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Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 4:34 pm
Message reputation : 100% (9 votes)
I will not be ranking which character would win in a fight. There are too many variables and factors involved in a fight that would make ranking these characters by combative prowess highly difficult. Instead, I will simply rank who I believe has the rawest destructive power output within themselves. Meaning, who could consistently destroy the larger celestial body (or survive/tank the larger, more powerful attack). Obviously, this does not mean that top tier Jedi/Sith such as Darth Nihilus, Grand Master Luke Skywalker, Reborn Palpatine, or Valkorian would be unable to defeat characters on this list through mastery and experience. I just don’t believe they would be able to replicate environmental feats to the extent of those on this list, as you will soon see why.  

Much credit and praise to @Goat for helping me with this list. Without his advice and expert knowledge, this list would not have been made possible. He helped me from beginning to end, and I want to make sure he gets recognition for his part of the work.

> Methodology - I will be using Suspect Insight Forums (more specifically: Stomper Brigade’s) system of versus debating.
> This list will not include hyperbolic religious figures that are known only through in-universe mythology. An example of this would be the Zakuul god, Izax.
> This list ignores any ideas or concepts introduced in the unpublished novella Supernatural Encounters, of which there are four different versions:
    1. The original version from the Star Wars Gamer magazine was approved and licensed.
    2. The version for Hyperspace was approved and licensed.
    3. The version found on was given the same treatment as much of Abel's content, however, Matt Martin has not yet answered Joe's last two queries.
    4. Finally, the most recent and well-known version found on has not yet gained official C-Canon status. Many of the additions to the novella are obviously new as the Ones and certain SWTOR characters did not yet exist in the early 2000s, but the core of SE is approved and licensed.
> If statements or feats contradict one another, the source of higher authority will take precedence.
> I will be using S-Canon sources and material, however, C-Canon will obviously take precedence if a contradiction exists.
> Sentient planets such as Zenoma Sekot or Yuuzhan’tar are banned. Objects and weapons such as the Sunstar, the Season Sceptre, and the Seeds of Rage, are likewise banned.

1. The Whills
The original concept of the Whills described them as essentially the writers and authors of the Star Wars saga. They were referred to as the (IRL) actual creators of the fictional universe ie. George Lucas, etc. However, in 2005, they were retconned as merely the beings who recorded the history of the Star Wars universe. While they are often presented as the authors themselves, their status as all-powerful (omnipotent) has never been confirmed. Either way, no in-universe character can definitively attain such clout.

2. The Bedlam Spirits
Introduced in the 1982 comic Tilotny Throws a Shape, these uber-powerful reality warpers claimed to be responsible for inventing the very concepts of matter and time, twice, and have displayed the ability to create, manipulate, and destroy both matter and time with ease. These immortal spirits consist of Tilotny, Splendid Ap, Horliss-Horliss, and Cold Danda Sine. They have no perceivable weakness other than their childish and naive mindset. Mortal beings are nothing but toys to be played with. It is important to note that though they claim to be the inventors of time and space this is refuted by what is presented in both The Essential Atlas and Marvel's Star Wars 87: Still Active After All Those Years. However, their absolute control over those phenomena is undisputed even by The Essential Atlas itself, which calls the Bedlam Spirits "omnipotent". They are also one of the main focuses of the unpublished novella, Supernatural Encounters.

3. The Father of Mortis
Described by some to be omnipotent, The Father of the Ones has been said to be many things. Whether or not he is the very embodiment of the living force or even the creator of the force itself, we do know that he is outright stated to be the most powerful force user in Galactic history. As the keeper of balance, he scales above the combined power of both the Son and the Daughter of Mortis. Conventional attacks cannot harm him as he can only be killed by the Sword of Mortis.

4. The Son and The Daughter of Mortis
The literal embodiments of the light and dark sides of the force respectively. Like the Father, their powers are far beyond anything a moral force user can achieve. They have absolute mastery over the force as they themselves not only command their respective sides of the force but exist in a permanent state of Oneness with their sides. Together they have consistently shown to be more powerful than Abeloth.

