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Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 8:57 am
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Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 4:38 pm
Satele stomps.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 4:45 pm
HeartoftheForce wrote:Satele stomps.

Got any reason for that, id say quite the opposite
Level Six
Level Six

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 4:47 pm
Mara deletes her from the existence
Level Two
Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 4:47 pm
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:Satele stomps.

Got any reason for that, id say quite the opposite

Satele isn’t exhausted from collapsing a one meter high cave.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 4:49 pm
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:Satele stomps.

Got any reason for that, id say quite the opposite

Satele isn’t exhausted from collapsing a one meter high cave.

but Mara also scales significantly above Satele
Level Two
Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 4:53 pm
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:Satele stomps.

Got any reason for that, id say quite the opposite

Satele isn’t exhausted from collapsing a one meter high cave.

but Mara also scales significantly above Satele

In zero way does she scale above Satele.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 5:49 pm
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:Satele stomps.

Got any reason for that, id say quite the opposite

Satele isn’t exhausted from collapsing a one meter high cave.

but Mara also scales significantly above Satele

In zero way does she scale above Satele.

Well she’s stated to be more powerful than Kyp Durron who is comparably powerful to Luke in JA so LOTF Mara is definitely > JA Luke who would definitely be above Satele
Level Two
Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 14th 2021, 7:28 pm
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Vaelias wrote:
HeartoftheForce wrote:Satele stomps.

Got any reason for that, id say quite the opposite

Satele isn’t exhausted from collapsing a one meter high cave.

but Mara also scales significantly above Satele

In zero way does she scale above Satele.

Well she’s stated to be more powerful than Kyp Durron who is comparably powerful to Luke in JA so LOTF Mara is definitely > JA Luke who would definitely be above Satele

JA Kyp being comparable to Luke is irrelevant as his insecurity prevents him from fully exercising his power past that point. Mara didn’t surpass him. Kyp declined. Instances like the dovin basal are FoB! occurrences and not indicative of his applicable power. Hence why Mara can be superior to him yet struggle to collapse a cave. 

Mara outright stated she learnt nothing new at Luke’s academy and there’s little to no indication of growth for her past that point. 

Satele wrecks

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 15th 2021, 6:30 am
Regardless of him not using his power he still possesses that power, Luke has also been holding back his power after dark empire hence why he struggled against Dessan, with Mara being confirmed > Kyp and Kyp being ~ Luke, Mara by LOTF will undoubtably be stronger than JA Luke regardless of not learning anything her strength in the force will have most likely grown, even if she didn’t she’d still be on a level with JA Luke who would most likely be more powerful than Satele who is weaker than the Hero in Act I, it’s hard to know how much she would grow by EoO but at best she will have surpassed the top Dark Councilers who are weaker than the Voice who would be locked below Plagueis and TPM Sidious, Luke beat DE Sheev albeit with a bunch of amps and under certain circumstances but im pretty sure he would be above TPM Sheev, and as I say Mara is comparable to JA Luke
Level Two
Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 15th 2021, 8:05 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)

Regardless of him not using his power he still possesses that power

But he can't use it. Likewise quotes and such don't take into account FoB! like spikes. Obi-Wan can move faster than Yoda and Palps ever did and output multiple times their power in bursts. Yet his position quotes place him below that point. Likewise Anakin had unlocked power on par with Yoda by AotC, yet is still a 7. Power quotes are based on applicable power unless potential is expressly mentioned. 

Kyp being ~ Luke

Let's see the quotes. It's definitely not referring to JA as Mara is confirmed to be "lightyears" below Kyp and more a rival of Corran. Other than that most of Kyp's quotes refer to potential and being generally powerful. 

At least by FotJ an injured Luke, hindered by a nexus laughed at a being of Kyp's power. 

Mara by LOTF will undoubtably be stronger than JA Luke regardless of not learning anything her strength in the force will have most likely grown, even if she didn’t she’d still be on a level with JA Luke

There is F all to indicate that Mara even surpassed Vader. Let alone JA Luke. Even when Kyp was being taught by Kun and was "lightyears" ahead of Mara Luke considered that he might become another Vader. Present hard evidence of Mara growing.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 15th 2021, 8:54 am
Satele Shan.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 15th 2021, 9:55 am
Let's see the quotes. It's definitely not referring to JA as Mara is confirmed to be "lightyears" below Kyp and more a rival of Corran. Other than that most of Kyp's quotes refer to potential and being generally powerful.

