- AncientPowerSuspect Hero | Level Four
Re: Onimi versus Valkorion
October 10th 2020, 10:13 pm
Valkorion in full control of Outlander's body, after consuming the essences of Vaylin and Arcann? Yeah, he wins absolutely.
Valkorion without that power was able to completely telepathically dominate Vaylin, Outlander and Arcann in a battle of wills regardless of the Dramath holocron. That's already more impressive than Nyax's feat against Luke, Mara and Tahiri.
Valkorion with that power is borderline Abelothian. Beyond Onimi certainly.
Valkorion without that power was able to completely telepathically dominate Vaylin, Outlander and Arcann in a battle of wills regardless of the Dramath holocron. That's already more impressive than Nyax's feat against Luke, Mara and Tahiri.
Valkorion with that power is borderline Abelothian. Beyond Onimi certainly.
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