5. Abeloth
Also known as the Bringer of Chaos, Abeloth is the main antagonist of the Fate of the Jedi series. Originally the mortal “mother” of the Ones, she drank from the font of power and bathed in the pool of knowledge which transformed her into a force goddess. However, the transformation caused her to go insane. She became so dangerous that the Father of Mortis had to imprison her within the Maw Cluster (a cluster of black holes), and the Son and Daughter would be forced to continually stop her from escaping. Unfortunately, not long after the Ones had died, she was able to escape by influencing Jedi younglings hiding within the Maw Installation during the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was said that no mortal mind could even begin to comprehend the power of Abeloth, and it was believed that she could only be killed permanently by the sword of Mortis. She easily overpowered (FOTJ) Grand Master Luke Skywalker, Darth Krayt, and other top tier Jedi/Sith on several occasions before meeting her fate at the Lake of Apparitions (which she very well may have survived). Lastly, it is worth noting that Galactic Architecture 101 And The History Of Centerpoint Station credits Abeloth as "a being similar, but not quite as powerful as the Celestials". While this may be unrelated to Abeloth, the same article clarifies that Centerpoint Station is the second most powerful force in the galaxy (right behind the Force itself).

As for Abeloth’s feats:
    - She obliterated Sinkhole Station (the implication being: Sinkhole Station, similar to Centerpoint Station, detained the black holes surrounding it).
    - She assimilated planets during her prime (although it’s worth noting that this feat was depicted by Killiks, a species known for rarely ever communicating straightforwardly).
    - She would have been able to “literally” reshape the galaxy in any manner she wished by continuing to feed on Coruscant’s population’s fear and anger.
    - She contained dark side energies beyond anything Grand Master Luke (as of FOTJ) had ever sensed, and then created a dark side super bomb, by placing said energy into a Force user's body.
    - She erased the City of Glass (and the thousands of Sith that lived there) with a mere accident.
And of course, this only represents the tip of the iceberg that is Abeloth.

6. The World Razer
Believed to have been imprisoned by the Rakatan Infinite Empire within the planet Belsavis, the Destroyer of Worlds, the Eater of Stars, the Great Master of the Esh-Kha, the World Razer, was an immensely powerful ancient entity capable of consuming thousands of worlds. It was even said that if the World Razer were to escape, he would have instantly shattered the galaxy on release due to all his built-up anger. Within the computer game SWTOR, members of a Republic strike team can choose to help the World Razer escape or keep him trapped. Within the unofficial N-Canon novel, Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon, the World Razer is explained to be Athla'giroth, one of the primordial Old Ones, a group of ancient dark gods who tried to destroy the Celestials. The main issue with ranking a being such as the World Razer is the amount of speculation that surrounds him.
For example:
    - It was "cryptic warnings" suggesting that the World Razer was a "terrible entity whose hunger consumed a thousand worlds".
    - It was Hunter-Moon who claimed that the World Razer will eventually consume Belsavis.
    - It was the crazed Failsafe who claimed that the World Razer would be responsible for "a thousand planets burning" and "a hundred stars withering and collapsing”.
    - It was Gore Claw who asserted that the World Razer will "wash over the stars".
    - It was the World Razer himself who threatened to eventually obliterate any planet the player character has ever seen or known.
    - General Skylast’s information about the World Razer being "as old as the galaxy" was "not from the most reliable sources", and avows that the rumors are likely "superstitious nonsense".
Of course, all of this might be true, but it’s fair to point out that much of the World Razer’s accolades may be nothing more than empty hype.

7. Charal
By far the most difficult character on this list to confidently rank, Charal the - ex-Night Witch - Queen of Endor, has demonstrated abstract powers none other has. Really the only reason I have her placed so high is that she was able to overpower the Sunstar. The power of the Sunstar alone is very hard to accurately rank due to the amount of in-universe hype and simple lack of showings surrounding it. The weapon was regarded as the most powerful object in the universe (placing it above the Dark Staff, which is #8 on this list), and was stated to be capable of defeating Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, and the greatest Imperial armada ever assembled. According to Star Wars Insider #29, the Sunstar would grant a non-force user absolute mastery over the universe. Other accolades include containing virtually limitless power, being all-powerful, and being capable of: destroying a planet, influencing the entire galaxy, and bringing an end to all that is good.

As for actual feats, the Sunstar was used to manipulate matter on a planetary scale, move the moons of Endor into alignment, and one-shot Logray, an extremely powerful (nigh-immortal) force user, matter manipulator, reality warper, and rival to the legendary Morag, both of whom have ridiculous gag tier hax. The Sunstar also created a weapon championed “the mightiest weapon the universe has ever seen”, by Dr. Raygar, someone who had a well-versed knowledge of both the Death Star I and II, among other superweapons.

Regardless, Charal was unphased by the Sunstar releasing close to all (I estimate close to 99.99%) of its power at once.

There are, however, 3 main issues preventing one from confidently ranking Charal.

