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DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 27th 2019, 12:42 pm
This is Quinlan Vos as of the end of dark disciple. He is healed after each round.

Vos vs:

AotC Anakin
S1 Clone Wars Anakin
S3 CW Anakin
S5 CW Anakin
IH Anakin
Mustafar Anakin

Scenario 2: what about Legend Vos?
Level Seven
Level Seven

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 27th 2019, 1:02 pm
S5 or IH Anakin. Legends stops at S3 or 5 if it includes Legends.

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 27th 2019, 1:22 pm
Stops at S5 Anakin.

Legends Vos stops somewhere at S3 Anakin, holistically.
Level One
Level One

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 27th 2019, 2:55 pm
AotC Anakin is far more powerful than Legends Vos lol.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 27th 2019, 3:14 pm
DD Vos stops at TCW S5 Anakin or IH Anakin.

Legends Vos gets his shit kicked in by AOTC Anakin.
Level One
Level One

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 27th 2019, 3:18 pm
DD Vos stops at IH Anakin

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 28th 2019, 3:35 am
DD Vos stops at either S5 or IH Anakin.

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 28th 2019, 4:37 am
Underachiever599 wrote:DD Vos stops at either S5 or IH Anakin.
What about legends?
Level Three
Level Three

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 28th 2019, 5:05 am
Legends Vos stops at 2, maybe even 1. Canon Vos I have no idea, as I haven’t read DD

DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

August 28th 2019, 5:47 pm
Stops at TCW S5 Anakin.
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DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet  Empty Re: DD Quinlan Vos runs a Anakin gauntlet

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