- IGLevel Four
Reasonable Upper and Lower Bounds
January 20th 2020, 7:59 am
How do we establish these? To clarify, assume we have a feat that cannot be ordinarily quantified, but we have data that can establish bounds (somebody TPs a portion of everybody in a select area, we know that there were 500 people in the whole area, but we don't know how many the guy specifically TPed). Would it be reasonable to claim that he had only TPed perhaps 5 or 10 of them as a rebuttal? I don't find that a very fair rebuttal in this scenario. For example let's raise the numbers drastically (for the sake of the example, assume Kun's senate feat is entirely TP). We know the senate is massive, is it reasonable to claim that it isn't over a thousand people? That it only has (say) 500 in it as of TOTJ for argument's sake and claim the burden of proof is on your opponent?
- Master AzrongerModerator
Re: Reasonable Upper and Lower Bounds
January 20th 2020, 8:40 am
I mean you could just manually count the number of heads shown on the panel.
- IGLevel Four
Re: Reasonable Upper and Lower Bounds
January 20th 2020, 8:51 am
Not literally. Looking for it in general.
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