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Level Three
Level Three

What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Empty What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side?

January 9th 2020, 7:06 am
I'm referring to the music that starts at this moment in the scene:

It's also used in TROS but I don't know where it is in the TROS OST either.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Empty Re: What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side?

January 9th 2020, 11:35 am
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Empty Re: What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side?

January 9th 2020, 11:36 am
What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Screen19basically it's just called the emperors theme
Level Three
Level Three

What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Empty Re: What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side?

January 9th 2020, 2:04 pm
Isv wrote:What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Screen19basically it's just called the emperors theme

I'm referring specifically to the music that you can faintly hear when RotS shows Yoda being disheartened by Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side.
Level Seven
Level Seven

What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Empty Re: What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side?

January 9th 2020, 2:18 pm
@Latham2000 It's part of the theme.
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What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side? Empty Re: What is the music that is played when Yoda senses Mace Windu's death and Anakin's turn to the Dark Side?

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