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Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

July 13th 2020, 4:15 pm
Location: Skorr’s house 

All out

Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Re: Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

July 14th 2020, 10:58 am
Leaning stryfe

Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Re: Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

July 20th 2020, 9:17 am
Draay imo
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Re: Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

July 20th 2020, 10:18 am

Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Re: Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

August 3rd 2020, 6:48 pm
Stryfe and a non-drugged Cade could fight each otherand even tied telekinetically once, Cade might have been well-above him, but thats still better than anything that Lucien has. Something worth remembering is also that Lucien did not really have proper training, he was taugth by a crippled, failed padawan, because of the jeid shortage after Exar. If he had a good master imo he would have probably specialised in Juyo which would suit his goals more than Form 1. (generally a worse version of Juyo, except maybe if you are relaxed and great at going with the flow, which he is not)

Thats speculation though, the thing is still that Stryfe can be comfortably placed in the Top 10 sith of his time, while Draay is merely well-above average jedi. Lucien is a threatening antagonist in a series that follows a ragtag bunch of misfits, but nobody terribly impressive in the grand scheme of things and gets hard-capped by mere artifacts of truly notable sith. Stryfe is a moderate challenge in a series that focusses on force titans, which does not make him look all that impressive, but it's mostly a matter of perspective.

Not saying it would be a stomp, but Stryfe has this in the bag.
Level Two
Level Two

Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Re: Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

August 3rd 2020, 8:33 pm
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Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay Empty Re: Darth Stryfe vs Lucien Draay

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