple. This rock, for all we know, is really just the top of a long plinth. We don't know how big it is. Moving it may not only take a titanic effort, but a sustained effort. With the Force flowing through you, you will be able to move it. If the Force is not flowing, the task will not be completed."
He looked at each and every one of us openly. "Who would be first to try?"
Gantoris took a step forward. "Master, I would."
"Master, if you please," I bowed my head toward him. "I would be the first to do."
Gantoris sneered in my direction. "You? You will do nothing."
Luke looked at me. "Do you think you are ready?"
I shrugged. "I believe I must do this. Perhaps in focusing on small things I have closed myself down to the Force. To feel it I must open myself to something more grand." I looked around the circle, making eye contact with everyone. "I must move this rock, therefore I will move it. This I believe."
Newly empowered, I reached out for the stone. In a heartbeat I plumbed its depths. I knew its size and mass, I knew its contours and its weaknesses. I knew I could shape the Force into a hammer and shatter it, but that was not the task at hand. My task was to move it, to rip it from the ground, to raise it up so all could see what I had done.
I poured the Force into my effort. At first I felt resistance, but I expected that. The stone had been firmly stuck in the ground for years. I tugged at it and could see it rocking back and forth. Small pebbles cascaded off it, bouncing down into the grasses at its base. I worried it like a loose tooth, then I prepared to pull it.
I gritted my teeth against the effort. I felt the stone shift. Before my mind's eye I saw it quiver and shake. Slowly, slowly at first it began to move upward. A micron here, a millimeter there, then a centimeter, then two. Then four and six and twenty. Rich brown loam fell from it as the lower half of the stone began to rise above the surface. Faster it moved now, slowed only by the occasional clumsy bump against the side of the hole it had inhabited. My control was not yet fine, but I knew it would get better, so I pushed on, working on lifting it higher.
The stone came fully clear of the ground, but that was not enough for me. I could feel the Force pulsing into me, full and insistent. I channeled it back out through my mind and made the rock's ascent smooth. I lifted it and lifted it up so high that when I opened my eyes, I knew I would be able to see beneath it and find Master Luke across the circle from me. I would lift it so high, in fact, that not even Gantoris could deny what I had done.
Finally I had success. The stone hung in the air better than two meters above the ground. I held it there and redoubled my effort to quell the list in it. I wanted it as firmly embedded in the Force and air as it had been in the ground. When it stopped moving, I smiled and opened my eyes.
The rock remained in the ground.
I stared at it and tried to remember if I had heard it crash back down into the ground. I couldn't remember such a sound, nor could I remember feeling the shockwave that would have resulted from a crash landing. I glanced up at where the rock should have been, then back down. I couldn't believe it had not moved because I knew I had felt the Force, and I knew the rock had flown.
Then I noticed that all the others, every single one of them, were looking at the spot in the air where I had seen the rock floating. Tionne and Streen wore open expressions of wonderment. Kam wore the smirk with which he rewarded good efforts. Gantoris looked as if he'd seen a ghost and the others just looked amazed.
Across from me Luke should his head, then passed a hand over his eyes. He glanced back at the spot in the air where the rock should have been, then his gaze flicked toward where it really lay. He looked around at the other students, then gently passed a hand through the air, causing them to blink and rub their eyes.” (I, Jedi)
Corran Horn was able to mind trick the entire Jedi Academy, including Luke Skywalker, with minimal training. It should be noted that Corran gets significantly more powerful as time progresses. So this shows only a fraction of Corran’s true power. Indeed, almost all the feats of Corran come from when he is either vastly pre-prime or badly injured.
Dueling Abilities
He defeated Mara Jade in combat. Corran noted that he could have easily killed Mara.
“I could have just as easily switched blade lengths as you went to beat my blade aside. A stop thrust is very effective against an incoming enemy, if you know the enemy is incoming. I figured you'd have to press your attack. I doubled the blade, giving you a way to take my weapon out of play, then killed the blade as you went to knock it aside. Another touch of the thumb and you get spitted.”" (Dark Tide II: Ruin) (Corran is talking to Mara)
In order to demonstrate how impressive this is, firstly we must note that Mara Jade is near the level of Jacen Solo in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. Indeed, she duels, injures, and nearly defeats Jacen- who, by that point, was a “complete master of the force.”
"They said that the human body was capable of extraordinary feats of strength when in extremis. For a Jedi, it was something else entirely.
Jacen Solo wasn't ready to die, not now, not so close to his ascendance, and not in a stinking drain like vermin.
He deflected the energy bolt with one last surge of the Force and sent the rubble erupting off his crushed and bleeding body like a detonation. Bricks hammered the walls and rained fragments, knocking Mara flat like a bomb blast. She made an animal noise that was more anger than pain and flailed for a moment as she tried to get up.
The effort froze Jacen for two vital seconds. But he knew if he didn't get up now and fight back, Mara would come in for the kill, again and again, until he was worn down and too weak to fend her off.
He scrambled to his feet, staggering more than standing, and suddenly understood.
It was Mara who had to die to fulfill his destiny.
Killing her was the test: the words of the prophecy were meaningless, and at a visceral level he knew that her death was the pivotal act. He didn't know how, and this wasn't the time to stop and think about it. He surrendered totally to instinct for the first time in ages. Whatever guided a Sith's hand had to guide him now.
But he was hurt, and badly.
Ben ... he didn't know where Ben fitted into this, but now he knew he did, as surely as he knew anything. Jacen didn't care, because he knew he had to kill Mara now and nothing else would make sense until he did that.
He fumbled for his lightsaber and thumbed it into life again. Mara was already back on her feet, coming at him with the shoto and vibroblade, brick dust and black-red blood snaking down her forehead from a scalp cut. She leapt at him with the shoto held left-handed, fencing-style, seared the angle of his cheekbone, and caught him under the tip of chin with the vibroblade as he jerked back.
She shouldn't have been able to get near him. He had total mastery, and she was just athletic and fast. He pushed back at her in the Force, sending her crashing against a wall with a loud grunt, but she kept coming at him, one-two, one-two with the shoto and the blade, and he was being driven back, his strength ebbing. He needed space to fight.
He drew his dart gun and fired one after the other, but Mara scattered all four needles in a blur of blue light. They fell to the ground. He turned and scrambled through the collapsed brick, using the Force to hurl debris up at her from the floor of the passage while she leapt from block to boulder to chunk of masonry, until she Force-leapt onto his back and brought him down.