First off, how much of the Sunstar’s power did she actually tank? The Sunstar is regarded as having unlimited power, yet the fact it drastically decreased in potency after the Charal incident appears to contradict this notion. Is it possible that Charal only tanked a fraction of the artifact’s power? Is it possible that the Sunstar is much weaker than it has been held to be? Both are possibilities, but neither fit with how the weapon has been consistently portrayed. Not to mention, artifacts don't experience the problems of having to replenish a Force reserve.

Second, how did Emperor Palpatine manage to get rid of the Witch-Queen? While we know Palpatine eliminated her as a threat at some point during the Galactic Civil War, we’ve never been answered as to how. One may like to imagine that he traveled to Endor himself and battled her in a momentous display of Force power on the moon's surface, but it is more likely that he dispatched a regiment, battalion, company, or even a mere platoon of Stormtroopers to deal with her. Were their Inquisitors or Dark Jedi attached to this Imperial task force? Did she surrender to the strike team, knowing it was her best option or was she immediately gunned down by a random private? We will never know. Moreover, "eliminating her as a threat" can mean several things. It could very well translate into her imprisonment, exile, or potentially even joining his side. Though death appears to be the most likely explanation.

Lastly, the Ewoks series is often implied to be a children’s in-universe Holoseries, which would negate much of her very existence as an actual character.

8. The Dark Staff
Arguably the most potent and deadly artifact ever created, the Dark Staff was capable of obliterating planets, teleporting entire star systems through time, mind and soul raping powerful force users, and much more. The Dark Staff gained infamy around the time of the Great Galactic War as seen in the computer game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Now you may be thinking, “wait I thought you said artifacts are banned”, and yes, while the Dark Staff is not technically a person, it is in fact a sentient character with a mind and personality of its own. In a way, it is indeed a living being and has been shown to exercise control over its user rather than the other way around. The weapon would reappear in the Adventures in the Living Force Campaign.

9. The Mnggal-Mnggal
Existing only to consume worlds and torture its victims, the sentient black ooze existing across the Unknown Regions as the Mnggal-Mnggal was capable of wiping out all life on a planet and taking over an organism’s body. It did this by traveling through one’s orifices or pores and consuming their insides. The Mnggal-Mnggal could exist on countless planets at once and shapeshift into various forms. Having lived since the time of the Celestials, the Mnggal-Mnggal witnessed the rise and fall of every galactic civilization. Seemingly omniscient, the creature has uncensored knowledge of secretive political plots, as well as future events. The creature was also responsible for several regime changes within prominent Empires located in the Unknown Regions. Daniel Wallace hinted that the Mnggal-Mnggal is extra-dimensional in origin, similar to the Waru and that the celestials (potentially even the Father of Mortis himself) created the infamous hyperspace anomaly to prevent the Mnggal-Mnggal from destroying their complex creations. If these rumors and stories are true, then it is safe to assume that the Mnggal-Mnggal is a far greater threat than the World Razer, whom himself conceded inferiority to the technology of the Rakatans; a scary thought considering the Celestials’ technology surpassed that of the Rakatans.

According to Supernatural Encounters, the Mnggal-Mnggal is one of Tilotny and Cold Danda Sine’s children.

10. Wutzek of the Hell Hoop
Appearing in the Pandora Effect marvel comic, and described as a force demon of unimaginable power, Wutzek was the last of his kind. Some believed that the Wutzek and those like him had originally owned the universe. However, an evil cult known as the Five imprisoned him within a dimensional paradox called the Angle Trap Cage. Centuries later, Chewbacca would help free Wutzek and allow him to escape. The demon then destroyed the Angle Trap Cage and consumed the souls of the cult members, before expanding to his true size. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia states that the Wutzek destroyed the Hell Hoop which would be a star system busting feat, however, this is confirmed by no other source, so the validity of it may be drawn into question.

The statement that Wutzek’s kind ruled the universe “when it was young, when it was lifeless”, fits well with what is shown in The Essential Guide to Warfare. Within the introduction, Osvald Teshik is granted a vision of the beginnings, and the future, of the universe. He sees "great beings made of light, who could be everywhere and nowhere at once. They were vaster than nebulae and tinier than cells, and they assembled solar systems like children with toys.” This is very similar to the vision Wutzek granted Chewbacca. The Wookiee was shown "the universe when it was young, when it was lifeless... for the flickering, pastel glow of the demons as they floated in their awful glory across the barren dawn worlds."

While there is not much C-canon information to go off of in determining the demon’s true power, the novella Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon by Joseph Bongiorno, covers his life in great detail. In fact, the epilogue vaguely explains that Wutzek is actually the spirit of Arhul Hextrophon (the main protagonist of the story), who was killed by beings from Otherspace (not the Charon). Wutzek seems to guide him from what is described as "beyond shadows". There, Hextrophon witnessed the destiny of the universe before transcending into a higher plane of existence as a supernatural spirit.