At least by FotJ an injured Luke, hindered by a nexus laughed at a being of Kyp's power.

As you say Kyp declined after this so that could be in reference to Kyps current power in FOTJ, even if not FOTJ Luke would definitely be much more powerful than Kyp anyway, even if JA Kyp = JA Luke, FOTJ Luke would probably laugh at JA Luke's power he grows much more powerful between those times, anyway here is one quote, i believe there are a couple more aswel

Jedi Academy Vol 2 wrote:In the temples of a long-gone people, the spirit of Exar Kun, the most powerful Dark Lord of the Sith, lives, whose teachings once led Darth Vader to the side of evil. Luke must watch helplessly as some of his students succumb to the whisperings of Exar Kun. Above all, the young Kyp Durron, who is utterly devoured by hatred for the Empire, is only too willing to follow the temptations of the forbidden Sith teachings. Without realizing, he is more and more dedicated to the dark side of power. Soon he's more powerful than Luke and threatens to become an even more dangerous opponent than Darth Vader once was ...

Level Two
Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 15th 2021, 4:03 pm
Vaelias wrote:
Let's see the quotes. It's definitely not referring to JA as Mara is confirmed to be "lightyears" below Kyp and more a rival of Corran. Other than that most of Kyp's quotes refer to potential and being generally powerful.

At least by FotJ an injured Luke, hindered by a nexus laughed at a being of Kyp's power.

As you say Kyp declined after this so that could be in reference to Kyps current power in FOTJ, even if not FOTJ Luke would definitely be much more powerful than Kyp anyway, even if JA Kyp = JA Luke, FOTJ Luke would probably laugh at JA Luke's power he grows much more powerful between those times, anyway here is one quote, i believe there are a couple more aswel

Jedi Academy Vol 2 wrote:In the temples of a long-gone people, the spirit of Exar Kun, the most powerful Dark Lord of the Sith, lives, whose teachings once led Darth Vader to the side of evil. Luke must watch helplessly as some of his students succumb to the whisperings of Exar Kun. Above all, the young Kyp Durron, who is utterly devoured by hatred for the Empire, is only too willing to follow the temptations of the forbidden Sith teachings. Without realizing, he is more and more dedicated to the dark side of power. Soon he's more powerful than Luke and threatens to become an even more dangerous opponent than Darth Vader once was ...

That's a blurb. The lowest form of citation you can find. It's also a translation from German, so it's likely even lower due to the language barrier.

Try again.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 16th 2021, 8:42 am
“But there were other Jedi Knights, as powerful as Skywalker in Skidder’s estimation, who took issue with some of the Master’s teachings. Jedi Master Kyp Durron, for one.”
-Agents of Chaos 1

It’s worth mentioning that Kyp was less exhausted than Luke after the Dovin Basal feat and considered himself more powerful

“Luke Skywalker had done this once, a couple of years ago. He'd mentioned it to the other Jedi. No one else had tried it because it had exhausted Luke to the point of collapse, and Jedi were seldom in a position to survive a technique that tired them so completely.

And he didn't think he'd be as terribly drained as Luke by the technique. He was stronger in the Force than Luke Skywalker.
He'd known that almost since they'd met - that he had more pure power than the legendary Jedi Master. But this was, perhaps, the first time he'd been able to say it to himself without a little thrill of pride. He was just stronger, and that was all. It usually didn't matter. Now it did.”
-Rebel Dream

I think it’s certain that in early NJO Kyp is at least on a Level with Luke
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Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 16th 2021, 11:13 am

“But there were other Jedi Knights, as powerful as Skywalker in Skidder’s estimation, who took issue with some of the Master’s teachings. Jedi Master Kyp Durron, for one.”
-Agents of Chaos 1

PoV of some fodder knight that's contradicted by OoU sources. Dismissed. 

It’s worth mentioning that Kyp was less exhausted than Luke after the Dovin Basal feat and considered himself more powerful 

The author of the novel has actually spoken on this matter

"One of the things is tough is that a lot of the readers of fantasy are very young. The concept of an unreliable narrator just doesn't register," offered Cunningham. "If somebody says something, they assume that it's the truth."

Allston was then deluged by questions about who would win in a fight, Luke vs. Kyp. "When people ask me do I think if Luke is stronger than Kyp, I refer them to the databank on Because that has the ultimate answer. If I answered it, I would providing a secondary source for an answer that doesn't require it. In competitions or combat, we don't think in terms of comparing numbers and rolling dice, even though many of us are roleplaying game writers. We think, 'What does the complete scene serve in the story?' and that pretty much dictates the course of the story."

