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Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 2:29 pm
Why I keep say not to mesh T with C, it just doesn’t work and your head will thank you. TCW was basically a clean slate for a separate timeline compared to C, which of you think on it makes sense. If looking at it like this TCW isn’t really doing much wrong. 
Although if there’s people or memes that say Anakin got more character development in TCW for 20 minutes than the films, didn’t watch them proper.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 3:01 pm
pretty interesting however i whould like more a delta squad show instead of this but however considering its filoni doing the job sure its gonna be great
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Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 7:32 pm
^ We'll see now won't we? But thanks to the ST and Disney, I can't bear to watch or play or read any new SW material, even if it's just can't have the toppings and the main dish be garbage, how could you enjoy it? Least how I feel.


Forgot to add, I did like Rebels as of S1 when it had its own characters and did its own things. Some episodes were...ehh...but as the show went on and they completely axed one of the more decent new characters(the GI), they kinda lost me as the Seasons came. Even worse in some episodes, I could blatantly SEE the plot armor protecting the characters, it was rather insulting honestly. What really ticked me though, was the fact that Rebels seemed to take the actual jokes/memes about the GE seriously, they completely lost me there and I only finished Rebels because I had started it and didn't not want to finish it.

I can't take the Disney GE seriously, not after what Rebels did. There's being incompetent and then there's being total morons. that's not strong enough wording...but I can't think of anything at the moment.

Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 8:34 pm
That's fair. I do agree that while the first season works because it's contained as soon as they started adding in all of the Clone Wars stuff in it sorta got derailed. Even then for the first two seasons there was a lot of pandering to the OT hard cores and they reused a little too much Ralph McQuarrie concept art a lot of the time in areas they didn't need to. Maul should've been handled way better and I just didn't really care about Ahsoka coming back after how cheap the Vader encounter was since they didn't build up to it like they should've and the ending should've been more final of her dying. 

Yeah the Empire was too incompetent in the show. There were times where the show felt to catered to casuals or the views OT fans had. Also I felt like Vader should've been used more in season 4 since he'd be a serious threat and I was honestly surprised we didn't physically see the Death Star since they were building up to it.  

Season four as a whole however I will say I found legitimately good if you ignore how silly their version of Thrawn is. 

Honestly I think a sequel series to Rebels could be interesting but knowing Filoni and the current state of Lucasfilm they might ruin it with Sabine and Ahsoka. 

They seriously need to chill with Ahsoka.
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Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 9:21 pm
TheNuisanceBird wrote:That's fair. I do agree that while the first season works because it's contained as soon as they started adding in all of the Clone Wars stuff in it sorta got derailed. Even then for the first two seasons there was a lot of pandering to the OT hard cores and they reused a little too much Ralph McQuarrie concept art a lot of the time in areas they didn't need to. Maul should've been handled way better and I just didn't really care about Ahsoka coming back after how cheap the Vader encounter was since they didn't build up to it like they should've and the ending should've been more final of her dying. 

Yeah the Empire was too incompetent in the show. There were times where the show felt to catered to casuals or the views OT fans had. Also I felt like Vader should've been used more in season 4 since he'd be a serious threat and I was honestly surprised we didn't physically see the Death Star since they were building up to it.  

Season four as a whole however I will say I found legitimately good if you ignore how silly their version of Thrawn is. 

Honestly I think a sequel series to Rebels could be interesting but knowing Filoni and the current state of Lucasfilm they might ruin it with Sabine and Ahsoka. 

They seriously need to chill with Ahsoka.

Thrawn I feel was....I mean he was ok in some areas, but I feel when it kept going "all according to plan" route, it felt strange, cause it constantly seemed to happen when the Empire lost something or someone important and then Thrawn is like "yes, this was the plan all along" as if to try and justify what was lost wasn't an actual loss, but it kinda clearly would be and make Thrawn seem like what he was doing was some grand idea. Other than that, he seemed alright.

The ending finale with the space whales, yeah that can go right out the airlock... 

On a bit of a side note with favortism, I think that whole Clone brain chip thing was just an excuse so that Filoni could save Rex and his fellow Clones that he liked from following Order 66 and bring him back for Rebels or whatever other story and so it could be Ahsoka and her merry band! That chip thing...just no, it's no...sorry but that's just stupid.