They rolled. This wasn't a duel: it was a brawl. She thrust her vibroblade up under his chin and he jerked his head to one side, feeling the tip skate from his jaw to his hairline as it missed his jugular. He couldn't draw the weapons he needed. He was losing blood, losing strength, waning, flailing his lightsaber to fend her off. It was almost useless in such a close-quarters struggle. Mara, manic and panting, flicked the shoto to counter every desperate stabbing thrust.
"Ben . . . I'll see you dead first. . . before . . . you get . . . Ben."
Jacen was on the knife-edge between dying and killing. They grappled, Force-pushed, Force-crushed: he threw her back again, trying to Force-jolt her spine and paralyze her for a moment, but somehow she deflected it and bricks flew out of the wall as if someone had punched them through from the other side. She almost Force-snatched the lightsaber from his hand, but even with his injuries he hung on to it. He wouldn't die. He couldn't, not now.
"You can't beat me," he gasped. "It's not meant to be."
"Really?" Mara snarled. "I say it is."
Then she launched herself at him—unthinking, a wild woman, hair flying—and he Force-pushed to send her slamming against a pillar in midleap. But the battering he'd taken and the ferocity of her relentless attack had blinded him to danger from another quarter. As he lurched backward to avoid her, his legs went from under him and he stumbled into a gaping crack opened up by the subsidence. He fell badly: red-hot pain seared from ankle to knee. His lightsaber went flying. Pain could be ignored, but the moment it took him to get to his feet again was enough for Mara to right herself and come back at him with the shoto and plunge it into the soft tissue just under the end of his collarbone.
Lightsaber wounds hurt a lot more than he ever imagined. Jacen screamed. He summoned his own weapon back to his hand and Mara crashed into him, knocking him flat again and pinning him down. Her vibroblade stopped a hand span from his throat as he managed to grab her hair and drag her face nearer and nearer to his lightsaber. She struggled to pull back, hacking at him with the shoto but blocked by his dwindling Force power each time.
Her vibroblade grazed his neck. He fumbled in his belt for a dart. She jerked back with a massive effort, leaving him clutching a handful of red hair, and the only thing that crossed his mind as she arched her back and held her arms high to bring both shoto and vibroblade down into his chest was that she would never, ever harm Ben.
Jacen stared into her eyes and instantly created the illusion of Ben's face beneath her. She blinked.
It gave him the edge for that fraction of a moment. It was long enough to ram the poison dart into her leg with its protective plastoid cone still in place.
It was just a small needle, ten centimeters long. He stabbed her so hard that the sharp end punched through the cone and the fabric of her pants.
Mara gasped and looked down at her leg as if she was puzzled rather than hurt. The dart quivered as she moved, and then fell to the floor.
"Oh . . . it's done . . ." Jacen said. The shoto fell from her hand and she made a vague and uncontrolled pawing movement with the vibroblade. It caught him in the bicep, but there was no strength behind the blow, and she dropped the weapon. "I'm sorry, Mara. Had to be you. Thought it was Ben. But it's over now, it's over . . ."
"What have you done? What the stang have you done to me?" But she was already losing her balance as the poison paralyzed her, and she slumped to one side as he got to his feet, staring up at him more with shock than rage or fear.
"The prophecy." It didn't matter now: the toxin—complex, relatively painless—was circulating through her body. "Don't fight it. No healing trance. Just let go . . ."
Mara tried to get up but sank back to sit on her heels, with an expression as if she'd forgotten something and was trying to remember. She crumpled against the wall. Jacen had never felt such relief. It didn't have to be Allana, or Tenel Ka, or even Ben. It was over, all over.
"What?" Mara said. She tried to put her fingers to her lips, shaking, but her hand fell back to her lap. She looked at them as if expecting to see blood.
Jacen suppressed his instinct to help her. "It's my destiny, Mara—to be a Sith Lord, and bring order and justice. I had to kill you to do it. You're going to save so many people, Mara. You've saved Ben. You've saved Allana, too. It's not a waste, believe me."
"You're ... as vile as he was."
Jacen could hardly understand what she was saying. "Who?"
"It's not like that," he said. He had to make her see what was happening. It was important. He owed her that revelation. She'd made the sacrifice, although he was now starting to wonder what that meant for whatever love he had to give up. "It's not about ambition. It's about the galaxy, about peace. It's about building a different world."
She stared back at him, and now he could see—and feel—her disgust. He wasn't sure if it was aimed at him or at herself.
Jacen hurt. He was starting to feel the full extent of his injuries, and he needed to heal himself. He also needed to get out of this tunnel.
Mara was breathing heavily now, one hand slack in her lap but the other still clenching and unclenching as if trying to form a fist to give him one final punch. Her vivid green eyes were still bright with relentless purpose. He knew he would try to forget them every day of his life.
"You think . . . you've won," she said, slurred, but utterly lucid and unafraid. "But Luke will crush you . . . and I refuse ... to let you . . . destroy the future . . . for my Ben."
Jacen sat and waited, almost expecting a prophecy from her to help him make sense of what he'd done. But after a few moments, he felt the final discharge of elemental energy that every Force-user would notice and comprehend.
Ben was the last word she ever spoke." (Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice)
Mara is also more powerful than Lumiya.
"The Empire's deadliest agent married to the Rebel Alliance's greatest hero. The irony is thick, but many on both sides relish the symbolism. As Luke Skywalker's wife and one of the few Jedi Masters of the New Jedi Order, Mara Jade finds it hard to stay out of the public's eye.” (The New Essential Guide to Characters)
She later sends Lumiya running.
“Mara's autopilot kicked in and she was the Emperor's Hand again, silent and focused. There was nothing worth saying anyway. Amateurs gave speeches; professionals got on with the job.
She Force-leapt five meters at Lumiya, slashing down right to left, two-handed. The stroke—all power, no finesse—clipped the Sith's headdress as she sprang back, slicing off a section. Lumiya's eyes widened, pupils dilated, but she was already whirling her lightwhip about her head. The tails crackled and hissed, missing Mara only because she threw all her energy into a Force push to slow them a fraction.
Mara didn't take that weapon lightly. It was the worst of both worlds, leather strips studded with impervious Mandalorian iron fragments and tendrils of sheer, raw, murderous dark energy. Mara drew her blaster and rolled under the hull of the ship next to her. The light-whip gouged through the durasteel with a shriek of tearing metal, filling the air with the smell of hydraulic fluid, and the spurt of liquid turned into a torrent that began spreading in a thick pool. As Mara rolled clear on the other side of the ship, Lumiya landed heavily on both feet and brought the whip down so close to Mara's head that she felt the rush of air on her right cheek like a breath. The crack was deafening.