Star Wars: Expanded Universe | Q & A with Star Wars Authors

And this is what Allston was referring to (the link is included in the interview):

Following the peace treaty that brought a formal end to the Galactic Civil War, Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker wed on Coruscant. For a galaxy undergoing seismic political change, the two represented an inspiring ideal and a powerful symbol. A former Imperial agent and the galaxy's most powerful Jedi Master had found a way beyond their past differences to find love.

Star Wars: Databank | Skywalker, Mara Jade

Anakin's bold stance and daring nature made him into a popular figure among the Jedi and New Republic. Many privately whispered that he would someday take Luke Skywalker's place as the most powerful Jedi. The bloody events of the ongoing war would indisputably provide an answer to that speculation.

Star Wars: Databank | Solo, Anakin

As for Luke supposedly struggling more with the Dovin this is handily explained as well. Here Luke explains why some tasks can be exerting even if he isn't tapping into his full power:


So hard no on both counts. Luke is confirmed >>>>> Mara and Mara is confirmed > Kyp. Hell Kyp is confirmed to be weaker than Anakin Solo. 

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 16th 2021, 11:30 am
Thanks for the Author quote I was not aware of that

But my argument was never Kyp > Luke I’m just saying Kyp is around Luke’s level in the early NJO albeit probably weaker but they are in the same league let’s just say

Being weaker than Anakin Solo shouldn’t hold him down, Anakin Solo is not to be underestimated he is just that good that his is above Kyp. Basically Kyp shouldn’t be kept down because he is lower and Mara and Anakin Solo but they should just go above him and he is compared to early NJO Luke on multiple occasions or as I say at least in the same league, as you said it would refer to applicable power, and we do know what Luke has been holding back a bit since Dark Empire, so albeit he might be on a similar level to this ‘Holding back Luke’ but he would be above Shan
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Level Two

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 16th 2021, 8:22 pm

But my argument was never Kyp > Luke I’m just saying Kyp is around Luke’s level in the early NJO albeit probably weaker but they are in the same league let’s just say

There's nothing to indicate they're in the same league. 

Basically Kyp shouldn’t be kept down because he is lower and Mara and Anakin Solo

Yes he absolutely should. As Mara and Anakin struggle with feats that even RotJ (forget JA) Luke would find effortless. It's blatently obvious that he is simply not at the level you are trying to put him at and neither is Mara by extension. Mara actually does have formidable scaling to her name. Why are you stuck on the dead end of NJO?

he is compared to early NJO Luke on multiple occasions or as I say at least in the same league

Not by any sources of actual authority. If he had you would have presented them.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 16th 2021, 10:44 pm
Mara tbf
Quorian Debatist
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Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 16th 2021, 11:29 pm
Message reputation : 100% (6 votes)
4 things here.

Mara wasn't "exhausted" from the simple act of bringing down the cave. She was breathless because she overexerted herself to smash an unsuspecting Caedus. She had already brought it on the verge of collapse with a force shake and actually had to stop it from collapsing.

So he wouldn't oblige her by revealing his physical position in the Force. Fine. She spotted a rusty metal sheet about half a meter wide and laid it carefully across the tunnel floor, propped on stones so he'd tread on it and give her an audible warning when he reached that point. An intense Force shake of the brickwork and arches in front of and behind the metal plate weakened them, and then she stopped them from collapsing by Force pressure.

She could have collapsed the tunnel already without "exhaustion" but she applied more power to keep it up. It wasn't just in the act of collapse, it was in the exertion she used to drop all the weight on him.

The rumbling began. She brought down both sections of tunnel, before and behind, with a massive exertion in the Force that made her breathless. She didn't hear him call out. Even in the damp conditions, clouds of fine debris filled the air and made her choke.

And breathless isn't exhaustion either. It's blowing all your air out to throw a ton of effort into something OR gasping for breath. You can be breathless throwing a ball too hard. The proper way to punch is to expel air with every punch. Pushing below your max too hard, etc.

You can take a huge breath kicking Savage too hard and drop to your knees too:

Sheev exhausted I guess by someone he dwarfs.