I don't really mean to hate on these characters, I really don't have a problem with them, it's just the way they are....I don't enjoy. Like why was Ahsoka even Anakin's Padawan? She could have easily been Koon's Padawan and made regular appearances, thus she'd still learn from Anakin and Obi-Wan, yet at the same time Koon would be her defaco Master...which honestly Koon is a cool character, I like the dude.

Rex I'm indifferent towards honestly, he's fine...but I don't get the hype people have for him, I certainly don't see him on the level of other Clones that some do.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 20th 2020, 11:42 pm
Zenwolf wrote:^ We'll see now won't we? But thanks to the ST and Disney, I can't bear to watch or play or read any new SW material, even if it's just can't have the toppings and the main dish be garbage, how could you enjoy it? Least how i feel it 
Not every main dish is garbage besides the new movies actually i gotta say that sw is still alive thx to the other material provided that has either being improved see the case for the battlefront 2 game or has left a good taste in many fans see JFO and the reception the novels get.

Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 21st 2020, 4:43 am
TheNuisanceBird wrote:
Gianfi wrote:Quinlan Vos is also rumoured to appear

Wouldn't be surprised. The canon version would fit right in.
It's just rumors, so don't believe they're 100% confirmed, but it's also possible Disney may be thinking about animating Dark Disciple, or at least some parts of it. That's because apprently Vos will not just make one random cameo appearance, but he will given some more focus in the episodes (he may be to the Bad Batch what Ahsoka was to the ghost crew in rebels), where he'll also have to deal with what he has done in Dark Disciple. However a lot of people haven't read the novel, and are not familiar with Vos's past actions in canon, so this is why they may animate DD.

Bad Batch animated series... - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Batch animated series...

July 21st 2020, 11:39 am
Zenwolf wrote:Thrawn I feel was....I mean he was ok in some areas, but I feel when it kept going "all according to plan" route, it felt strange, cause it constantly seemed to happen when the Empire lost something or someone important and then Thrawn is like "yes, this was the plan all along" as if to try and justify what was lost wasn't an actual loss, but it kinda clearly would be and make Thrawn seem like what he was doing was some grand idea. Other than that, he seemed alright.

The ending finale with the space whales, yeah that can go right out the airlock... 

On a bit of a side note with favortism, I think that whole Clone brain chip thing was just an excuse so that Filoni could save Rex and his fellow Clones that he liked from following Order 66 and bring him back for Rebels or whatever other story and so it could be Ahsoka and her merry band! That chip thing...just no, it's no...sorry but that's just stupid.

I don't really mean to hate on these characters, I really don't have a problem with them, it's just the way they are....I don't enjoy. Like why was Ahsoka even Anakin's Padawan? She could have easily been Koon's Padawan and made regular appearances, thus she'd still learn from Anakin and Obi-Wan, yet at the same time Koon would be her defaco Master...which honestly Koon is a cool character, I like the dude.

Rex I'm indifferent towards honestly, he's fine...but I don't get the hype people have for him, I certainly don't see him on the level of other Clones that some do.

Thrawn while not overly offensive in his portrayal was watered down a lot and I wish we got him and Vader teaming up at one point. 

Well the space whales I actually found sorta funny although but them going into hyperspace was a little stupid. 

Yeah that's probably the only reason why since he wanted to save his characters for later. I think Ahsoka was put in among Anakin and Obi-Wan to appeal to girls and younger kids as a self insert character and to make her closer to them they made her Anakin's Padawan. I feel like Filoni probably had plans since TCW first started to keep Ahsoka around because if I remember correctly George Lucas wanted Ahsoka to die which in the context of TCW, probably should've happened. 

Overall Ahsoka's a character that honestly didn't need to exist and in the context of the films, shouldn't exist. Instead of having Ahsoka develop during the war as a Padawan they should've just kept Anakin as one during most of the war. If they wanted a younger female character they could've used Barriss who in the original timeline was Anakin's age. The MedStar stories would've been pretty good to see on screen. 

Rex is just massively overrated. I don't hate him but if you really look at him as a character he's not that special from any other clone which is because he's a clone. I think it's just because he has the most focus out of all of them and is normally around Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka. 

Ahsoka surviving past Order 66 is already pushing it but having her past ROTJ possibly towards TFA is really stretching it considering she never shows up in the films or is mentioned outside of TROS where it's implied she's dead but I heard they may make it so she isn't somehow. It's like how people don't like Darth Maul's character being revived and put in Rebels and Solo that's basically how I feel with Ahsoka. 

They're just milking Ahsoka as much as they can and will do it for as long as they can.
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