Mara wasn't even thinking when she aimed the blaster. Lumiya's whip hand was raised to throw as much weight as possible from the back stroke. A puff of white vapor burst from Lumiya's shoulder, and she staggered a few paces.
Metal. Maybe I hit metal.
Maybe she had, because Lumiya teetered for a second but came right back. Mara sprang horizontally from a crouch and cannoned into Lumiya's legs with all the power she could muster from the Force. She hit solid durasteel. Blood filled her mouth but she couldn't feel a thing—yet. Clinging to Lumiya's knees with one arm, denying her the space to swing the whip, she brought her down like a felled tree before smashing her head into the woman's face.
And that hurt. Oh yes, Mara felt that. She'd caught not Lumiya's nose but the cybernetic jaw, and it cut deep into her forehead. Fighting on pure reflex now, part stunned, she killed the lightsaber blade for a second and held the hilt like a dagger, stabbing it down into Lumiya's chest before flicking the energy back on. Lumiya pulled to the side as the blade punched through flesh. Mara smelled it. She flicked off the blade to pull back again, triumphant.
I've done it. Dead. Dead, you—
But Lumiya was screaming, and that wasn't right at all. The scream seared through Mara's spinning head. It was more than sound. It was—
Mara scrambled to her knees to look down at what should have been a dead woman, and stared into green eyes that were utterly devoid of any emotion, and then the world darkened like an eclipse.
Maybe I'm the one who's dead.
Something hit her square in the back, pitching her forward onto Lumiya. Mara struggled to turn over without letting go of either lightsaber or blaster, but something coiled around her neck and jerked her backward. The lightwhip was still in Lumiya's fist, she could see the thing, she could see it, so what was around her neck, choking her? She felt as if she was flying backward at high speed, and then she hit something so hard that it punched every bit of breath out of her lungs and left her gulping for air.
A second or two was all it took. Mara lay trying to suck in air in painful, straining gulps, eyes stinging, and saw Lumiya's boots run past her face at a stagger, missing her by centimeters.
What's in my eyes? What's stinging?
She raised her hand to rub them and her knuckles came away red and wet. It was blood. The last thing she saw as she looked up was the orange sphere, that impossible Sith ship, soaring vertically into the air and extending webbed vanes like living wings.” (Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice)
Lumiya is quite powerful- she fights Luke Skywalker to a standstill. The same Luke Skywalker who moved black holes, was more powerful than UnuThul, and saw 15 years into the future, along with other impressive feats. This means that at the very least, Mara, and therefore Corran, is near LOTF Luke in power.
“In addition to being a cocky teenager alone in a galaxy at war, Ben might now be the target of one of the galaxy's deadliest killers-a woman who had fought Luke to a standstill mere weeks before.”
(Legacy of the Force: Exile)
"I don't think the three of us are a match for Lumiya. She fought the Grand Master to a standstill. She's Master level. We're two Jedi Knights and one Force-blind space jockey." (Legacy of the Force: Exile)
She’s also more powerful than Jaina, Zekk, and Jagged Fel combined, a powerful and deadly trio. Yet Corran has proven that his victory against Mara was not a fluke. Only days after he obliterated Mara, a badly injured and vastly pre-prime Corran faced off against Shedao Shai.
Shai was one of the highest ranking Yuuzhan Vong commanders. Seeing as the rank one obtains in the Vong society is based off of combat skill, Shai was certainly an impressive fighter. The New Jedi Sourcebook even calls him nigh invincible.
“Shedao Shai is a powerful Yuuzhan Vong warrior and commander of the battle fleet that assaults Garqi, Agamar, Dathomir, and Ithor. Lean and fierce, he is a frightening figure, deadly in combat and nigh invincible in battle. His body bears the marks of dozens of honors, a sign of the respect accorded him by his people.” (New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
Despite this, Corran is able to defeat Shai.
Horn eventually confronted Shedao Shai, and they agreed to a duel: Corran fighting for Ithor, and Shedao Shai for the remains of Mongei Shai. Horn barely managed to defeat the commander, but that left Deign Lian in command of the alien fleet.” (The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia)
It should be noted that Corran was unfamiliar with the Yuuzhan Vong, and that he couldn’t use the force against the Vong during his fight since the Vong did not belong to the force.
Yet one of Corran’s greatest feats comes during the Liberation of Coruscant. Corran was injured, having lost two fingers and having a broken knee swollen to the size of a hubbagourd. To picture how badly his knee was swollen, here’s a picture of a hubbagourd:
Despite this, Corran duels four Sith Sabers- and wins.
“A heartbeat later Corran was on the far side of the stack head. Nothing remained between him and the stack heads but the four still-tumbling Sith… Corran cut down the last of the Sith between him and the shield generator.”
Now, Sith Sabers are quite impressive. Their role is equal to that of a Jedi Knight, and they have trained for decades in combat. One example of their power is they mind trick millions of Coruscanti civilians into believing the Jedi were running a spice cartel.
“The few passengers onboard seemed transfixed by her silky, hypnotic voice, which rolled across the platform in a steady, hypnotic pattern that Luke recognized as a force technique used to lull listeners into a receptive state of mind.
Civilians are advised to avoid confronting members of the spice cartel,” the newscaster was saying. Eramuth Bwua’tu had recognized her as Kayala Fei, a Sith Saber who had been planted on the staff of the BAMR News Network.”
This propaganda was highly effective, with Mirax Terrik noting some civilians had begun to take up arms against the Jedi. In addition, the passengers on the train Luke was on seemed transfixed by Fei’s voice. It’s safe to say that Sith Sabers are very powerful and deadly.
So let me say this again: while injured badly, Corran defeated four Sith sabers. This only demonstrates his excellent skill as a combatant.
Corran is quite fast as well. He literally has inhuman reaction times.
She turned her head to see a thick-chested man with a thin, greying beard and startling green eyes. He stood two meters from her, staring at her, smiling. He wore Jedi robes.
“I’ll say this once,” Corran said. “Give up now.”
She raised the blowgun and fired.
Horn plucked the dart from the air. He opened a datapad, dropped the dart onto the screen, and snapped the device closed. (Legacy of the Force: Exile)
Darts shot from blowguns can travel hundreds of feet per second. Given that Alema Rar is a powerful Dark Jedi, and that a good blow dart user can fire a blowdart at 400 feet per second, I think that 500 feet per second, or about 150 meters per second, is a good estimate for the speed of a blowdart. Since Corran was standing two meters away, that means that he had 1/75th of a second to catch a blowdart.