Considering Mara then choked on debris, got slammed by a big force blast, and all the debris she just dropped and kept getting blasted against the wall and showed no signs of slowing down, her chance of being exhausted while gasping for air before the fight even began is unlikely. Why we choose to consider the more extreme meaning without looking at the context is beyond me. Caedus on the other hand was described as getting worn down. Mara wasn't which is weird if she started off "exhausted." Exhausted and then inhaling a bunch of debris and then getting slammed repeatedly against walls. It can lead her to need to take a huge breath, but there's no evidence she was exhausted from the collapse.

If you put everything you have into throwing a pillow, that doesn't mean that the pillow was too heavy for you to lift without heavy exertion. If you're aware that the weight of the cave you collapsed on Caedus shouldn't cause serious injury when you could have caused a cave-in with vastly less effort - that you stopped - then you're likely going to put more effort into it than the minimum amount.

We see the same thing with Starkiller when he exhausts himself more than ever before from one big Force Repulse. It wasn't the resistance of the Clones that exhausted him, it was how much power he put behind it.

We also see it with this real quote from Vehicle Fact File, where the guy who found it realized that Dooku could completely exhaust himself by launching a 170 pound Kenobi like a missile.  Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan 2960029119
Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Lol10

Essentially you can put more effort into something than the bare minimum requirement, and it doesn't have to be a bad feat limiting an entire era.


2nd thing is it was in no way portrayed as a Flash of Brilliance lol. Kyp was completely confident he could accomplish the feat and was proven correct in every aspect except maybe being stronger than Luke. He wasn't accessing some hidden reserve of power locked away, he knew he could do it, he knew how to do it, and he wasn't surprised when he did it. All the author backtracked on was Kyp being stronger than Luke. He didn't delve into a comparison between Starkiller and Anakin's attributed Flashes, he just said he wasn't stronger than Luke regardless of doing the feat. What a weird way to handwave a feat away though.

Second, Anakin and Tahiri together were tossing around trees that their average size dwarves our planet's tallest trees by almost double in height. Imagine the diameter more than doubles too. They were tossing these trees as fast as a speeder and they kept uprooting them from the ground and tossing more. Ikrit kept admitting Anakin alone was more powerful than him and Ikrit was ragdolling a corvette and a freighter while deflecting blasts.

Luceno had Mace state he, Kit, Shaak, and Allie wouldn't be able to support 24 train cars and would need Yoda... perhaps 5 Yodas to do it. Essentially saying it would require 6 times the combined effort of the 4 Jedi to merely support something far thinner but a bit longer than trees Anakin/Tahiri were uprooting and tossing 500 kilometers per hour multiple times.

And that's not even a low feat to judge the full era like you're doing either. Mace, Kit, Shaak, and Allie SUPPORTING the train would still be a rather impressive feat, they just couldn't come close to it.

There are good feats in every era, and Anakin wasn't portrayed as weak. That's not to say his feat is better than Kyps of course, but it's still really good in any era. For an exercise in imagination, imagine when Sheev was throwing those pods at Yoda in the Senate fight that they were actually 140-170 meter trees on average that were thicker than this, and were traveling 500mph. And they were getting uprooted everytime.

Anakin above Kyp, don't know what that solves. Anakin above "Flash of Brilliance" Kyp too? Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan 2960029119


As for Kyp declining or not being to access his prior power, he said he was no weaker, and that his Jedi training would prevent him from using his powers to retrieve something to destroy Star Systems. There's no actual stop to his powers, as indicated by this thread discussing his best feat from 16 years after he renounced the Darkside, he was just trying to say the Jedi were infallible and capable of doing no evil. But that's not a stop on the actual amount of raw power he can bring for a light side feat regardless of the meaning. If you believed this you wouldn't have used the Luke quote where his Darkside actually hindered him while excusing it for Kyp.

I discuss it more here:

Quorian Debatist wrote:In the full context of the quote, they're trying to dissuade the government from turning Jacen into a Jedi Master. Luke says it's not a lack of power or skill, but rather a lack of mastery and emotions. Kyp then lies because they somehow overheard his private talks and basically states that although he's no weaker, his Jedi understanding would disallow him to retrieve a weapon to specifically kill star systems and murder his own brother accidentally. That Jacen lacks that inner voice that comes with a true emotional maturity that would stop him from doing rash moves and decisions. Basically saying that Kyp has a limitation on his Jedi powers that keep him from ever doing bad again, that makes him a true paragon of the Force, and he's explaining why that's different from power or skill.

It's not that he can't fully wield his power and is therefore out of his prime, it's that he can't use his powers for bad anymore. It's a built-in failsafe that Jacen lacks... which was proven correct.


