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If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 3:31 am
If you were a rebel, what planet would you utilize as your base? Reasons can include (but are not limited to): defensive/hidden location, strategic galactic positioning, resources, sympathetic population, offensive location, etc.

Planets that are used as official rebel bases in the Original Trilogy, the Sequel Trilogy, Rogue One, and Rebels are disqualified. However, planets mentioned or visited in these sources that are not used as bases can be used.

For example Dagobah and Coruscant can be used.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 3:35 am
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
Underwater base on Manaan.
Level Six
Level Six

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 3:38 am
Meatpants wrote:Underwater base on Manaan.

Damn I was gonna write that.

Anyways, I'd choose Korriban.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 4:25 am

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Sheev_sig_3
Level Four
Level Four

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 5:47 am
Kolar’s house 

Although Coruscant might have been a good location in theory, but the imperial palace and whatnot are located there. An underwater base on Manaan also seems good a first glance, but then you have the issue of it being a very easy target—you can poison the Kolto, poison the water, puncture the building so it floods etc

Yavin 4 and Endor are honestly the best picks imo
Level Four
Level Four

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 8:11 am
I’d think perhaps Korriban, but that would be dangerous because Sidious visits it. Maybe a planet like Ossus or Dantooine

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 12:45 pm
CuckedCurry wrote:Kolar’s house 

Although Coruscant might have been a good location in theory, but the imperial palace and whatnot are located there. An underwater base on Manaan also seems good a first glance, but then you have the issue of it being a very easy target—you can poison the Kolto, poison the water, puncture the building so it floods etc

Yavin 4 and Endor are honestly the best picks imo
The reason I listed Coruscant as an example is because I would assume that no one would want to use it (because of the imperial defense grid).

You are absolutely correct though that just because you pick a planet, doesn't mean that the planet and/or its inhabitants have to pick you. Coruscant still has an imperial presence, Korriban is still a darkside nexus (not that that stops you from building a base), and Mortis can just say "no" if it wants (unless one has the power to force it to allow you in, but then I think we would need to be worrying about Azronger ruling the galaxy, not Sidious).

Yavin 4 is disqualified, but you can use Endor if you want since it was never a rebel base in RotJ (the temporary camp established to attack the Death Star 2 does not count as a base).

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 1:41 pm
Meatpants wrote:Underwater base on Manaan.
Level One
Level One

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 3:21 pm
Asteroid base(Primitive), hidden from view and can easily be defended. If there isn't a credit limit(not counting the things that would obviously be lifted from Imperial hands or hand-me downs/donated) here's what this particular base would have.

Asteroid Base(Primitive)

= A NeuroSaav 9954/I sensor array with at least 1 Sensor Array Satellite, 2 at most for increased range and a life-form indicator.

= An IntelStar Tranquility System 1 Sensor Blind

=  Gravity Generators

= A minimum of at least 3 Turbolaser batteries, max 4. With a NeuroSaav 3K40 Targeting Computer.

= MerrSonn Guardian-Class Shield Generator

= Large enough hanger bay to hold at least 3 YT-1300s, a squadron of starfighters along with 2 Kappa-class shuttles.

= Escape Chute/Escape Bay for Command Staff, the Bay housing a minimum 1 Sentinel-class landing shuttle along with 4 starfighters(reserved for the Ace pilots)

= Base would house at the least 150 personnel, this isn't accounting for droids which would add another 30 total to personnel making for 180.

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 4:12 pm

Thank you for your comprehensive response!

Credits are limited to within the reason. Aka, no Death Star 3s etc, but you can assume that you have the maximum cooperation of all rebels and sympathizers (both EU and canon) in addition to the ability to steal from the Empire.

Also, you can stage your rebellion at any point along the timeline between the start and end of the Empire.

What asteroid belt/field are you using?

Last edited by caffeineandshiny on December 15th 2019, 4:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 4:28 pm
ha, not falling for this, palpatine.
Level Seven
Level Seven

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 4:51 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
First, I'd divide my forces. There's no way to hide from the Empire forever. The best we could hope for is consecutive, successful strikes and attacks while minimising the threat to the central group. No one except the Supreme Commander and one other person (kept off any records for their own safety) would know the general location of the others. The Supreme Commander would also be faked in logs of different Rebel bases to make it harder for the Empire to find them.

I'd then split my forces. I'd lead my fleet into the Rishi Maze, making it difficult for the Empire to expend the resources to detect and pursue us. The size and irregularity of the satellite galaxy will also delay or stop any searches or patrols.

The next would go to Felucia. While a highly dangerous planet, the dense foliage of the planet will disrupt any scanners and the natural predators will defend against Imperial search parties.

The third would be sent to Dagobah. While not exactly a pleasant place to live, it's a virtual unknown for the Empire, not shown on any of their star maps as far as I recall. It might even be possible to channel the immense power of the dark side cave there into useable energy. 

Finally, I'd station about half a dozen small tactical groups on the Core Worlds (NOT CORUSCANT). Their job would be to destabilise the regimes there while drawing attention and resources away from the search for possible other Rebel cells. They'd be given the best technology we could give them, but after that they're on their own. They'd have no knowledge of the Supreme Commander's identity or location, and they'd have no knowledge of other cells or groups like them.
Level One
Level One

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 5:59 pm
caffeineandshiny wrote:@Zenwolf

Thank you for your comprehensive response!

Credits are limited to within the reason. Aka, no Death Star 3s etc, but you can assume that you have the maximum cooperation of all rebels and sympathizers (both EU and canon) in addition to the ability to steal from the Empire.

Also, you can stage your rebellion at any point along the timeline between the start and end of the Empire.

What asteroid belt/field are you using?

Eh not really picky, but I guess if I had to choose a random one out of the hat kinda thing. Drup Asteroid Field.

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 6:46 pm
@BreakofDawn Thank you for going into such detail! It is quite similar to my own preferences, staying off the grid and establishing bases in multiple locations.

A few of the places I would scout out as potential locations would be:

Nathema- dangerous due to voreclaws and the like, but off nearly all star maps, even in the Old Republic

Rakata Prime- if the defense grind could be rebooted it would be invaluable

Pam'ba- hasn't been used by the Republic for over 100 years BY, nearly uninhabited

Lira San- would see if the Lasat would be willing to help, although it would be a long shot

Tython- close to the Core Worlds, unlikely to be heavily monitored due to it being in the unstable Inner Core. Would be potentially problematic long term for non Force users though.

Shantipole- if the ships could be modified to fly within the atmosphere, like the B-wing can, then not many would think to look there for rebels.

Last edited by caffeineandshiny on December 15th 2019, 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 6:48 pm
IdrisianGraecus wrote:I’d think perhaps Korriban, but that would be dangerous because Sidious visits it. Maybe a planet like Ossus or Dantooine
Korriban and Ossus are good. Dantooine was a rebel base mentioned in ANH.
Level Seven
Level Seven

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 7:01 pm
Odessen is another good one, actually. Zakuul would also work.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 7:35 pm
Meatpants wrote:Underwater base on Manaan.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 7:52 pm
DC's Girlfriends, for no such base exists that can be seen
Level Seven
Level Seven

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 7:57 pm
If you were a rebel where would your base be? Poster10
Level Three
Level Three

If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

December 15th 2019, 9:51 pm
Mortis, and get Anakin's amp.
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If you were a rebel where would your base be? Empty Re: If you were a rebel where would your base be?

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