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TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 5:58 pm
So I've noticed this within certain battles, the TOR trailers are ok for reference of character abilities and so forth, which seem fair enough for use in debates.

But why is this not the same for TFU trailers?
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 6:17 pm
Good man, calling people out on the Hypocrisy
Level Seven
Level Seven

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 6:34 pm
TOR trailers are grounded and the events shown are canonical. We know they've happened. 

TFU trailers are not. Starkiller wasn't in a forest and disintegrated over 2 dozen stormtroopers, for example.
Level One
Level One

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 6:43 pm
BoD wrote:TOR trailers are grounded and the events shown are canonical. We know they've happened. 

TFU trailers are not. Starkiller wasn't in a forest and disintegrated over 2 dozen stormtroopers, for example.

But Starkiller is able to in-game disintegrate Stormtroopers. Plus how is that anymore crazy than what he's canonical done?

Also grounded? Come on now, if were gonna start talking grounded, then we better start also dismissing other crazy feats, cause there's nothing grounded about those either.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 6:57 pm
The SWTOR trailer events are considered Legends canon. The TFU 2 trailer events contradict the game, so they're non-canon.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 6:59 pm
By "what he's canonically done," I assume you mean the disintegration of the Salvation and surviving the impact thereof at terminal velocity.

In which case the trailers contribute nothing new.
Level One
Level One

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:00 pm
Geistalt wrote:By "what he's canonically done," I assume you mean the disintegration of the Salvation and surviving the impact thereof at terminal velocity.

In which case the trailers contribute nothing new.

Among other things, but yeah.

Also true, but it's just something I noticed.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:04 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:The SWTOR trailer events are considered Legends canon. The TFU 2 trailer events contradict the game, so they're non-canon.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? 1289255181
Level One
Level One

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:05 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:The SWTOR trailer events are considered Legends canon. The TFU 2 trailer events contradict the game, so they're non-canon.

I'm not really talking about the events that happen, moreso the power displayed.
Level Seven
Level Seven

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:08 pm
But Starkiller is able to in-game disintegrate Stormtroopers. Plus how is that anymore crazy than what he's canonical done?


HB: The Force Unleashed 1 didn’t start out as a major transmedia effort. We had to earn that. I just tried to make a game that I would want to play, with a concept that was easy to pitch and was instantly understandable by everyone at LucasArts. I rallied the team around a core fantasy that I thought resonated — Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice hunting down the last of the Jedi. 
But, that was only half the pitch — we also needed to have something that spoke to gameplay potential. I wanted a hook that would make Star Wars feel familiar but new to gamers, which is how we ended up with the idea of over-the-top Force powers being wielded in huge physics playgrounds. As the story took shape and we began pitching the game outside of LucasArts, the whole “transmedia” effort began picking up momentum. 

The gameplay mechanics are deliberately exaggerated, so what the trailers show isn't canonical. If you're talking about the Salvation, there's stuff surrounding it.

The SWTOR trailers exist as pre-existing lore (Battle of Korriban, Battle of Alderaan, Sacking of Coruscant). They're there to flesh out the story by providing backstory. The TFU trailers directly contradict the game. SK and Vader never fought in a forest, for example.
Level One
Level One

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:11 pm
BoD wrote:
But Starkiller is able to in-game disintegrate Stormtroopers. Plus how is that anymore crazy than what he's canonical done?


HB: The Force Unleashed 1 didn’t start out as a major transmedia effort. We had to earn that. I just tried to make a game that I would want to play, with a concept that was easy to pitch and was instantly understandable by everyone at LucasArts. I rallied the team around a core fantasy that I thought resonated — Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice hunting down the last of the Jedi. 
But, that was only half the pitch — we also needed to have something that spoke to gameplay potential. I wanted a hook that would make Star Wars feel familiar but new to gamers, which is how we ended up with the idea of over-the-top Force powers being wielded in huge physics playgrounds. As the story took shape and we began pitching the game outside of LucasArts, the whole “transmedia” effort began picking up momentum. 

The gameplay mechanics are deliberately exaggerated, so what the trailers show isn't canonical. If you're talking about the Salvation, there's stuff surrounding it.

The SWTOR trailers exist as pre-existing lore (Battle of Korriban, Battle of Alderaan, Sacking of Coruscant). They're there to flesh out the story by providing backstory. The TFU trailers directly contradict the game. SK and Vader never fought in a forest, for example.