That’s 25 times faster than the average human reaction speed and over 9 times faster than the fastest human reaction speed ever recorded. And keep in mind Corran likely caught the dart somewhere out in front of him, and that he didn’t just block the dart, he also caught it. This not only means that Corran’s reaction time was faster than previously shown, but also that he has insanely impressive dexterity, since he plucked the dart from the air.
Corran is very proficient at tutaminis. Indeed, he stops an attack from Kyp Durron, an extremely powerful force user as I explained earlier.
Kyp struck at me again through the Force, but I expected it this time. I relaxed and let the Force energy flow over and through me. I absorbed enough of it to let me create a shield that split the attack. The fact that I didn't end up being ground back against the wall surprised him. ( I, Jedi)
https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11117/111173561/6964760-corran%20tutaminis%201.pngRather than resisting the effects of energy damage, you actually absorb the damage and turn it to your advantage. Corran Horn is one of the few Jedi who have mastered this esoteric technique. (The New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
Summary of Corran Horn
Corran Horn is clearly a powerful Jedi. He is an expert at mind illusions, even putting illusions in the heads of the most powerful Jedi of the New Jedi order. His dueling abilities is near that of Luke Skywalker, as he defeats nigh-invincible enemies such as Shedao Shai, and extremely powerful foes like Mara Jade and Sith Sabers.
Horn’s opponent, Ki-Adi-Mundi, is no match for Horn. Indeed, Ki-Adi-Mundi was bested by General Grievous.
This is the same General Grievous who was defeated by a couple of Gungans.
Ki-Adi-Mundi is a powerful Jedi Master- but he is no match for the likes of Corran Horn. Though considering that the average Jedi Knight of the NJO era is stronger than the average prequel-era Jedi Knight, I’m not surprised. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/866739804230254602/868853789355024414/image0.png?width=414&height=432
NOTE: I'm bad at formatting on SI, so feel free to check out this google doc where it's formatted much better. https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1k0P-uHNsQg3XubqooMXId6xz5yyXZ5DUwIk7pqKR-bM/edit
- Rogue Emperor
Re: Ki-Adi-Mundi (Rogue Emperor) vs Corran Horn (Admiral Ackbar)
November 9th 2021, 9:25 pm
Mundi Vs Horn Response
NOTE: Sorry for the long wait.
While Corran is a very powerful and strong opponent for Mundi, Corran is outmatched.
Mundi is able to lift a skiff while injured. This is quite a key point considering Corrans struggle in TK.
[quote="The sound of Luke's voice brought me out of my introspec-tion. "Without opening your eyes or shifting away from your partner, I want you to place your pebble in the palm of your partner's hand. I want you then to reach out, to find that peb-ble, and use the Force to make it move. This is a big step. Up to now you have used the Force in a passive sense, to enhance your perceptions. Now you will apply the Force more directly and use its energy to make the stone move. If you can lift it clear of your partner's palm, so much the better." I felt Tionne's stone land in my hand. "This will be fantastic, Keiran. Stories of Jedi levitating all sorts of things abound." "I'm certain." I dropped my stone in her hand and immedi-ately lost all sense of it. This boded ill for me. I reached down and just touched it with a finger, hoping to kindle echoes of my tactile sense of it. Nothing. "You touched it with your finger, Keiran." "I know. Sorry." I drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I gathered my thoughts and reconstructed my sensory screen. I projected it out and down toward her palm and mapped her hand. I could feel her flesh and how the Force flowed through her. Between us I could feel a resonance and I could even detect a dead spot in the middle of it. The stone, it had to be the stone. I smiled and bent my will to shifting the stone. Nothing. It did not help at all that at this moment her stone danced in my palm as if a groundquake was shaking the planet. Her sharp giggle-half shriek, half laugh-let me know that she'd sensed the rock's movement. I felt pure joy wash out from her and couldn't help but smile, even though my rock lay as still as the Great Temple's foundation stones. I tried to push and make it move again, but got nothing. I opened my eyes and looked up at Master Skywalker. "I think nothing's happening." He smiled. "Don't think, feel it. It will happen." I shrugged. "I'm not even moving the dust on this rock." "You don't believe, which is why you fail." Luke opened his arms to take in the other students. As I looked around I saw that the short hops Tionne's stone had taken were insignificant compared to what others had accomplished. Worst of all, Gantoris had a halo of pebbles whirling at different speeds around his head. "You see, size matters not, numbers matter not. If you believe, you open the way for the Force to come through you.""
As we see in these statements Corran hasn't mastered TP anywhere to Mundi's level. Mundi lifts a skiff while injured and Corran is struggling to lift a pebble.
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
While these are impressive feats TP isn't a good way to gauge power. Tiin is the most powerful in TP.
Yet people like Grand Master Yoda far exceed Tiin in power:
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
Sparing matches aren't always decisive in showing who the better duelist is. For example in AoTC Anakin beat Kit and Kenobi.
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
Mara she knows she can't win and leads Caedus/Jacen into traps injuring him before the fight ever took place.
She makes ruble fall on him which left him with a "bloodstained face." "bloody and shaking."
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
This doesn't bind Lumiya, unless there is another quote saying she is a agent of the Empire that I don't know of.
@"Admiral Ackbar" says
Luke is unfamiliar with Lumiya's lighwhip which is a disadvantage:
[quote="They don't know how to attack or defend effectively against it. That gives those of us who use it an advantage over most of our opponents." "Like Githany's whip!" Bane exclaimed. Githany eschewed traditional weaponry in favor of the very rare energy whip: just one of the many traits that made her stand out from the other apprentices. It operated on the same basic principles as a lightsaber, but instead of a steady beam, the energy of the crystals was projected in a flexible ribbon that would twist, turn, and snap in response to both Githany's physical motions and her use of the Force. "Exactly. The energy whip is far less efficient than any of the lightsaber blades. However, nobody ever practices against the whip. Githany knows that her enemies' confusion at being confronted with the whip gives her an edge. Bane Path of Destruction][/quote]
The lighwhip "gives her an edge" as people are unfamiliar on how to approach fighting against it.
These along with countless other statements put Kyp>Corran.
This is told by Luke in JA so this would refer to suited Vader. Luke says Kyp could be the next Vader.
We our told by Lucas that:
[quote="I was looking for a kind of sword fighting that was reminiscent of what was in the movies that we’d already done, but a more energized version of it. Because we’d never seen real Jedi’s at work, we’d only seen, you know, old men and crippled, half-droid, half-men and young boys that had learned from these people. So, to see a Jedi fighting in the prime of the Jedi, I wanted it to be a much more energetic and faster version of what we’ve been doing.