In Supernatural Encounters, we learn that Wutzek is a Celestial (and creator of the universe). Following a common sci-fi trope, he eventually became bored of mortal life and attempted to create immortal children (like himself). As one would predict, his attempt went sideways, and his ‘children’ became the literal embodiments of his flawed characteristics.

Tilotny - vanity
Horliss-Horliss - remoteness
Cold Danda Sine - impatience
Splendid Ap - apathy

Wutzek planned to destroy his flawed creations, but his children learned of his plot and ran away. They then introduced the very concept of ‘evil’ to the universe and spawned “monstrous demigods” to terrorize the galaxy.

Only after his descendants had ravaged the galaxy for ages, was he able to trick Tilotny and Cold Danda Sine into destroying themselves, and convince Splendid Ap to redeem himself. Horliss-Horliss had already done so on his own initiative.

Wutzek then confronted Tilotny's eldest child, Typhojem, on the planet Garn, only to be imprisoned within an "angle-trap" and subsequently killed.

After millions of years, Wutzek was able to regenerate himself, and go on to destroy Tharagorrogaraht (Typhojem's sister). He finally decided to settle down and spend the rest of eternity watching over Otherspace (the dark realm his children had created). However, he was once again imprisoned within an angle-trap, this time by the Five, a cult dedicated to worshiping Tilotny.


The Whills
- Omnipotent creators of Star Wars

The Bedlam Spirits
- They exist beyond the concept of time and matter
- Created time and matter
- Can theoretically create or destroy universal laws at the whim
- Potential universal tier
- No perceivable weakness other than childish behavior

The Father
- For all intents and purposes, the literal embodiment of the force and balance
- More powerful than the Son and the Daughter
- Can only be killed by the Sword of Mortis

The Daughter & Son
- Weaker than the Father, but getting close
- More powerful than Abeloth
- The literal embodiment of the light and dark sides of the force

- Force demi-god
- Just weaker than the Son & Daughter (close)
- Casual planet buster
- Galactic threat
- Far more powerful than any mortal force user
- Nigh-immortal

The World Razer
- Potential galaxy buster
- Definite planet buster
- Was unable to escape from a conventional prison

- No sold and overpowered the Sunstar
- Sunstar’s power is somewhere between all-powerful and planet buster
- Sunstar > the Dark Staff (this is debatable)

The Dark Staff
- Planet buster
- Can teleport star systems into the future
- Mind and soul raped powerful force users

The Mnggal-Mnggal
- Eats and “creates” planets
- Nearly impossible to kill
- Can be everywhere at once
- Potential galactic level threat
- Theorized to have once been a major threat to the Celestials/Architects (potentially even the Father)

- Power level is heavily reliant on speculation
- Perhaps a casual star system buster
- Claimed to be all-powerful

Before someone points out that Waru and the Force Priestesses/Shaman of the Ancient Whills were left out, and asks why I might as well give my reasoning.

1. Waru has zero feats that would warrant a spot on this list or even a top 50 list. All he has to his name (other than basic telepathy and augmentation) are claims that he could have granted Lord Hethrir unlimited power over the force. These in-universe claims were never backed by feats or authoritative out-of-universe statements. In fact, the opposite was proven to be true.

2. The power level of the Force Priestesses/Shaman of the Ancient Whills was never truly revealed. They were only ever depicted as teachers, not creators or destroyers. There exist few sourcebook quotes giving context to their power. Much of what we know of their purpose/existence is from a vague deleted scene and even then we can only form speculation based on allusion. What we do know is that they were able to create extremely complex and elaborate illusions and that Grand Master Yoda was able to overcome their influence through telepathy and will. We have never seen them demonstrate ludicrous feats of power. This list is mainly focused on ranking who has the greatest destructive power output, and the Force Priestesses/Shaman of the Ancient Whills don’t necessarily fit that description.

Other abstract entities that did not make the list include:

- Cody Sunn-Childe from Marvel's Star Wars 46
- The Darker from Marvel's Star Wars 67
- Gethul from SWTOR
- Soa from SWTOR
- Lotek'k from SWTOR
- The DarkStryder from the DarkStryder Campaign
- Dhar Bullwin while empowered by the Eye of Koda
- Karak while empowered by the Golden Sun
- Ronyards from Rust Never Sleeps

Several of these characters were certainly close to making the list.

