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Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 27th 2019, 2:40 pm
I feel like if MyGod finds this site, he’ll either become a larger meme than he already is, or the person who told them about SI would have a witch hunt led against them.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 27th 2019, 2:44 pm
We need someone to fill ISV's spot since he's been inactive for a like a week.

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 IJgYXn1
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 27th 2019, 2:46 pm
He's been on the CV LA discord spreading bullshit rumours about me. He's too scared to come back here it seems.

Edit: ISV, if you see this comment please note that I was only joking.

Last edited by DC77 (Reborn) on August 28th 2019, 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 27th 2019, 2:51 pm
Mygod is a far greater threat than ISV could ever hope to be.

Edit: threat is to strong a word. I think headache inducer would be more accurate.
Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 27th 2019, 3:13 pm
Nuisance maybe?
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 27th 2019, 3:21 pm
I think this phrase most accurately sums up the vast majority of the Vader wank brigade:

"A confederacy of dunces"
Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 28th 2019, 11:11 am

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 31st 2019, 8:40 am
Erkan oneshots
Level Seven
Level Seven

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

August 31st 2019, 10:48 pm
MyGod is in the same category as the Kratos debaters back on ComicVine. If you point out how for example the Olympians' best feat is affecting a country slightly bigger than England alone, they have a seizure and go into full rant mode about how Kratos' farts are multiversal. MyGod does the same, and just like them he rips off far better debaters (and occasionally the "meh" ones like me) and presents their arguments as his own and sticks to repeating them again and again when they're debunked. He's quite entertaining, to be honest.

I still remember when he bastardised one of my Vader arguments. Thanks to him I can't use it anymore because he turned it into a meme.
Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 9:03 am
Level Six
Level Six

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 9:12 am
Kratos is OP though.
Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 10:03 am
But compared to the big guys of fiction, (and small guys), he’s pretty weak. Like literally any decent high tier in Star Wars could beat him.
Level Six
Level Six

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 10:22 am
I don't think so. I mean being capable of reacting to thunders, extremely fast characters and possessing nigh-invulnerability plus godly strength puts him in a solid place. Compared to Earth 616 characters of Marvel, he's weak but I don't think high tier characters in SW mythos can beat him (maybe besides DE Palpatine due to Force Storms). The bald guy is basically unkillable.
Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 10:24 am
Luke could TK, Valk could drain, Revan could do both, etc Plagueis could midi manipulate, he has no resistance to force abilities.
Level Six
Level Six

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 10:50 am
He doesn't have midis. His physiology is entirely different than SW characters. How can any character TK him? Even Yuuzhan Vong who are only cut from the Force are resistant to Force based abilities. I would agree with you if Kratos' body was imbued with midis but without them, only abilities like Force Lightning may affect him.
Level Four
Level Four

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 10:52 am
TK affects beings without midis as well. They flow through all life, and the Vong were only cut off, b/c the whole Yuuzhan’tar bullshit thing. If one can TK a ship, which has no midis, then Kratos can be too.
Level Six
Level Six

The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

September 1st 2019, 11:05 am
You do have a good point mate. However as I remember, Yuuzhan Vong were only affected by Force Lightning/Electric Judgement and Dark Net. If these creatures cannot be affected by Force Abilities, there is no way Kratos also would. Vong are still part of the Force nonetheless, despite being cut off from it. Kratos isn't part of the Force and an entirely different entity. Correct me if I am wrong please. (Man I really should buy a Playstation to play GoW)
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The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Official Canon Vader Wank Thread

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