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Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 7th 2020, 10:49 pm
1) When Revan confronted The Sith Emperor the second time on Dromund Kaas was he weakened by the darkside aura on the planet, or in the throne room?
2)Given that Revan is not distinctly a light-side only user, would the darkside affect him there? 

3) Also, if he was affected by the nexus there; do any sources state that he was affected directly?

This confrontation happened in the novel: The Old Republic: Revan
Level Three
Level Three

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 2:47 am
1. Well since Revan was drawing on both sides of the force I think it's probably the case that he was being simultaneously amped and hindered, placing him at roughly base levels of power. Of course Dromund Kaas's nexus isn't all that powerful as of the Revan novel, so it's not really a factor.

2. See 1.

3.No sources explicitly state the nexus was affecting Revan, though logically it would be. Of course as I talked about it point 1, I don't think the nexus was a notable factor in any fight.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 4:59 am
Yeah he was hindered. Says so himself In the novel.

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Sheev_sig_3
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 4:59 am
KingofBlades wrote:Of course Dromund Kaas's nexus isn't all that powerful as of the Revan novel, so it's not really a factor.

Citation needed.

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Sheev_sig_3
Level Three
Level Three

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 5:26 am
I don't recall the line that says he was hindered. Quote? And my reasoning for DK's nexus not being all that comes from Scourge's and Meetra's comments. Take Meetra's:

;She knew the storm-ravaged world had to be the world Canderous had spoken
of; the one Revan had seen in his dreams. The dark side was powerful here. It
was strong enough to send a shiver down her spine, but the sensation was
infinitely better than the awful nothingness of Nathema.

Now I'm not overly familiar with how other nexuses affect individuals, but Meetra getting a chill down her spine doesn't seem all that significant imo. Now for Scourge:

The dark side power emanating from within the building was undeniable; he
had felt the raw, crackling energy every day during his years as an acolyte. He
had drawn on it, focusing his mind and spirit to channel the power through his
own body to sustain him during the brutal training sessions.
So the power emanating from the Emperor's Citadel was enough to give Scourge a small energy boost for his training sessions. Since the Emperor's Citadel most likely has the highest concentration of DS energy on the planet, the power one would be able to draw on elsewhere on the planet would logically be less than the power Scourge would be able to draw on. Overall sending a shivering sensation down Meetra's spine and giving Scourge a bit of a pick me up doesn't seem to me to be a significant factor.  Of course this is pretty meaningless without another nexus to compare it to so here are some quotes about Malachor's nexus:

Meetra wrote:She had visited Malachor V years after the cataclysm of the mass-shadow
generator. Traversing its surface had been agony. Mentally, she had still sensed
the anguish of all who had lost their lives there. Physically, the intense gravity of
the world had held her in its crushing grip, leaving her gasping for breath. It had
been the most awful and horrific experience of her life ... until now.

Traya wrote:"To walk on its surface is to feel it crushing every cell of your being. It is like being buried alive until it feels like you may never breathe again..."
So Meetra's experience on Malachor V was far worse than what she felt on DK. Traya's commentary also paints Malachor's effects as far more debilitating than how DK is described. Of course there are other factors at play when discussing Malachor V beyond the nexus itself, so while I suppose it could be possible that DK's nexus is more potent, the various other hindering factors on Malachor would compound to cause an overall more debilitating experience than DK would. If you or anyone else has some other cases describing the hindering effects of DS nexuses to compare this to, then that would be appreciated
Level Seven
Level Seven

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 8:54 am
No, he wasn't.

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 11:55 am
Azronger wrote:Yeah he was hindered. Says so himself In the novel.

Do you have the quote? I could not find it anywhere.

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 8th 2020, 12:01 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Posting this from another debate I was doing:

Dromund Kaas was a powerful dark side nexus boosting millions of Sith for a thousand years. Vitiate further intensified the energies through archaic rituals that irrevocably altered the planet. Per the Revan novel, “The powerful electrical storms were a physical manifestation of the dark side power that engulfed the entire planet.”