According to the Codex, the DarkStryder could draw on the remains of the Kathol species’ life energies (quite similar to the Ssi-ruuk and the Sharu), and use it to create some of the most powerful and advanced technology in the galaxy. The Codex should generally be trusted as a reliable source considering it aided Luke Skywalker during his Embrace, which magnified his force presence enough for the Lost Tribe of the Sith to sense him across the galaxy in Fate of the Jedi. The Codex was also worshipped by the Aing-Tii. Because the DarkStryder trapped the Kathol in their self-imposed prison, their life energies evolved into the ‘Ta-Ree”, an aspect of the Force that twisted the very fabric of space. While the DarkStryder may not be as powerful as others on this list (as shown in Endgame) and is bound to a locus, it is still worth mentioning.

Lotek’k, another character worth mentioning, was regarded as the mightiest foe the players have yet fought, and according to the game Operation Description, threatened to consume the entire galaxy. He’s also the NPC with the second-highest health bar in-game, right behind Izax, so the quote stating he’s an “enemy of unprecedented scale”, might refer to gameplay mechanics alone. Nevertheless, the description of him being a threat to the entire galaxy remains valid.

For those interested in the immensely powerful ancient Rakatan warlord, Soa, I recommend you read DarthAnt66’s respect thread on ComicVine.

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order)
- Morag
- Logray
- Darth Nihilus
- Shimrra Jamaane
- Onimi
- Unuthul
- Lomi Plo
- Luke Skywalker
- Darth Sidious
- Valkorian

Last edited by Marc Spector on November 15th 2020, 10:13 am; edited 2 times in total
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 4:52 pm
I will have to update this list once Supernatural Encounters is published in its full glory. Comment who you want to see in the updated top 10 list.

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 6:01 pm
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 6:02 pm
This is a pretty interesting list and a great read. Where would you rank The Son and The Daughter individually and do you think they would make it to the top 10 list alone?
Level One
Level One

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 6:29 pm
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
Marc Spector

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 10:12 pm
I like it this is my Top 50 not including artifacts and I Havnt included Charal either due to her being very hard to rank as you mentioned

1. The Whills
2. Full Potential Anakin Skywalker
3. Tilotny
4. Cold Danda Sine
5. Horliss-Horliss
6. Splendid Ap
7. Elegast
8. Serenity
9. Anger
10. Joy
11. Sadness
12. Confusion
13. Yun-Yuuzhan
14. Father of Shadows
15. The Näkhäsh
16. The Maker
17. Father of Lights
18. Boz
19. Bron
20. Oma-Oma
21. Pula
22. Mugg
23. The Skyborn
24. Lluxos
25. Wutzek
26. Abeloth
27. Eipha
28. Niphal
29. Xurz
30. Marutz
31. Typhojem
32. Mnggal-Mnggal
33. Ooradryl
34. Waru
35. Vahl
36. Onrai
37. Yun-Yamka
38. Yun-Harla
39. Yun-Txiin
40. Yun-Q’aah
41. Yun-Ne’Shel
42. Yun-Shuno
43. Yun-Lingni
44. Hexprak
45. Si'kranosh
46. Tharagorrogaraht
47. Mhu’anThul
48. Athla'giroth
49. Pomojema
50. Grand Master Luke Skywalker
Level Three
Level Three

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 14th 2020, 10:30 pm
u forgot surgery table vader
Level Six
Level Six

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 1:49 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Was going to star it until I saw Nihilus and Valkorion
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 2:11 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
HellfireUnit wrote:Was going to star it until I saw Nihilus and Valkorion

Why? Do you think I should have included them in the top 10? I was definitely thinking about it but eventually chose not to.
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 2:14 pm
Vaelias wrote:I like it this is my Top 50 not including artifacts and I Havnt included Charal either due to her being very hard to rank as you mentioned

1. The Whills
2. Full Potential Anakin Skywalker
3. Tilotny
4. Cold Danda Sine
5. Horliss-Horliss
6. Splendid Ap
7. Elegast
8. Serenity
9. Anger
10. Joy
11. Sadness
12. Confusion
13. Yun-Yuuzhan
14. Father of Shadows
15. The Näkhäsh
16. The Maker
17. Father of Lights
18. Boz
19. Bron
20. Oma-Oma
21. Pula
22. Mugg
23. The Skyborn
24. Lluxos
25. Wutzek
26. Abeloth
27. Eipha
28. Niphal
29. Xurz
30. Marutz
31. Typhojem
32. Mnggal-Mnggal
33. Ooradryl
34. Waru
35. Vahl
36. Onrai
37. Yun-Yamka
38. Yun-Harla
39. Yun-Txiin
40. Yun-Q’aah
41. Yun-Ne’Shel
42. Yun-Shuno
43. Yun-Lingni
44. Hexprak
45. Si'kranosh
46. Tharagorrogaraht
47. Mhu’anThul
48. Athla'giroth
49. Pomojema
50. Grand Master Luke Skywalker

Interesting list. Maybe you should make a top 10 list that includes SE characters. I'd love to hear your thoughts on those characters and I'm sure others on this platform would be interested as well. I think it's fair to say that Supernatural Encounters is underappreciated by the common EU fan.
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 2:16 pm
Darth Nihilus wrote:This is a pretty interesting list and a great read. Where would you rank The Son and The Daughter individually and do you think they would make it to the top 10 list alone?

