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Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Empty Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread

December 16th 2024, 8:45 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)


The Duinuogwuin (which i will refer to as a star dragons from now on) are an ancient species of dragons, this thread will cover there general species accolades + every individual known Star Dragon in the franchise.
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Stardr10



Star Dragons size can range from 10-100 meters

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 11211211

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 54389010
Size: 10-100+ meters long

The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook wrote:Size: 10-100+ meters long
Duinuogwuin, or Star Dragons, are a sad, noble species given to championing lost causes. They are huge, snake-like multipeds with gossamer wings and expressive, intelligent eyes. Star Dragons average about ten meters in length, but legends persist that a few ancient Duinuogwuin have reached sizes of over one hundred meters.

Guide to the star wars universe 2nd edition wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 09209110

TCSWE wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Djnshj10

Survivability In Space

Star Dragons can survive in space via recycling water and oxygen

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Dkjdfs10
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Outerr10

Operation Elrood wrote:Flight: Duinuogwuin can fly in both space and atmosphere.
Space Survival: Duinuogwuin can survive in deep space.

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Kjlsaj10
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Djsjkd10
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Gg4sta10

Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook wrote:Flight: Duinuogwuin can fly in both space and atmosphere.
Space Survival: Duinuogwuin can survive in deep space without any artificial protection.
They have been encountered on diverse worlds and even in deep space without apparent protection from vacuum and void, thus earning the name Star Dragons.

Guide to the star wars universe 2nd edition wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 09209110

TCSWE wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Djnshj10

The Black Sands Of Socorro wrote:The Kadri'Ra are a species of immense sentient beings; it's possible that they are distantly related to the Duinuogwuin (or "Star Dragons"). Capable of free existing in space for limited amounts of time, the Kadri'Ra have a reported life span of 1,000 to 1,500 standard years.

Planet Hoppers: Cona wrote:"This enigmatic species has been seen on other planets and even in the cold vacuum of space"


Star Dragons flight speed can reach 600kmh

Operation Elrood wrote:Move: 18 (walking), space 5, atmosphere 210; 600 kmh (flight)

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 1in3sa10

Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook wrote:Move: 18/25 (walking); space: 5, atmosphere: 210; 600 kmh (flight)


Star Dragons can adapt to harsh environments and other things which other species cant do

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Dkjdfs10

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Kjlsaj10

Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook wrote:The creatures obviously have a highly evolved and readily adaptable genetic code, probably ensuring their ability to survive climatological or environmental changes that would surely exterminate a less hardy species.

Star Dragons can exhale superheated gases which can melt anything in the galaxy short of plasitsteel (this is possibly done by the star dragon generating a massive ammount of energy). This exhaled gas also has a range of 300-900 meters

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Outerr10
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 99999910

Operation Elrood wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Starwi10

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 88888810

Star Dragons possibly use some sort of a repulsorlift mechanism to fly instead of there wings (this is just a IU theory though)

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Repuls10

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 12nnsn10

1 in 3 star dragons are naturally attracted to the force

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 1in3sa10

Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook wrote:Duinuogwuin have a mysterious society, often choosing to be solitary beings. They have a deep-rooted sense of morality, and an almost genetic predisposition toward the Force.

Guide to the star wars universe 2nd edition wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 09209110

TCSWE wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Djnshj10


Star Dragons can live up to 2000 years old

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 55555510
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 44444410

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 33333310

The Black Sands Of Socorro wrote:The Kadri'Ra are a species of immense sentient beings; it's possible that they are distantly related to the Duinuogwuin (or "Star Dragons"). Capable of free existing in space for limited amounts of time, the Kadri'Ra have a reported life span of 1,000 to 1,500 standard years.

