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Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 4:33 pm
How does Ahsoka do against the combined efforts of scrubs like TCW Maul  and Kenobi?
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 4:34 pm
Team rofl stomps.
Level Four
Level Four

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 4:36 pm
I mean... considering that the only people that can match Ahsoka "blow for blow" at the time period are Sidious and Vader, she isn't that weak. And Canon Vader >>>> Legends Vader relative to their verses. As in Rebels Vader >>> KFV in Canon, and Ahsoka is able to contend.

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 4:41 pm
DC77 (Reborn) wrote:Team rofl stomps.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 5:09 pm
Team lolstomps, either solo.
Level Two
Level Two

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 5:11 pm
Either solo

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 5:42 pm
either solo in a very good fight .
team wins handily .
Level One
Level One

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 3rd 2019, 7:22 pm
Team shits, either can solo

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 5th 2019, 9:13 am
IdrisianGraecus wrote:I mean... considering that the only people that can match Ahsoka "blow for blow" at the time period are Sidious and Vader, she isn't that weak. And Canon Vader >>>> Legends Vader relative to their verses. As in Rebels Vader >>> KFV in Canon, and Ahsoka is able to contend.
I mean to be fair...there's hardly anyone noteworthy at the time. After Sheev and Vader it just goes all the way down to the Inquisitors  Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi 1220391476
IdrisianGraecus wrote:she isn't that weak. 
Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi 1289255181
IdrisianGraecus wrote: As in Rebels Vader >>> KFV in Canon
What's this based on?
Level Four
Level Four

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 5th 2019, 10:07 am
Lords of the Sith said that Vader had surpassed his previous self, and Hidalgo said that Rebels was his prime.
Level Three
Level Three

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 5th 2019, 2:44 pm
TCW Kenobi/Maul at what points? Team stomps, either of them can solo in good fights.

TCW S4 is where I think Kenobi would be better than Ahsoka. His defensive style will stone wall Ahsoka given that he is a confirmed Soresu master, and his ability to withstand multiple kicks from Maul’s cybernetic velociraptor legs even while being in bad shape speaks volumes of how much durability and resilience he has. Ahsoka’s unique fighting style will be a problem for him though, especially her use of acrobatics. But Kenobi also pretty agile, in his fight with Maul in the Turtle Tanker he outmanoeuvred Maul before knocking him out with a kick (velociraptor Maul’s mobility was admittedly restricted because they didn’t allow him to perform acrobatics on the level that his pre-bisection and mandalorian legs did, but he can still somersault and shit), so I think he can handle Ahsoka’s acrobatics. Even in Kenobi’s 1v1 with Maul on Florrum, he was able to stonewall Maul’s Juyo assault, and he eventually landed a kick on Maul’s abdomen while leaping in mid air, exploiting Maul’s oversized stature.

As for Maul, I think he’ll also win even with those velociraptor legs, but he will have more difficulty because these legs make him a large opponent, and Anakin trained Ahsoka to fight large opponents, and unlike Vader, Maul lacks knowledge of Ahsoka’s fighting style. While Maul isn’t as agile as Kenobi, Maul could use his legs to grab Ahsoka and pin her to the ground because these leg give him better offensive power than his pre-bisection and mandalorian cybernetic legs. Or maybe Ahsoka will beat him. I think Maul with those mandalorian legs will have less issues dealing with Ahsoka’s acrobatics because these smaller sized legs make him a smaller opponent, so it’s going to be harder for her to land melee hits on him. He’ll also be able to move around more comfortably, freely and effectively with his normal sized legs. I think his parity with Obi-Wan in lightsaber prowess will also give him the victory because he was able to fight evenly with Obi-Wan in their 1v1 on Florrum for some time. Yeah he did get kicked at the end, but ultimately came down to his velociraptor legs making him a larger target to land melee hits on, plus those legs restricted his mobility to a degree.

Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

October 5th 2019, 3:42 pm
Either solo. What is this mismatch ?
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Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi Empty Re: Rebels Ahsoka vs TCW Maul + Kenobi

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