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PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 17th 2019, 11:53 pm
Who wins?
Level Six
Level Six

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 12:16 am
Banite Sith.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 12:17 am
The Banites

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Sheev_sig_3

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 12:24 am
At their primes the Banites beat them pretty solidly. But this early in their careers? I don't see why the TOR Sith can't beat them easily

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 12:33 am
Marr & Thanaton, easily. Bane gives either one pause, but Zannah is near-fodder, and Bane can't solo either of his opponents, let alone both of them.

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 12:35 am
There is no reason for Zannah to be inferior to Bane
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 12:39 am
Thanaton being decades more powerful than himself as Teneb Kel, who has a degree of relativity to Exal Kressh is more impressive than anything Bane has. By far.

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 1:01 am
Marr solos.

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 18th 2019, 2:39 pm
Team 2 destroys.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton Empty Re: PoD Bane & RoT Zannah vs Darth Marr & Darth Thanaton

August 20th 2019, 3:25 pm
Team 2.
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