Physical Power

instead of evolving to meet environment demands, star dragons evolve to physical perfection (which they may have already reached) (the scan here the text is fucked idk what happened on the pdf but u can still read it)

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Physic10

Star dragons have a natural armor which increases there defense, they also have powerful jaws

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 22222210


It is suggested for players of west end games d6 that players should not be able to even use star dragons due to them being too overpowered

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 00000010

Zagsm'ith (respected scientist) thinks that by acquiring dna of star dragons and researching them he will give the galaxy genetic perfection

Gamemaster Screen wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Geneti10

Is compared to the wise asian dragons of real life mythology

Drawing from the Imagination: Mythological Creatures in Star Wars Part 2 On wrote:The Duinuogwuin, also known as Star Dragons, are more akin to the benevolent and wise Asian dragons, as is the Kadri’Ra, although both have more legs than the legendary creatures.

No one has ever captured or killed a star dragon without dying

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Noonec10

Star Dragons are very intelligent and most of them become scientists

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 99999911
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 38297110

Evil Star Dragons are some of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy. Krayt Dragons are possibly even these evil Star Dragons offspring

Galaxy Guide 4 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 1in3sa10
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 11111110

Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook wrote:Evil Cunning: Still other Star Dragons are simply "evil," and they use their intelligence to manipulate and destroy others. The Star Dragons, being a "distanced" people, also consider these beings "genetic mistakes" and "non-intelligence." In truth, they are among the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy.

Star Wars Galaxies: Bestiary - Tatooine On The SWG Website wrote:"Some xenobiologists postulate that the krayt dragons are the degenerate descendents of the fabled Duinuogwuin Star Dragons"

Krayt Dragon In The Databank wrote:"Some xenobiologists postulate that the krayt dragons are the degenerate descendents of the fabled Duinuogwuin Star Dragons"

Feats Performed By Random Unnamed Star Dragons

a random star dragon completely mind wipes people and can somehow erase navicomputer records

Gamemaster Screen wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Mindwi10

the same random star dragon travels several light years in a "short" period of time and then wipes a group of imperial forces

Gamemaster Screen wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Lighty10



Borz'Mat'oh likely lead the star dragons during the Duinuogwuin contention (The Duinuogwuin contention was when a group of star dragons in 15,500 BBY followed republic ships back to coruscant and waged war on the planet until a peace treaty was signed)

The Duinuogwuin Contention in the SWTOR codex wrote:In their travels, the early Republic explorers encountered many bizarre and fascinating species. Most of these first contacts were peaceful, but while charting worlds in the Outer Rim, scouts encountered enormous, flame-breathing reptiles known as Duinuogwuin. The terrified scouts opened fire and fled the planet, eventually returning to Coruscant—only to discover they’d been followed. The Duinuogwuin began waging war against the capital in what would be called the “Duinuogwuin Contention. ”Supreme Chancellor Fillorean, often criticized in the Senate for being hesitant and indecisive, ignored demands to mobilize the Republic Navy and attempted to communicate with the Duinuogwuin. To everyone’s surprise, the Duinuogwuin were revealed to be intelligent and inherently peaceful. Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and the Duinuogwuin philosopher Borz’Mat’oh negotiated a treaty, and later even cooperated to found Coruscant’s first university

The Essential Guide To Warfare wrote:"As before, it was a threat from without that eroded the opposition to a centralized military. In the Duinuogwuin Contention of 15,550 BBY, Star Dragons assaulted Coruscant and feuding among Republic member worlds slowed the necessary military response. The Contention passed relatively quickly, but was followed by an era of dizzying expansion"

TCSWE wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Borzma10

Coruscant And The Core Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Corus10

The New Essential Chronology wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Newess10


Flax'Supt'ai is over 30 thousand years old and is "more than a match for the mightiest demon" (demons are a reference to the Maelibus species who live on iego alongside Flax'Supt'ai)

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Flax110

TCSWE wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Tcswef10

Flax'Supt'ai is force sensitive and is given affect mind +15, force defense +15, heal self +13 and force adept 16 to name a few

Geonosis And The Outer Rim Worlds wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Flaxst10
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Flaxst11

As a force sensitive, she should be able to enhance her breath attack similar to Roron Corobb enhancing his natural species attacks with the force (credit to  @Darth Durin's Baneling)

Roron Corobb In The Databank wrote:With extreme exertion, Corobb could couple his powerful multiple-throated shout with a burst of Force telekinesis for a unique ability to repulse enemies with a torrent of sonic energy.