That's assuming we even believe Kyp in the first place. He's basically portraying a Jedi Master as infallible which we know they're not. But it doesn't matter, it's not a ceiling on his power.

If we ignore the context of how he accomplished the initial feat like Kyp does, then he's basically saying he's no less powerful than Kyp on the Yavin focusing pyramids and getting amped by Kun. He then is powerful enough to rip a ship out of the gravity of a gas giant's core - which is absolutely immense forces that nothing in the Republic could enter - from hundreds of thousands of miles away. The only thing stopping him is the understanding that he's going to use it to murder millions of the remnants of the Empire, not actual power.

The only thing that changes with the real context, is that he would lack the focus to drive a ship out of a gas giant's core that he was going to use to immediately exterminate the Empire with. He would still be putting himself no less powerful than a severely amped younger Kyp (and vastly more skilled), just that he couldn't focus on driving it out due to his Darkside purposes.

Dark Apprentice wrote:Size matters not, Master Skywalker had repeated. Kyp engulfed the Sun Crusher with his mind, surrounding it, touching it with his limitless, invisible hands. He thought about heaving it back up, dragging the Sun Crusher out of the depths of Yavin. But he discarded that thought.

Instead, with the assistance of Exar Kun, he used his innate skill to power up the controls again, to move control levers, push buttons to alter the course stored in the Sun Crusher's memory, bringing it out of its entombment.

Kyp continued to watch the weapon's progress, focusing on the sphere of the enormous planet as it crested the misty treetops. The Sun Crusher appeared as a silvery dot, seeming no larger than an atom as it emerged from the highest cloud layers and streaked across space toward the emerald-green moon where Kyp waited.

He stared upward and waited, opening his arms to receive the indestructible weapon.

The Sun Crusher approached like a long, sharp thorn of crystalline alloy, cruising upright on its long axis. The toroidal resonance-torpedo launcher hung at the bottom of the long hook. It looked beautiful.

The Sun Crusher descended through the jungle moon's atmosphere, straight down--like a spike to impale the Great Temple. Kyp controlled it, slowed its descent, until the superweapon hovered to a stop, suspended in front of him.

As the sky brightened with planetrise, the alloy hull of the Sun Crusher seemed as pristine as a firefacet gem, scoured of all oxidation and debris by the intense temperatures and pressures at the core of Yavin. The Sun Crusher looked clean, and deadly, and ready for him.

"Thank you, Exar Kun," Kyp whispered.

He's powerful enough to do it still, but his conscious would stop him from moving levers to drive the ship out and destroy stars. Is that really a limitation on his powers in the heat of battle when the original feat was tied to his innate skill; of which he far surpasses?

Unless Kyp has to retrieve super weapons to murder stars, then I don't see why this quote is being used to kneecap later Kyps. If anything all it does is give him all his amped feats besides a refusal to use the Darkside.


And four, Mara would have been a better student than Kyp because of course, she would be! She is better trained with all the fundamentals down already. Luke's best teacher was also Tionne and then Cilghal all throughout his Academy. Because the best student is not interchangeable with power. When it comes to power, only Kyp - whose presence was compared to Yodas - Dolph, Brakiss, and a couple of others stood out. Luke wasn't looking for "turbolasers" though, he was looking for the ideal Jedi. Mara is very good at saber fighting and staying in a fight but her raw power is not at Kyp's level, and I don't think you need to make up a bunch of random stuff to reconcile this either. We see this comparison play out in her fight against Caedus where she admits and the author does as well that Caedus dwarves her in force mastery and power, but the way she was fighting (coupled with cheapshots and Darthant66 style tendon snaps) allowed her to keep relentlessly attacking with sabers. Caedus then gets much better at everything after Lumiya dies but still.

Mara is excellent at sabers that make up for a deficiency in raw power, but we don't know where her actual raw power caps off at, and I don't think it matters for anyone below her own Council either unless they're just tossing stuff in the Force Olympics like when Tiin was beating Mace by 1/4 of what Mace could do.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 17th 2021, 4:14 am
After Mara's antifeat debunk she should win this.

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 17th 2021, 7:47 am
Very well put
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Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 21st 2021, 9:40 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
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Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 22nd 2021, 12:40 am
Mara is a hotter so she wins

Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan Empty Re: Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan

January 22nd 2021, 3:22 am
KingofBlades wrote:Mara is a hotter so she wins
Mara Jade Skywalker vs Satele Shan 1419419311
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