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Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

March 13th 2020, 3:02 pm
The question is what is your subjective opinion of Director Krennic as a character. This is what he looks like if you didn't watch Rogue One:

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? MV5BYmQwZDBjNzAtYTEwNS00ZjVjLWJmZmUtYzViYzY1MTcyNmU2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,742_AL_

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

March 13th 2020, 4:38 pm
I honestly really enjoyed the character. A stooge with an over-inflated sense of self-importance. It's an interesting dynamic for a Star Wars villain, and something we don't see often in the franchise

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

March 13th 2020, 8:16 pm
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

March 14th 2020, 1:14 pm
carismatic but useless
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
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Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 2nd 2020, 7:01 pm
He's got like a sociopathic disregard for life, his ambition is his greatest goal. He's very compelling.

I found myself feeling bad for Krennic after reading catalclysm, because everyone in Rouge One is breathing down his neck constantly. Like I genuinely cannot imagine the kind of stress someone would feel when both Tarkin and Vader are annoyed with you and everyone else scoffs.

Poor guy.
Level Three
Level Three

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 2nd 2020, 7:14 pm
> Korriban wrote:He's got like a sociopathic disregard for life, his ambition is his greatest goal. He's very compelling.

I found myself feeling bad for Krennic after reading catalclysm, because everyone in Rouge One is breathing down his neck constantly. Like I genuinely cannot imagine the kind of stress someone would feel when both Tarkin and Vader are annoyed with you and everyone else scoffs.

Poor guy.

Don't forget how he got treated by Bane.
Level Four
Level Four

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 3rd 2020, 2:32 am
I liked him in Rogue one, his ambition kept me interested
Level One
Level One

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 3rd 2020, 12:13 pm
poor guy imagine being intimidated by Bane in 2012 and then intimidated by Darth Vader in 2016

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 3rd 2020, 6:26 pm
The best thing about Krennic was Tarkin utterly humiliating him, imo.

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 3rd 2020, 9:50 pm
Galan007 wrote:The best thing about Krennic was Tarkin utterly humiliating him, imo.
I dunno, I dug Vader making dad jokes at Krennic's expense. Tarkin making a joke out of him was pretty great as well, though. 

Krennic was also a great source of memes which I still use to this day with my friends.

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 3rd 2020, 10:27 pm
Yes! Vader trolling him was excellent as well.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

April 4th 2020, 9:19 am
Sponsored content

Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character? Empty Re: Thoughts on Orson Krennic as a character?

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