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Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 27th 2020, 1:20 pm
My opinion regarding Malak has been lowered much. And I don't buy Malak being permanently amped by the SF, the case you provide is insufficient imo.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 27th 2020, 10:34 pm
The Malak quote has failed on every front and its continued use is no different than perpetuation of Darth Maul being more powerful than any Sith prior to the Banites.

LadyKulvax wrote:[1].The quote you're using here is only applicable by depending on your sole interpretation. The Star Forge providing Malak with far greater powers and Malak himself having them are not one in the same. To 'provide' is to offer a supply or quantity of something to something else. It is not the same as literally having it. The Star Forge itself is far more powerful than anyone above. It can TP mindrape and destroy civilisations and no one is above it. Malak's amplification is simply not equating to this power.

[2].Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, the quote is not by itself absolute. It needs to be demonstratably proven by holding up to scrutiny against other sources. Malak's quote does not.

[3].KotOR's internal scaling places Ragnos and Nadd above Darth Nihilus in power who is a magnitude above Kreia and all of her peers due to Kreia's own admission which is supported by the script stating Nihilus was even further above them than that. All of which we know through canonically accurate estimations from Kreia through the Telos IV holocrons and the authorial support of Chris Avellone, as well as statements in KOTOR 2's strategy guide in further support.

Furthermore, later quotes make it clear that the quote is straight up conflicted by other quotes:

Mandalorian Scout & Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:"Freedon Nadd was a dark Jedi, he conquered Onderon long ago and became their king. The royal line is directly descended from him. The stories say that he was far worse than Revan and Malak ever were. This place is tainted and the Sith presence here makes the danger great."

"The soldier is correct. The dark side is strong here... and it will grant its strength to the Sith."

In the above quote, the Mandalorian is explaining who the tomb is for and why its taint is dangerous to them. Kreia agrees with this clearly, feels his 'legacy lives on in the very stones of his resting place' so is even more aware of his power. And rather infamously, whenever someone says something she disagrees with, be it the player or an NPC, she goes out of the way to say they're wrong.

I also can't see how this could be claiming Nadd is a worse ruler or tyrant. Nadd was a dick to the people of Onderon. Malak bombarded Taris and Telos IV into slag and bombed Dantooine to boot. Along with other planets I may be unaware of. I'd wager that's being worse than Nadd in terms of cruelty and slaughter.

Then there's the following quote:

Dantooine, Worlds, Knights of the Old Republic, Games, LucasArts website wrote:The most notable feature of Dantooine is the Jedi academy, originally founded by Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. For generations now it has served to train promising Jedi Padawans, with several dozen students in attendance at any given time. The most infamous graduate, however, is that of Exar Kun, trained by Vodo-Siosk Baas himself. Exar Kun was a Jedi Apprentice that turned away from the light side to embrace the seductive power of ancient Sith magic. Forty years ago he began a war upon the Republic that had grave consequences, but through great effort and sacrifice on the part of the Jedi he was defeated. The legacy of his taint is slowly passing away in the wake of the Mandalorian Wars and the coming of a new Sith threat.

Exar Kun is the most infamous graduate of the Dantooine academy due to the powers he gained through Sith magic and the war he started after it.

Exar Kun godstomps Malak in any comparison without literally one quote. This isn't a debate at this point, it's a fact.

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 2:53 am
LadyKulvax wrote:The Malak quote has failed on every front and its continued use is no different than perpetuation of Darth Maul being more powerful than any Sith prior to the Banites.
And yet, people use it to say Maul > Exar Kun > Tulak Hord.

You know what? I could support Maul > Malak > Kun.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 2:56 am
Except Maul is demonstratably < Adas.

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 3:02 am

Adas has no feats
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 3:18 am
Adas' holocron yeeted a prime Jinn:

Jedi Quest Special Edition: Followers wrote:Qui-Gon immediately anchored himself to the cliff and reached out to the Force to try and stop the fall. But the dark energy in the giant crevasse worked against him. He felt oddly exhausted and had little ability to concentrate.


"I don't see anything," Obi-Wan said. His voice sounded strangely hollow, and Qui-Gon wasn't sure if it was because of the chasm, his fall, or because they were so close to the Holocron. The concentration of dark knowledge could tap one's strength. He certainly weakened himself. But the strange hollow feeling also let Qui-Gon know they were on the right track. He felt at once repelled and drawn closer.


Qui-Gon's mind reeled. He could feel that they were close to the Holocron. Very close. He tried to focus, to find its location, but the dark side was playing tricks with his mind. It was so near and still beyond his mental vision. There was so much he didn't understand. If Lundi had held the Holocron, where was it now? Did someone else have it? Had he been unable to handle the power?

Besides, Adas was the most powerful and skilled Sith for 100,000 years and the first true successors to his power and skill came in the form of the Exiles. Muur gets to throw around Vader and Krayt relativity if not outright superiority.

Yeah, Adas is a beast.

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 3:22 am
Qui-Gon died to a massively pre-prime Maul, so I don't see how that's proof of Adas' superiority.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 3:38 am
Well, the Maul quote in question is as of Episode 1. Besides, Qui-Gon was post-prime when he was an equal in power to Maul. Adas' holocron yeeted a prime Jinn. A holocron only contains an 'etch' of a Force-user's essence. Adas is succeeded by the Exiles who then grow greatly in power off of the Star Map on Korriban. The Exiles are inferior to the more powerful Sith of Ragnos' golden age per Chronicles of the Old Republic. This naturally includes Naga Sadow, second most powerful of said Empire. After this we get Freedon Nadd, Nadd murders Sadow after learning everything he could from him and becoming more powerful, then spends a century using that knowledge combined with knowledge from Adas' holocron growing even stronger. We actually have an idea for how much more powerful Nadd was than Sadow. The ritual undertaken on Ambria which went wrong, called on more dark side power than Naga Sadow massively amped by a meditation sphere. Master Thon later went on to contain all of the dark side power and spirits of Ambria, who were threatening to consume an entire sector of space. It's confirmed that Vodo and Odan-Urr are both more powerful than Thon. Yet the spirit of Freedon Nadd blocks Vodo's power and then telepathically one-shots Vodo from across space. So the gap between prime Nadd and a massively amped Sadow is enormous. Yet Exar Kun as of killing Nadd, absorbed all of his knowledge, replaced him as a great power and is stated to be worthy of Ragnos' power whereas Nadd never was. Then Exar Kun's power grows by orders of magnitude afterwards.

You can see the issue with TPM Darth Maul's claim.
The Witness
The Witness

Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

March 28th 2020, 10:24 am
Kun massacres
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Exar Kun vs Darth Malak - Page 8 Empty Re: Exar Kun vs Darth Malak

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