Willm Lywin

Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Willml10
Willm is a Jedi master from pre TOTJ times all the way up until TOTJ, where his fate is never shown

Willm has been the guardian of the cave of truth for 600 years, the cave of truth is the place where jedi knights are born

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:Travel up the river valley until you reach the Cave of Truth, where Jedi have been tested for thousands of years. "

Vici, shivering from cold and excitement, tried to remain still, remembering that a Jedi should not feel the chill and a Jedi stays calm.

"When you succeed in this quest, " Tannis continued, "you will be a Jedi Knight. You will have faced your most dangerous foe and triumphed.
"You'd better hope so, " it said with another snort. "I am Willm Lywin of the Duinuogwuin, guardian of this valley, and have been so for 600 years, give or take a decade. I have come to escort the initiate - I take it that would be you, " it said, looking at Vici with a friendly twinkle in its eye. "to the Cave of Truth."

Fly's with such speed that veni and vici (2 jedi padawans/knights) dont think they can get out of the way in time (keep in mind this is just him flying to meet them not serious combat) He is also 10 meters long

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:"What's what?" responded Veni,  humping into her.

"Listen. "

Now they both heard it - a faint pounding and thumping coming from far ahead of them, like pistons pumping in a distant machine.

"What is it?" Veni asked.

"Shh!" said Vici, closing her eyes and opening her mind: she recoiled at what she found.

"What's wrong?" demanded Veni, sensing his sister's distress.

"It's alive, " Vici said. "It's alive, and it's big, and it's coming toward us. "

"How big?"

"Huge. "

The thumping quickly grew louder: small pebbles began dropping off the canyon walls and dancing about the ground.

"We gotta get out of here!" said Veni, turning to run.

"No, " said Vici, grabbing his shoulder. "Hear how fast it's coming? We'll never outrun it. " She looked for somewhere to hide, but the rock faces offered no cover. Neither was climbing an option; she felt confident that with a little push from the Force she could scale the sheer walls, but her brother...

"What do we do? What do we do?" Veni's eyes were wide with terror as the increasing vibrations shook a slab free from the canyon behind them to crash into fragments on the ground. Even the planimals had begun edging away from the sound.

"I'll just have to fight it. " said Vici,  taking up a firm stance. "Veni, give me my lightsaber. "

"But Mistress Tannis... "

"Told me not to bring it. She didn't tell you. Hand it over. "

Veni complied. Vici activated the blade, its red light splashing around the valley and drawing a few planimals towards her. A plume of smoke from the end of the canyon heralded the approach of the creature. Coming around the bend into view, it was truly monstrous: over 10 meters of scaly, segmented body overshadowed by enormous leathery wings

He has been training Jedi for centuries

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:"Oh, don't feel bad,  child. " the creature said with a ripple of its vast wings. "It's not as if this hasn't happened before - remember. I've been helping train Jedi for centuries

He guarded a praxeum ship for 400 years and is at least 1 thousand years old

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:Ah, no- before I came here. I escorted a Praxeum ship for about four hundred years. "

"And before that?"

Oh, that was so long ago, it wouldn't interest you little humans

Your sister's stories are much more entertaining. Now tell me, Vici, how exactly did you help your parents in their work?"

Vici herself was sure that the life of a thousand-year-old Jedi Star Dragon must be much more interesting than an explanation of I'lahsh distillation, but she respected her escort's obvious wish for privacy and continued
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Fly10

The cave of truth is blocked off by huge boulders which willm can move with the force

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:My physical senses will deceive me, Vici recalled and reached out to the Force. Sure enough, she found that the mound of stone concealed an opening into the cliff side. The largest of the boulders was too heavy for human arms to lift, but through the Force... She began carefully levitating each stone away from the opening and setting them in a pile to one side.