Star Wars Episode 1: Fights Featurette and Star Wars Episode 1: Prime Of The Jedi Webisode.
Per Lucas, Vader is a "crippled, half-droid, half-men", whereas Jinn is a "real Jedi."
TPM Maul beats Qui Gon:
In Star Wars Power Battles Mundi beats TPM Maul:
Ending 5 minutes.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Closing remarks
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
GL calls the PT the 'height of the Jedi period and the golden age."
@Corran Horn
After all the evidence I've shown whose to say Mundi can't do this?
@"Admiral Ackbar"
2003 CW is a very heavily exaggerated medium. CW Grievous was able to contend and beat with battle worn Jedi but in TCW he is only able to contend with Kit Fisto until he needs to call on his magna-guards for help.
Leland Chee further confirms this in this tweet:
Drawing comparisons from both it's evident that CW is a way more exaggerated medium that TCW.
While Corran Horn is a very formidable opponent he's no-match for Ki Adi Mundi.
You are left with the following chain: Corran Horn=Suited Vader
NOTE: Sorry for the long wait.
While Corran is a very powerful and strong opponent for Mundi, Corran is outmatched.
Mundi is able to lift a skiff while injured. This is quite a key point considering Corrans struggle in TK.
[mention]And getting tenser. Kyp had already returned his StealthX to the hangar floor and was climbing out of the cockpit. Jaina and Zekk and the rest of squadron reopened their canopies. "... wrong with you?" Kyp was yelling at Corran. "You could have gotten killed!" "I ordered you to stop," Corran retorted. "I heard you." Kyp dropped to the hangar floor and peered under the StealthX's nose. "And look what you did! That's going to set us back three hours." "It doesn't matter," Corran said. "This mission isn't authorized." Kyp looked up. "Iauthorized it." He flicked his wrist, and Corran went sailing across the hangar back toward Kenth and the other Jedi. It was a particularly insulting dismissal, since Corran could not respond in kind, having never been able to master the skill of Force telekinesis. The same was not true of Kenth Hamner. He extended his arm, and Kyp flew back against the hull of his StealthX and remained there, pinned.
Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen[/mention] wrote:
[quote="The sound of Luke's voice brought me out of my introspec-tion. "Without opening your eyes or shifting away from your partner, I want you to place your pebble in the palm of your partner's hand. I want you then to reach out, to find that peb-ble, and use the Force to make it move. This is a big step. Up to now you have used the Force in a passive sense, to enhance your perceptions. Now you will apply the Force more directly and use its energy to make the stone move. If you can lift it clear of your partner's palm, so much the better." I felt Tionne's stone land in my hand. "This will be fantastic, Keiran. Stories of Jedi levitating all sorts of things abound." "I'm certain." I dropped my stone in her hand and immedi-ately lost all sense of it. This boded ill for me. I reached down and just touched it with a finger, hoping to kindle echoes of my tactile sense of it. Nothing. "You touched it with your finger, Keiran." "I know. Sorry." I drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I gathered my thoughts and reconstructed my sensory screen. I projected it out and down toward her palm and mapped her hand. I could feel her flesh and how the Force flowed through her. Between us I could feel a resonance and I could even detect a dead spot in the middle of it. The stone, it had to be the stone. I smiled and bent my will to shifting the stone. Nothing. It did not help at all that at this moment her stone danced in my palm as if a groundquake was shaking the planet. Her sharp giggle-half shriek, half laugh-let me know that she'd sensed the rock's movement. I felt pure joy wash out from her and couldn't help but smile, even though my rock lay as still as the Great Temple's foundation stones. I tried to push and make it move again, but got nothing. I opened my eyes and looked up at Master Skywalker. "I think nothing's happening." He smiled. "Don't think, feel it. It will happen." I shrugged. "I'm not even moving the dust on this rock." "You don't believe, which is why you fail." Luke opened his arms to take in the other students. As I looked around I saw that the short hops Tionne's stone had taken were insignificant compared to what others had accomplished. Worst of all, Gantoris had a halo of pebbles whirling at different speeds around his head. "You see, size matters not, numbers matter not. If you believe, you open the way for the Force to come through you.""
As we see in these statements Corran hasn't mastered TP anywhere to Mundi's level. Mundi lifts a skiff while injured and Corran is struggling to lift a pebble.
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
Corran Horn was able to mind trick the entire Jedi Academy, including Luke Skywalker, with minimal training. It should be noted that Corran gets significantly more powerful as time progresses. So this shows only a fraction of Corran’s true power. wrote:
While these are impressive feats TP isn't a good way to gauge power. Tiin is the most powerful in TP.
Jedi Master Saesee Tiin was the most telepathic member of the Jedi Council whose strong connection to the Force made him an extraordinarily gifted starfighter pilot. -Star Wars Fandex wrote:
Yet people like Grand Master Yoda far exceed Tiin in power:
Yoda was the oldest and most powerful Jedi in the order. He has trained many young Jedi over the years. (Star Wars: Sith Wars) wrote:
Meet Yoda. He is the most powerful Jedi. (Star Wars: Blast Off!) wrote:
The two most powerful users of the Force's light and dark sides clash in a spectacular duel in the Senate building on Coruscant. (Star Wars: Epic Battles) wrote:
The two most powerful masters of the Force in the galaxy are locked in a battle that pits ultimate good against ultimate evil. (Star Wars: Unleashed - Yoda vs. Sidious statue) wrote:
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
“I could have just as easily switched blade lengths as you went to beat my blade aside. A stop thrust is very effective against an incoming enemy, if you know the enemy is incoming. I figured you'd have to press your attack. I doubled the blade, giving you a way to take my weapon out of play, then killed the blade as you went to knock it aside. Another touch of the thumb and you get spitted.”" (Dark Tide II: Ruin) (Corran is talking to Mara) wrote:
Sparing matches aren't always decisive in showing who the better duelist is. For example in AoTC Anakin beat Kit and Kenobi.
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
In order to demonstrate how impressive this is, firstly we must note that Mara Jade is near the level of Jacen Solo in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. Indeed, she duels, injures, and nearly defeats Jacen- who, by that point, was a “complete master of the force.” wrote:
Mara she knows she can't win and leads Caedus/Jacen into traps injuring him before the fight ever took place.