That's a good question. I think I would rank them just below Abeloth. They both represent a different side of the Force and I'm not sure who is the stronger of the two. If they were to fight, the fight might last hundreds of thousands of years, and there would still be no clear winner.

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 2:39 pm
Marc Spector wrote:
Vaelias wrote:I like it this is my Top 50 not including artifacts and I Havnt included Charal either due to her being very hard to rank as you mentioned

1. The Whills
2. Full Potential Anakin Skywalker
3. Tilotny
4. Cold Danda Sine
5. Horliss-Horliss
6. Splendid Ap
7. Elegast
8. Serenity
9. Anger
10. Joy
11. Sadness
12. Confusion
13. Yun-Yuuzhan
14. Father of Shadows
15. The Näkhäsh
16. The Maker
17. Father of Lights
18. Boz
19. Bron
20. Oma-Oma
21. Pula
22. Mugg
23. The Skyborn
24. Lluxos
25. Wutzek
26. Abeloth
27. Eipha
28. Niphal
29. Xurz
30. Marutz
31. Typhojem
32. Mnggal-Mnggal
33. Ooradryl
34. Waru
35. Vahl
36. Onrai
37. Yun-Yamka
38. Yun-Harla
39. Yun-Txiin
40. Yun-Q’aah
41. Yun-Ne’Shel
42. Yun-Shuno
43. Yun-Lingni
44. Hexprak
45. Si'kranosh
46. Tharagorrogaraht
47. Mhu’anThul
48. Athla'giroth
49. Pomojema
50. Grand Master Luke Skywalker

Interesting list. Maybe you should make a top 10 list that includes SE characters. I'd love to hear your thoughts on those characters and I'm sure others on this platform would be interested as well. I think it's fair to say that Supernatural Encounters is underappreciated by the common EU fan.

I will do at some point I find SE very interesting and I like how it is done too, more to come when SE is expanded more too so I’m hyped
Level Six
Level Six

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 4:45 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Marc Spector wrote:
HellfireUnit wrote:Was going to star it until I saw Nihilus and Valkorion

Why? Do you think I should have included them in the top 10? I was definitely thinking about it but eventually chose not to.

They don't deserve top 50 kind sir

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 4:48 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Neither Valk nor Nihilus make the top 50 of we are including entities, I have GM Luke at 50 and I’ve still not filled out all the entities yet I’m still missing a few,

Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters Empty Re: Marc's Top 10 Most Powerful Characters

November 15th 2020, 6:54 pm
@Marc Spector

I think I would rank them just below Abeloth.

Hmmmm? wrote:The architects had a stepmother of sorts named Abeloth, a being similar, but not quite as powerful as the Celestials.

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November 16th 2020, 3:52 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:
Marc Spector wrote:
HellfireUnit wrote:Was going to star it until I saw Nihilus and Valkorion

Why? Do you think I should have included them in the top 10? I was definitely thinking about it but eventually chose not to.

They don't deserve top 50 kind sir

Come on, man. You do not have to like these characters but should be objective in evaluations of raw power.

The two 'world devourers' are easily among the most powerful Force-users to have ever existed and rightfully so. Devouring a world is a far greater feat than regular exploits of countless characters in Star Wars. The level of raw power and proficiency needed for the obvious, is beyond the capacity of majority of characters introduced.

NotAA3 wrote:@Marc Spector

I think I would rank them just below Abeloth.

Hmmmm? wrote:The architects had a stepmother of sorts named Abeloth, a being similar, but not quite as powerful as the Celestials.

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That was the case before she became Abeloth.

After she became Abeloth, she forced The Ones to reconsider their stay on the planet where they resided for a long time, but The Ones decided to trap Abeloth on this very planet by creating Maw Cluster around it. The Son and The Daughter never had to deal with Abeloth in isolation - the two siblings could work together in trying times. The Father was also around to protect both from potential harm just in case - until the Maw Cluster was created.
The Merchant
The Merchant

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November 17th 2020, 2:12 am
Good list but I wouldn't have ranked the Whills, personally. In-lore we have virtually nothing about them and all other statements about their power are Apocryphal such as Lucas new revelations regarding them in his hypothetical Sequel trilogy.