Ok so we're gonna say no to these feats because they are exaggerated, but were gonna be ok with all the other crazy feats Force Users have done throughout the mythos?

Also there's more than just the Salvation.

Plus what if there is a feat that's done in a trailer, that is lesser than another feat done elsewhere by a character which is better? Could we then use that other lesser feat?
Level Seven
Level Seven

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:14 pm
Ok so we're gonna say no to these feats because they are exaggerated, but were gonna be ok with all the other crazy feats Force Users have done throughout the mythos?

Are those other feats in trailers that contradict the game in terms of chain of events? 

Argue it if you want, I'm just explaining part of the reason they're not acknowledged in the same way as TFU.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:15 pm
Why does the Force feats being exaggerated even matter? They still happened in lore, and there's an established IU explanation for their over the top nature.

If you're talking about the Salvation, there's stuff surrounding it.

...which we already discussed, and I debunked. TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? 3344068304
Level Seven
Level Seven

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:17 pm
...which we already discussed, and I debunked. TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? 3344068304

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? 1668617588
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Level One

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:18 pm
BoD wrote:
Ok so we're gonna say no to these feats because they are exaggerated, but were gonna be ok with all the other crazy feats Force Users have done throughout the mythos?

Are those other feats in trailers that contradict the game in terms of chain of events? 

Argue it if you want, I'm just explaining part of the reason they're not acknowledged in the same way as TFU.

Why do they need to be within the events? Can you use the Force Repulse in-game to disintegrate Stormtroopers? Yes you can.

The events I'm not arguing for, it's the power shown is what I am doing.

Also another thing, given Vader's durability that we already know is immense within the lore.

Is this durability feat out of realm of possibility for him from this TV spot?

Level Seven
Level Seven

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:20 pm
Could be out of his limits, could also not be. I tend not to use it because the "TFU trailers aren't canon" defence is irritating to navigate around. Like I said, you can have your views and arguments on them, I'm just suggesting one reason tend not to. I have no stakes in that debate, lol.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:22 pm
BoD wrote:Could be out of his limits, could also not be. I tend not to use it because the "TFU trailers aren't canon" defence is irritating to navigate around. Like I said, you can have your views and arguments on them, I'm just suggesting one reason tend not to. I have no stakes in that debate, lol.

You scorn my very name by saying it could be out of his limits. This is the man who has walked through city sized explosions with ease, tanked being buried alive for days, and has had a fucking shield generator thrown at his face and still attempted to stand.

out of his limits. are you fucking serious?
Level One
Level One

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:24 pm
BoD wrote:Could be out of his limits, could also not be. I tend not to use it because the "TFU trailers aren't canon" defence is irritating to navigate around. Like I said, you can have your views and arguments on them, I'm just suggesting one reason tend not to. I have no stakes in that debate, lol.

Alright fair enough.
Level Seven
Level Seven

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:28 pm
You scorn my very name by saying it could be out of his limits. This is the man who has walked through city sized explosions with ease, tanked being buried alive for days, and has had a fucking shield generator thrown at his face and still attempted to stand.

out of his limits. are you fucking serious?

Shut or I'll get a new master.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:29 pm
Zenwolf wrote:
DarthAnt66 wrote:The SWTOR trailer events are considered Legends canon. The TFU 2 trailer events contradict the game, so they're non-canon.

I'm not really talking about the events that happen, moreso the power displayed.

Whether the powers displayed are usable would divulge into a deep LFL continuity rules discussion, but everything SK shows there is replicated in the game anyway.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 12th 2020, 7:31 pm
Everything SK shows there is replicated in the game anyway.

Big facts. TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? 1289255181
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 13th 2020, 4:45 am
BoD wrote:TOR trailers are grounded and the events shown are canonical. We know they've happened. 

TFU trailers are not. Starkiller wasn't in a forest and disintegrated over 2 dozen stormtroopers, for example.

The SoR trailer contradicts the game all over the place.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Sheev_sig_3

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 14th 2020, 4:05 am
I believe they are referring to the cinematic trailers.

TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

March 14th 2020, 5:28 am
It still does, which we can infer because in the game Revan dueled with his mask off.

Also, even if his mask isn't particularly lightsaber-resistant, my belief before seeing additional evidence was that he took the lightsaber to his exposed face and remained unscathed through sheer willpower.
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TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not? Empty Re: TOR Trailers are ok but TFU ones are not?

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