Crunch . . . crunch . . . crunch. If she'd timed it right, he was close to stepping on that rusty plate. Clang. . . The rumbling began. She brought down both sections of tunnel, before and behind, with a massive exertion in the Force that made her breathless. She didn't hear him call out. Even in the damp conditions, clouds of fine debris filled the air and made her choke. Mara waited, one hand over her mouth and nose, shoto drawn, and listened in the Force. There was whimpering and the chunk-chunk sound of the last falling bricks. She didn't expect that weight of debris from a low ceiling to cause impact injury, but to engulf and immobilize him. He wouldn't be dead—yet. She waited in silence, a nonexistent presence herself, until she could hear no more movement. Okay. Let's see what I have to do to end this. An arm was all that protruded from the rubble. Through a fist-sized gap, she could see the wet, blinking glint of an eye and bloodstained face. A hand reached out to her, fingers splayed, bloody and shaking. wrote:
Legacy Of The Force Sacrifice
She makes ruble fall on him which left him with a "bloodstained face." "bloody and shaking."
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
"The Empire's deadliest agent married to the Rebel Alliance's greatest hero. The irony is thick, but many on both sides relish the symbolism. As Luke Skywalker's wife and one of the few Jedi Masters of the New Jedi Order, Mara Jade finds it hard to stay out of the public's eye.” (The New Essential Guide to Characters) wrote:
This doesn't bind Lumiya, unless there is another quote saying she is a agent of the Empire that I don't know of.
@"Admiral Ackbar" says
“In addition to being a cocky teenager alone in a galaxy at war, Ben might now be the target of one of the galaxy's deadliest killers-a woman who had fought Luke to a standstill mere weeks before.” (Legacy of the Force: Exile) wrote:
Luke is unfamiliar with Lumiya's lighwhip which is a disadvantage:
[quote="They don't know how to attack or defend effectively against it. That gives those of us who use it an advantage over most of our opponents." "Like Githany's whip!" Bane exclaimed. Githany eschewed traditional weaponry in favor of the very rare energy whip: just one of the many traits that made her stand out from the other apprentices. It operated on the same basic principles as a lightsaber, but instead of a steady beam, the energy of the crystals was projected in a flexible ribbon that would twist, turn, and snap in response to both Githany's physical motions and her use of the Force. "Exactly. The energy whip is far less efficient than any of the lightsaber blades. However, nobody ever practices against the whip. Githany knows that her enemies' confusion at being confronted with the whip gives her an edge. Bane Path of Destruction][/quote]
The lighwhip "gives her an edge" as people are unfamiliar on how to approach fighting against it.
For four millennia, Kun's disembodied spirit slumbered. The presence of a dozen Force-sensitives stirred his consciousness. It was now several years after the Battle of Endor, and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had begun training Jedi at an academy on Yavin 4. Exar Kun's spirit sought to corrupt Skywalker's students and bring about a dark side reign again. He controlled Luke's most powerful student, Kyp Durron, but in the end, Luke's students united and were able to finally dispel Kun's spirit. -Databank Kun, Exar wrote:
Skywalker's first class of Jedi students was an eclectic mix of Force-attuned beings from across the galaxy. Kyp was easily the most powerful, and he quickly grew impatient at Skywalker's pace of instruction. Unbeknownst to Luke, an evil presence had infested his praxeum. The shadowy spirit of a long-dead Dark Lord of the Sith, Exar Kun, resided in the ancient temples of Yavin 4. Seeing a capable youth easy to exploit, Kun whispered promises of power to Kyp and was secretly training him. -Databank Durron, Kyp wrote:
These along with countless other statements put Kyp>Corran.
If Kyp had fallen to the dark side, he could become another Darth Vader. Perhaps even worse. wrote:
JA II-Dark Apprentice
This is told by Luke in JA so this would refer to suited Vader. Luke says Kyp could be the next Vader.
We our told by Lucas that:
the dark side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side, which is the dark side. wrote:
ROTS Commentary
[quote="I was looking for a kind of sword fighting that was reminiscent of what was in the movies that we’d already done, but a more energized version of it. Because we’d never seen real Jedi’s at work, we’d only seen, you know, old men and crippled, half-droid, half-men and young boys that had learned from these people. So, to see a Jedi fighting in the prime of the Jedi, I wanted it to be a much more energetic and faster version of what we’ve been doing.
Star Wars Episode 1: Fights Featurette and Star Wars Episode 1: Prime Of The Jedi Webisode.
Per Lucas, Vader is a "crippled, half-droid, half-men", whereas Jinn is a "real Jedi."
TPM Maul beats Qui Gon:
In Star Wars Power Battles Mundi beats TPM Maul:
Ending 5 minutes.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Closing remarks
@"Admiral Ackbar" said
Though considering that the average Jedi Knight of the NJO era is stronger than the average prequel-era Jedi Knight, I’m not surprised. wrote:
”In these days, sword fighting was not quite as sophisticated as it was during the height of the Jedi period, in this particular rendition, Vader was half man and half machine, Obi-Wan was pretty much an old man, and so this fight was a hard fight for them, it wasn’t a acrobatic, jump around, fast fight, it was a kinda hard fight to fight because they are both kind of old Jedi.” -George Lucas, A New Hope Commentary wrote:
GL calls the PT the 'height of the Jedi period and the golden age."
@Corran Horn
Horn eventually confronted Shedao Shai, and they agreed to a duel: Corran fighting for Ithor, and Shedao Shai for the remains of Mongei Shai. Horn barely managed to defeat the commander, but that left Deign Lian in command of the alien fleet.” (The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia) wrote:
After all the evidence I've shown whose to say Mundi can't do this?
@"Admiral Ackbar"
Horn’s opponent, Ki-Adi-Mundi, is no match for Horn. Indeed, Ki-Adi-Mundi was bested by General Grievous. wrote:
2003 CW is a very heavily exaggerated medium. CW Grievous was able to contend and beat with battle worn Jedi but in TCW he is only able to contend with Kit Fisto until he needs to call on his magna-guards for help.
Leland Chee further confirms this in this tweet:
Q: “Tasty, have you given any thought to the canon level of the sheer Force power Darth Vader's Apprentice displays in the upcoming Force Unleashed game?” Leland Chee: The Force is definitely amped up to enhance gameplay. Star Wars in its various forms is always going to be taylored to specific mediums, whether it be for gameplay, artistic, or technical reasons. What we see in the films are the true representation of Force abilities. wrote:
Drawing comparisons from both it's evident that CW is a way more exaggerated medium that TCW.
While Corran Horn is a very formidable opponent he's no-match for Ki Adi Mundi.
You are left with the following chain: Corran Horn=Suited Vader
- Rogue Emperor
Re: Ki-Adi-Mundi (Rogue Emperor) vs Corran Horn (Admiral Ackbar)
November 9th 2021, 9:30 pm
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conclusion continued
Chain seems to have cut out.