I feel ranking the Force senstive planets would have been good since you ended up ranking the Dark staff.

Wutzeks power was stated being capable of destroying an entire solar system according to the narrator when Wutzek was attempting to communicate with Chewbacca.

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November 17th 2020, 12:14 pm

That was the case before she became Abeloth.

After she became Abeloth, she forced The Ones to reconsider their stay on the planet where they resided for a long time, but The Ones decided to trap Abeloth on this very planet by creating Maw Cluster around it. The Son and The Daughter never had to deal with Abeloth in isolation - the two siblings could work together in trying times. The Father was also around to protect both from potential harm just in case - until the Maw Cluster was created.

Most of your post is an irrelevant description of events that transpired and doesn't refute anything I've written, so I'll concentrate purely on the underlined statement...

And that statement is evidently not true, given that the same article states that Abeloth prior to drinking from the Font of Power and bathing in the Pool of Knowledge was "nowhere near as powerful as the other members of her new family, and destined to die in what would be an eyeblink for them", which is notably different from being "similar, but not quite as powerful" as them. Ergo, the quote is clearly referring to Abeloth after her transformation, not before.

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November 17th 2020, 1:09 pm
NotAA3 wrote:@S_W_LeGenD

That was the case before she became Abeloth.

After she became Abeloth, she forced The Ones to reconsider their stay on the planet where they resided for a long time, but The Ones decided to trap Abeloth on this very planet by creating Maw Cluster around it. The Son and The Daughter never had to deal with Abeloth in isolation - the two siblings could work together in trying times. The Father was also around to protect both from potential harm just in case - until the Maw Cluster was created.

Most of your post is an irrelevant description of events that transpired and doesn't refute anything I've written, so I'll concentrate purely on the underlined statement...

And that statement is evidently not true, given that the same article states that Abeloth prior to drinking from the Font of Power and bathing in the Pool of Knowledge was "nowhere near as powerful as the other members of her new family, and destined to die in what would be an eyeblink for them", which is notably different from being "similar, but not quite as powerful" as them. Ergo, the quote is clearly referring to Abeloth after her transformation, not before.

Complete para for reference:

"The architects had a stepmother of sorts named Abeloth, a being similar, but not quite as powerful as the Celestials. Unfortunately, Abeloth had been driven mad in a bid for power, and for the good of the galaxy, would have to be imprisoned. Since no known prison could hold beings of the architects’ power, the Son and Daughter were forced to construct one. Centerpoint Station was to be the tool that built the prison."


Blue highlight = Before transformation
Purple highlight = Abeloth drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge
Red highlight = After transformation

From the same source:

"Abeloth was a being created as a servant by the three Celestials: the Father, the Daughter, and the Son. In time, Abeloth won the Father’s heart, and became known as the Mother. Nowhere near as powerful as the other members of her new family, and destined to die in what would be an eyeblink for them, Abeloth drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge — both forbidden acts — in hopes it would make her a Celestial.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.

While Abeloth did become a long-lived creature of immense power, it also corrupted her, changing her into something dark and covetous. When she was found out, the Celestials contracted the Killiks of Alderaan to construct a specialized prison of their own design for Abeloth. This prison, known as the Maw, was built by Centerpoint Station. For 100,000 years she languished in her prison, angry, terrified, and worst of all, alone."


Blue highlight = Before transformation
Purple highlight = Abeloth drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge
Red highlight = After transformation

The Father could handle Abeloth but The Son and The Daughter could not:

"The third panel depicted the arcade complex again, this time with a much-changed Abeloth standing in the heart of a stormy courtyard. Her hair had grown coarse and long, her nose had flattened until it was practically gone, and her sparkling eyes had grown so sunken and dark that all that could be seen of them were the twinkles. She was raising her arms toward a cowering Daughter and a glowering Son, with long tentacles lashing from where her fingers should have been. Stepping forward to shield them was a furious Father, one hand pointing toward the swamp at the open end of the temple, the other reaching out to intercept her tentacled fingers." - Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

The Daugher felt outclassed (cowering) and The Son wasn't happy either. The Father had to intervene and stop Abeloth in its tracks.

Last edited by S_W_LeGenD on November 17th 2020, 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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November 17th 2020, 1:22 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
It doesn't quite follow that Abeloth would be near the Ones in power prior to her transformation. Pre-Supernatural Encounters, she's a mortal creation of the Celestials themselves whose purpose is to act as a mother -- not to have awesome Force powers. With Supernatural Encounters, we learn Abeloth is the mortal incarnation of Tilotny's soul, but she doesn't realize this or actualize that power until her transformation.

