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Level Three
Level Three

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 7th 2020, 7:27 pm
How many Mace Windus could each of the versions of Sidious beat at once?

1. 65BBY Sidious.
2. Early apprentice Sidious.
3. 52BBY Sidious.
4. Pre-boost TPM Sidious.
5. Post-boost TPM Sidious.
6. RotS Sidious.
7. RotJ Sidious.
8. DE Sidious.

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 7th 2020, 11:39 pm
1. 1.
2. 1.
3. 1.
4. Probably 1.
5. Maybe 2.
6. 2.
7. It’s hard to determine. 4, probably.
8. No idea.

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 8th 2020, 12:13 am
1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
4. 0
5. Maybe 1
6. 1
7. 1-2
8. Hard to say. Blade-to-blade, he could probably take 2-3, tops. Throw in the Force, and Sheev gets Force Storm, which could theoretically destroy any number of Windus. But on the flip side of that, we've seen it only takes one vastly pre-prime Luke, mildly amped by an inexperienced Leia and an unborn child, to destabilize a Force Storm and cause it to backfire on Sidious. This is probably a feat 2-3 Mace Windus could easily replicate, given their much greater knowledge and experience compared to Luke. Without Force Storm, I can't see Palpatine easily defeating more than 3-4 Maces with the Force, especially if Mace gets the bonus from Vaapad.

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 10th 2020, 10:06 pm
1. 65BBY Sidious - zero, definitely, and it's a stomp for Mace. I don't see any reasoning to hold him as even slightly comparable to Mace at this point in time, let alone be of any competition. It's not a fight.

2. Early apprentice Sidious - zero. By this point he is definitely powerful, could take on a lot, but not Mace. It's not a stomp, but I can't see Palpatine possible pulling it off.

3. 52BBY Sidious - one by extreme chance. It's viable he could win if fate was with him, but it's 1/10.

4. Pre-boost TPM Sidious - could beat one in a tremendous fight. I would still put my money on Mace winning 6, maybe 7/10.

5. Post-boost TPM Sidious - yeah, wins in a tremendous fight.

6. RotS Sidious - wins in a very good fight. Could lose though, if Mace didn't let him utilize Force power too much. Two Maces stomp him.

7. RotJ Sidious - beats one, maybe even two if luck is with him. Not a chance against three, he would get stomped.

8. DE Sidious - debatable because of the wacky nature of the Storms and mootable control over them.
Level Seven
Level Seven

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 10th 2020, 11:14 pm
If prime Mace:

1. None, gets stomped.
2. None.
3. None.
4. None.
5. Maybe 1.
6. 1 for about a 55/45 or 60/40 margin.
7. 1, possibly two.
8. In combat and without Force storms, 3, maybe 4. With Force storms, it'd take about 5-6 Mace Windu's combining their powers into a wall of light to stop him, considering Luke was tapping into his full potential.

If TCW (Dooku level+) or earlier:

1. None.
2. None.
3. None.
4. Maybe 1 if he's lucky.
5. 1, close fight.
6. 2. 
7. 2-3.
8. 4-6.

Last edited by BoD on February 10th 2020, 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 10th 2020, 11:15 pm
1- 0
2- 0
3- 1
4- 2
5- 4
6- 4
7-unquantifiable too much to count 

respect palps :>

Last edited by The lord of hunger on February 10th 2020, 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Seven
Level Seven

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 10th 2020, 11:16 pm
The lord of hunger wrote:1- 0
2- 0
3- 1
4- 2
5- 4
6- 5
7- unquantifiable too much to count 

respect palps :>
You think it takes 5 Mace Windu's to beat ROTS Sidious when one was able to nearly match him in power?  How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? 39523600
Level Three
Level Three

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 10th 2020, 11:18 pm
1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
4. 0
5. 1
6. 1
7. 2
8. 2-3, overall depends.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 10th 2020, 11:19 pm
BoD wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:1- 0
2- 0
3- 1
4- 2
5- 4
6- 5
7- unquantifiable too much to count 

respect palps :>
You think it takes 5 Mace Windu's to beat ROTS Sidious when one was able to nearly match him in power?  How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? 39523600
;3 if its not with vaapad amp i think sidious can beat at least 4 just my opinion 

i mystype the 5 .-.

How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

February 11th 2020, 3:36 am
I inattentively read the question.

1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
4. 0 or 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 3-4
8. No idea
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How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat? Empty Re: How many Mace Windus can Darth Sidious beat?

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