Chain: Corran Horn=Suited Vader
Chain seems to have cut out.
Chain: Corran Horn=Suited Vader
- Corran Horn
Corran Horn vs Ki-Adi Mundi- Response #1
November 9th 2021, 11:52 pm
Counter Arguments
Rogue Emperor wrote:“Mundi is able to lift a skiff while injured. This is quite a key point considering Corrans struggle in TK.”
You claimed that Ki-Adi Mundi could lift a speeder with telekinesis, while Corran couldn’t. Now, this is true. In a battle of pure telekinesis, Ki-Adi Mundi could win. However, when one views their entire fight holistically, you’ll find that quite simply, that doesn’t matter.
Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force wrote:“It has already been noted that members of the Halcyon Jedi bloodline inherited the inability to use the Force to perform telekinetic feats. Dating back thousands of years, this trait was often mistaken for a weakness, but the Halcyon Jedi so greatly excelled in other areas of the Force that they easily compensated for this "flaw."
That said, I do object to your usage of the quote from I, Jedi to prove your point. This comes when Corran is still learning to use the force. It comes from just about his first day of training. So even if Corran was inherently at telekinesis, he would still struggle to lift said rock. There are numerous quotes in the NJO that confirm he’s pretty bad at Telekinesis.
That said, to say he cannot use telekinesis at all is rather silly and incorrect. He can use it, albeit to minimal effect. This is demonstrated in The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy, where we get the following quote:
The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy, wrote:Then he let his body slide out into the air.
For the first few seconds, he was in true free fall, accelerating toward the bottom of the shaft at the exponential speed of gravity. Then he began to tighten his grip, creating friction against the cable. His rate of fall slowed, but his arms complained, and the jacket warmed quickly. He relaxed again, clamped down again, alternating.
Above him, the top of the shaft had already diminished to a circle so small that Tahiri's face was barely visible. Below him, the light strips on the walls still met together in a point.
He had a long way to go, and proceeding like this he wasn't going to make it. His arms would wear out long before he reached the bottom, or more likely the jacket would burn through. He'd known that from the start, but had needed to experiment with the cable for what he was about to do.
He closed his eyes, feeling the air rush past, feeling the living Force around him, the great pulsing life of Sekot, the unseen floor, his own body, all one in the Force—
And relaxed. He kept his hands loosely around the cable, but put no pressure on it. He was really falling now, his body trending horizontal as the atmosphere pushed against it. Fear tried to rise up and take him, but he batted it away. There was nothing to be afraid of—he knew he could do this.
Of course, he'd always had a little trouble with levitation . . .
He had to get the moment exactly right, and he had to trust the Force to let him know when it was.
It came. He clamped down on the jacket, and his arms felt like they were coming out of their sockets. The smell of scorched synthleather filled his nostrils, and he felt the floor coming up, still too fast. He pushed, pushed in the Force—
—and slammed into the ground. He felt his knees buckle, released the jacket, and rolled.
"Ouch," he murmured.
Should Mundi, say, throw a skiff at Corran, Corran could push the skiff out of the way just enough to allow it to pass by him unharmed. Corran couldn’t defeat Mundi in a battle of telekinesis- but, as this and the quote above demonstrates, it would by no means be a deciding factor in their duel.
Now, the previous scenario I mentioned is dependent upon the idea that Mundi could see where Corran was in order to throw a skiff at him. This isn’t the case. Corran, virtually without any training, placed illusions in the mind of every single member of Luke’s Jedi Academy. Corran could easily place said illusions in the mind of Mundi, causing Mundi to throw the skiff in the opposite direction of Corran while the superior Jedi (that being Corran) walks up and stabs Mundi.
See, while mind illusions themselves are not indicative of power, they are extremely useful in a fight. Corran, for example, takes down four speeders by implanting the idea of a black hole in their heads, allowing him to win the fight. Should Mundi and Horn fight, Corran’s telepathy would give him a powerful and insurmountable advantage.
RogueEmperor wrote:“Sparring matches aren't always decisive in showing who the better duelist is. For example in AoTC Anakin beat Kit and Kenobi.”
You haven’t provided any source for this. Additionally, whilst sparring matches themselves aren’t the end-all be all of power scaling, they are useful. Earlier in the matchup Mara notes they have fought several countless times before- indeed, we even see them spar as far back as 11 ABY. Seeing as they spar quite frequently, this would indicate at least some level of parity between them. Additionally, you haven’t provided a reason why this sparring match in itself is bad, other than “sometimes they aren’t always accurate.”
Rogue Emperor wrote:“Mara she knows she can't win and leads Caedus/Jacen into traps injuring him before the fight ever took place. She makes ruble fall on him which left him with a "bloodstained face." "bloody and shaking."
Now, Mara did use the area around her as an advantage. However, I’m not sure how this is relevant since Jacen didn’t use said area to his advantage. He could have, but didn’t. Additionally, “bloodied and shaking” isn’t really that bad for Jacen. See, Jacen went through the Embrace of Pain, making him practically invincible to pain. During his fight with Luke, Jacen endures lightsaber blades to the shoulder, force enhanced kicks, and even a bad strike to the eyes. However, Jacen keeps on kicking, even gaining the advantage at one point in the fight. This demonstrates that any wounds Jacen received are minor.
Rogue Emperor wrote:"This doesn't bind Lumiya, unless there is another quote saying she is a agent of the Empire that I don't know of.”
At the risk of sounding overconfident, this is rather prophetic as, turns out, there is a quote stating that Lumiya is an agent of the Empire. Lumiya is featured in the article The Emperor’s Pawns.
A more mainstream source confirming this is The New Essential Guide to Characters, which writes.
The New Essential Guide to Characters wrote:“Like Mara Jade, Shira Brie was one of the Emperor’s Hands.”
You claimed that Luke is unfamiliar with Lumiya’s lightwhip.
RogueEmperor wrote:“Luke is unfamiliar with Lumiya's lighwhip which is a disadvantage.”
With all due respect, this could not be further from the truth. Luke was very familiar with Lumiya’s lightwhip. He had fought her two different times before. If that’s not enough evidence, consider that in the fight I am referring to, Luke used a shoto-, which he made specifically to counter Lumiya’s lightwhip. Using a shoto is the strategy to counter the lightwhip.
Countering the scaling chain
This is an interesting chain. My first complaint with this chain is that you use quotes referring to Corran as of 11 ABY. This is massively pre-prime Corran. This is essentially his first time picking up a lightsaber, and his first time using it. Sure, 11 ABY Corran may be less powerful than Kyp Durron. But 25 ABY Corran? 45 ABY Corran?