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November 17th 2020, 2:54 pm
@S_W_LeGenD Simply highlighting parts of the passage and asserting that they're post and pre-transformation without actually establishing why doesn't prove anything. For example:

"The architects had a stepmother of sorts named Abeloth, a being similar, but not quite as powerful as the Celestials. Unfortunately, Abeloth had been driven mad in a bid for power, and for the good of the galaxy, would have to be imprisoned. Since no known prison could hold beings of the architects’ power, the Son and Daughter were forced to construct one. Centerpoint Station was to be the tool that built the prison."


Blue highlight = Before transformation
Purple highlight = Abeloth drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge
Red highlight = After transformation

It isn't clear that the first sentence is before her transformation, just because it precedes the statement that she was driven mad in a bid for power. The sequence isn't necessarily chronological - you haven't proven such - it's just giving a general summary of who she is - as this is the first time the passage mentions her - before it describes why she was imprisoned. In terms of proof in favour of my claim, that it is, indeed, referring to Abeloth post-transformation, I'll refer back to my previous post:

And that statement is evidently not true, given that the same article states that Abeloth prior to drinking from the Font of Power and bathing in the Pool of Knowledge was "nowhere near as powerful as the other members of her new family, and destined to die in what would be an eyeblink for them", which is notably different from being "similar, but not quite as powerful" as them. Ergo, the quote is clearly referring to Abeloth after her transformation, not before.

You assert that both quotes ("nowhere near as powerful as the other members of her new family, and destined to die in what would be an eyeblink for them" vs "similar, but not quite as powerful") are referring to Abeloth pre-transformation, but this is evidently false as both statements are completely contradictory. The adverb "quite" in the second quote suggests the gap between Abeloth and the Celestials isn't that great, and it saying she's "similar" to them also makes her an entity comparable; neither of which is true according to the later quote, which says she's "nowhere near as powerful" as them meaning the gap demonstrably is great, and also states that she's "destined to die in what would be an eyeblink for them" outright showing she's not a being remotely "similar" to them - in power or longevity. It is exactly as Ant describes:

DarthAnt66 wrote:It doesn't quite follow that Abeloth would be near the Ones in power prior to her transformation. Pre-Supernatural Encounters, she's a mortal creation of the Celestials themselves whose purpose is to act as a mother -- not to have awesome Force powers. With Supernatural Encounters, we learn Abeloth is the mortal incarnation of Tilotny's soul, but she doesn't realize this or actualize that power until her transformation.


In regards to this:

The Daugher felt outclassed (cowering) and The Son wasn't happy either. The Father had to intervene and stop Abeloth in its tracks.

A panel depicting The Daughter as cowering (proof the panel is even accurate?) and The Son as glowering can be interpreted in multiple different ways which don't necessitate Abeloth being more powerful than either of them - which she clearly isn't per an OOU quote.

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November 17th 2020, 5:39 pm

I see your point but WE are dealing with a contradiction in sources and have no choice but to make sense of the entirety of information on hand.

The Celestials were not equally powerful to begin with; The Father was on another level in comparison to his offspring The Son and The Daugher for instance. Other Celestials are relatively unknown.

When the Abeloth emerged (post-transformation), she was able to intimidate and harass The Son and The Daughter but the Father could intercept her attacks. Even then The Ones had to reconsider their stay on the planet because they could not destroy Abeloth and chose to imprison her instead. This is the impression given in the Fate of the Jedi series.

Raynar shook his head. “You shouldn’t count on that,” he said. “Our mission is to report what we learn here, so the Jedi can destroy Abeloth.”

An amused trill shot from the breathing spiracles in Thuruht’s thorax. “Destroy Abeloth? Impossible.” She passed through the next archway and stopped. “Look.”

In these reliefs, Abeloth stood alone in the courtyard, watching the Father depart with the Son and Daughter. Her face was contorted in anger, and the air around her was whirling with fronds and jungle reptiles and lightning. In the panels that followed, she looked even more deranged. The courtyard was overrun with vegetation, and a large winged lizard was struggling to escape her grasp, its eyes wide with terror, it wings straining as it struggled to pull its foot out of her hand.
- Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

NotAA3 wrote:
A panel depicting The Daughter as cowering (proof the panel is even accurate?) and The Son as glowering can be interpreted in multiple different ways which don't necessitate Abeloth being more powerful than either of them - which she clearly isn't per an OOU quote.

Killicks were very close to The Ones.
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