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Team PT vs. Team TOR - Page 4 Empty Re: Team PT vs. Team TOR

December 29th 2019, 4:06 pm
Valkorion is MVP here by a pretty decent margin but Sheev can hold him off for a time.
Outlander < Mace Windu, albeit not by much. Given another expansion or so, I'd peg the Outlander as Mace/Yoda/Sheev level in power and skill. 
Vaylin < Zonakin due to mastery and skill, maybe power too.
Arcann < EoROTS Obi-Wan in skill but Arcann's more powerful, albeit not by enough of a margin to ragdoll.
Revan < Yoda, albeit again not by a big enough margin for Yoda to completely dominate with the Force, let alone ragdoll. However, he's more powerful and more skilled.

Only Valk wins his match, and it depends on how fast the other fights end. If he finishes beating Sidious before Mace or Yoda finish beating their opponent, he helps the Outlander and/or Revan edge out their opponent. They then all gang up on Zonakin and Obi-Wan and stomp them.

Alternatively, if Yoda, Zonakin or Mace finish their fights before Valk and Sidious finish theirs, then they either help Sheev to hold off Valk or help their teammates to finish their fights. Either way, it buys precious time for the PT team to regroup and overpower Valk. 

Leaning TOR team because of Valk, albeit it's close. If it were Vitiate, then PT team all the way.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Team PT vs. Team TOR - Page 4 Empty Re: Team PT vs. Team TOR

December 29th 2019, 6:31 pm
Team PT.
Level One
Level One

Team PT vs. Team TOR - Page 4 Empty Re: Team PT vs. Team TOR

December 30th 2019, 1:03 am
DC77 (Reborn) wrote:Team PT.
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Team PT vs. Team TOR - Page 4 Empty Re: Team PT vs. Team TOR

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