The Old Republic - Revan wrote:Another burst of lightning split the sky, momentarily illuminating the massive citadel that loomed over Kaas City. Built by slaves and devoted followers, the citadel served as both palace and fortress, an unassailable meeting place for the Emperor and the twelve handpicked Sith Lords who made up his Dark Council.

The dark side power emanating from within the building was undeniable; he had felt the raw, crackling energy every day during his years as an acolyte. He had drawn on it, focusing his mind and spirit to channel the power through his own body to sustain him during the brutal training sessions.

Yet Scourge noted the Emperor's Citadel was enormously potent even relative to his amplified-by-Kaas state (i.e. Citadel!Scourge >> Kaas!Scourge >> normal!Scourge). While kilometers away, Scourge not only felt the building’s “undeniable” “raw crackling energy every day” but “had constantly drawn on it” “to sustain him during the brutal training sessions." This boost would have been especially true for Vitiate, who didn't just draw off the Citadel from across a vast metropolis but rather basked in its throne room. However, Revan himself was a balanced or light-side oriented Force user, so he should either be around his baseline or weakened.

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 19th 2020, 2:37 pm

Hey, sorry for replying so long after you posted. I wanted to ask you something else that came to my mind. You stated that Vitiate would of been amped by the Nexus. How would he gain an amp from the Nexus that he created himself? A force user can't be amped by their own nexus, right? Granted, he might of been amped by the some of the darkside energy that came from the other Sith lords on the planet; but the greatest concentration in the throne room wouldn't of amped him though because it was created a Nexus off of his own power right?

What's your take on this?
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 19th 2020, 2:58 pm
If Vitiate imbued a location and objects with the dark side, that is external energy. So he would be amped by it. It would be different if he literally was the nexus but in this case he is just the creator.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 20th 2020, 6:32 am
There's an argument to be made that the citadel nexus is literally Vitiate in the novel. The planet-covering dark side energies are a result of his 'rites of darkness' rituals which can't be directly tied to him obviously. Then again, the rituals took place in the first few centuries of his rule so obviously him as of Revan's second attempt on his life would dwarf the one who fueled said ritual, through internal-scaling.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 20th 2020, 12:07 pm
To give a sense of how Vitiate causes dark side nexuses with his power, this is the description of the Dark Temple from the codex:

Hundreds of years ago, the Sith Emperor ordered the construction of the Dark Temple as a burial place for his dead and defeated enemies, "to aid them in becoming one with the Force." Little is known of what rituals the Emperor performed there, but the Dark Temple has become a nexus of powerful dark side energy, and a place where ancient weapons and ancient secrets of the Sith lay sealed away in cavernous chambers.

This is also how Dromund Kaas is described:

Before withdrawing into isolation, the Emperor established a Dark Council to oversee the Empire and control the hierarchy of the Sith. He is said to have conducted many dark side rituals and experiments that affected the planet itself, leaving Dromund Kaas storm-wracked to this day.

Vitiate's rituals and Force energies are the direct cause of said nexuses, so I imagine the citadel would be the exact same. I doubt he'd benefit from it.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 20th 2020, 12:09 pm
Vitiate wouldn't benefit from painstakingly corrupting a location with centuries of dark side rituals? No more than if he was in space?


But if it brings him no benefit, what's the point in doing it? It clearly brings him benefit
Level Seven
Level Seven

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 20th 2020, 12:10 pm
ILS wrote:Vitiate wouldn't benefit from painstakingly corrupting a location with centuries of dark side rituals? No more than if he was in space?

Hush, you.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 20th 2020, 12:14 pm
But if it brings him no benefit, what's the point in doing it? It clearly brings him benefit

1) Further his plan to consume the galaxy by testing new ways of doing it.
2) Consolidating his power by consuming the spirits and absorbing their power through rituals.
3) Show of strength and power.
4) Keep the Dark Council in line.

There are a lot of reasons why he'd do it. Doesn't mean the nexus itself would benefit him as it could be a consequence of these rituals and exertions of his power.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

February 20th 2020, 1:54 pm
There is no rule that says a creator of a nexus won't benefit from it, and that wouldn't even make much sense given how nexuses work.

Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Sheev_sig_3
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Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas? Empty Re: Was Revan weakened by the darkside nexus on Dromund Kaas?

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