Now, you also claim that Mundi beats Darth Maul as of the Phantom Menace. This source comes from a video game. Well, you provided a quote that states that the force and other such abilities like lightsaber combat are heavily exaggerated in a video game. It seems rather self defeating to use a video game as a major piece of your scaling chain only to say that video games are heavily exaggerated later on.
RogueEmperor (Leeland Chee) wrote:“Tasty, have you given any thought to the canon level of the sheer Force power Darth Vader's Apprentice displays in the upcoming Force Unleashed game?” Leland Chee: The Force is definitely amped up to enhance gameplay. Star Wars in its various forms is always going to be taylored to specific mediums, whether it be for gameplay, artistic, or technical reasons. What we see in the films are the true representation of Force abilities.”
The scaling chain has been broken two times and is, therefore, invalid.
Refuting the conclusion
Rogue Emperor wrote:“GL calls the PT the 'height of the Jedi period and the golden age."
Lucas does say this. However, “golden age” does not necessarily mean at their most powerful. It instead refers to the political power the Jedi held, and the fact that they were at their most numerous. For example, take the Golden Age of Islam. If every Islamic Country today fought every Islamic country then the modern day countries would win since they have, you know, nukes and fighter jets. Instead the Golden Age of Islam refers to the fact that Islam commanded so much power around the world and that their religion was flourishing- even though modern day Islam is more powerful.
In regards to the “height of the Jedi period," again, it's the same thing as the Golden Age of Islam. It doesn't necessarily make Jedi more powerful- they just had more members and more influence. Additionally, even if it did, this came out in 2004, well before Corran's greatest feats.
After that, in relation to Corran’s duel with Shedao Shai, you stated
RogueEmperor wrote:“After all the evidence I've shown whose to say Mundi can't do this?”
...I am. You haven’t shown any combat feats for Mundi, other than that he once lifted a skiff. In fact, his showings against Grievous are shockingly poor. This is evidence against the idea that he could somehow defeat Shedao Shai.
RogueEmperor wrote:“2003 CW is a very heavily exaggerated medium. CW Grievous was able to contend and beat with battle worn Jedi but in TCW he is only able to contend with Kit Fisto until he needs to call on his magna-guards for help.”
You claim that the 2003 Clone Wars is more exaggerated than the 2008 Clone Wars. Yet, you don’t have any proof to back that up. It’s quite possible that the 2008 Clone Wars was exaggerated, and that Kit Fisto’s power was exaggerated. Or, neither could have been exaggerated and Kit Fisto is just that much stronger than Ki-Adi Mundi.
Going on the offensive
Now that I’ve safely countered your point, allow me to move on to some of my own. Firstly, I’d like to point out that you haven’t countered many of my points. Corran, for example, defeats four Sith Sabers while terribly injured. Completely untrained, he stops Kyp’s attacks right in their tracks. His reaction times are superb. These are powerful feats that Mundi has no counter to, and allows Corran to win.
Another piece of pro-Corran scaling comes from Legacy of the Force: Fury. Basically, the entire Jedi Council engages in sparring practice. It's hard to make out what happens since we really only tune into each fight a couple brief times, but here are all the excerpts involving Corran.
Legacy of the Force: Fury. wrote:A few meters away, Saba Sabetyne and Corran Horn dueled, each adopting a traditional, formalized posture- Saba using a lightsaber in each hand, Corran with his own weapon adjusted to its second setting, its blade now three meters in length and a brilliant purple instead of silver.
So, here we can see that Saba and Corran are dueling. They duel for several minutes.
Legacy of the Force: Fury. wrote:Cighal caught it [Kyle's lightsaber] out of the air, called "Thank you" and dashed towards Corran.
From here, it appears that Cighal is joining Saba in teaming up on Corran.
Legacy of the Force: Fury. wrote:Corran and Kyle's voices rose simultaneously: "Me."
This demonstrates that Corran was not seriously exerting himself, as he was still able to raise his voice and speak loudly.
Legacy of the Force: Fury. wrote:"Not as far as I can throw her." That was Corran, his voice punctuated by zaps as Saba advanced on him, trying to throw his longer blade aside.
We can see here that Corran has been dueling Saba for several minutes. The duel appears to be going fairly evenly, as neither side seems to have an advantage. Additionally, Corran is not finding the fight to be difficult as he speaks casually during their duel. It also appears he was dueling Cighal as well- meaning that we could theoretically establish the following:
Corran ~ Cighal + Saba.
Corran > Saba
I do want to note, of course, that this a sparring practice and not a fight to the death, so obviously there is some variance in power levels involved. Regardless, this well demonstrates Corran’s superiority to Saba.
The previously-mentioned duel is relevant since Saba defeated Kenth Hamner (a master swordsman) and does this to an admittedly weakened Abeloth:
Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse wrote:“Even with no arms left to fight with, Abeloth remained determined to take Saba's body. Her huge mouth gaped open, revealing two rows of fangs - fangs sharp enough to shred blast armor, set in jaws wide enough to bite through a rancor neck.
That was no way to fight a Barabel.
Saba brought both fists up together, jamming them into Abeloth's mouth in a Force-enhanced double punch. The blow knocked a ten-centimeter hole through both sets of fangs, and when Abeloth bit down there was nothing but toothless gum clamping Saba's scaly forearms.
Still, the pain was excruciating, and Saba came close to stopping before she felt her forearms snapping. Hissing in pain, she balled her fists anyway, locking her talons deep into the back of Abeloth's throat. In one smooth jerk, she pulled her prey's head down sideways and exposed the neck.
Then Saba sank her fangs in deep. They sliced through skin and gristle and just kept sinking, cutting through muscle and bone and spinal cord. Abeloth's body went limp with shock. Saba used her broken arms to jerk the head down farther, exposing even more neck. She ripped flesh. She gnashed sinew. She crushed vertebrae. She whipped her muzzle back and forth, and she felt the prey's head pop loose.
Only then did Abeloth's jaws open and release Saba's broken arms. She let her hands open, and her claws slipped free. The head went flying across the balcony and landed at the feet of Tahiri and the two Void Jumpers. All three stared at the gruesome thing in open shock, until Tahiri finally seemed to recover her wits and look toward Saba.”
Anyway, to conclude, Corran is definitely above Ki-Adi Mundi. Mundi lacks any counters to Corran’s strengths, especially telekinesis. Additionally, Corran’s combat strength is impressive, with him being a better duelist than Saba.
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