"Can I help?" asked Veni.

"No, " said Lywin, "this is part of her test. "

Soon Vici had cleared away enough small stones for the larger boulders, now unsupported, to roll away from the opening. The stream dropped down in a waterfall, silver beads in the moonlight, curtaining a dark tunnel. Vici shivered in excitement; here was where the real adventure began.

"Calm yourself, little Jedi, " Lywin admonished gently. "Through peace we feel the Force. "

Vici took several deep breaths, slowing her pulse and calming her mind. When she felt herself centered once more, she asked, "What am I to do now?"

His size is "huge" (also his stats but im not good with stats so im not writing anything about them)

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Willms10

He is one of the founders of the Teya IV Praxeum

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Teyafo10

Uses his centuries of experience to learn very quickly

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Kenowl10

Likely spends his free time studying science in his cave

Adventure Journal 11 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Studys10

As a force sensitive, he should be able to enhance his breath attack similar to Roron Corobb enhancing his natural species attacks with the force (credit to  @Darth Durin's Baneling)

Roron Corobb In The Databank wrote:With extreme exertion, Corobb could couple his powerful multiple-throated shout with a burst of Force telekinesis for a unique ability to repulse enemies with a torrent of sonic energy.


There scientific works were contained within the luxury spaceship star home

The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Monta10

Star Wing

Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Star_w10
Star Wing lived during the OT

Star wing is over 80 meters long

Operation Elrood wrote:Your ship emerges in a dense cloud of stellar gas. You have a 16 hour sublight"trip through a cluster of gravitational fluctuations before your next jump. Shortly after engaging the sublight drive, the proximity alarm wails: even though your sensors are barely functional, they detect a large object up ahead. It's moving very slowly. Give the characters a chance to react in whatever way they see fit: most likely, someone will run to the weapons stations. The characters see only thick, billowing yellow and white gas clouds. Any character who makes a Moderate sensors total can scan the object: it's over 80 meters long - probably more than twice the size of their ship - and moving slowly but erratically.

He only moves semi slowly due to having a torn wing

Operation Elrood wrote:Suddenly, the large object slowly emergesfrom the gas clouds not more than 200 meters in front of your viewport. To your amazement, the object appears to be a huge serpentine body perhaps 80 meters long. It's a creature of some sort, with a sinuous, many-segmented body and a huge pair of gossamer wings stretching from its back. One of its wings has a small tear. The serpent's eyes are open, but glassy. It hangs limply in front of your ship.

Uses projective telepathy to talk to the rebels from hundreds of meters away while in a self induced trance

Operation Elrood wrote:He's floated in space for weeks and survived only by placing himself in a hibernation trance. Using the Force power protective telepathy, he sends his emotions, pleading for help. Choose a Force-sensitive Rebel or the most noble Rebel to receive the message. Read aloud: Like a faint whisper in the back of your mind, emotions form at the edge of your consciousness. You sense hunger and death. You know that this creature is dying from starvation.

He only needs a bit of extra oxygen to finish his travel through the sector despite his wounded wing, his home is also light years away so he has already traveled light years

Operation Elrood wrote:Star Wing asks only to be allowed to breathe in oxygen for a few minutes more, although he hints that a few liters of water would also be most appreciated. While he doesn't ask for medical assistance, his wing is badly damaged. He's considered "wounded" (or worse if the characters' ship collided with him). Healing each wound level requires two medpacs. Increase the first aid difficulties by one level if the characters are wearing space suits while trying to heal Star Wing. After being helped, Star Wing thanks the characters profusely, stating that he owes them a favor and perhaps their paths will cross again. If questioned about the pirates or Alluuvia, he has no information to offer. His home is light-years away and he is as much a stranger to this area as the Rebels.

Stats + he is centuries old and very knowledgeable

Operation Elrood wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Starwi12
Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Starwi11

As a force sensitive, he should be able to enhance his breath attack similar to Roron Corobb enhancing his natural species attacks with the force (credit to  @Darth Durin's Baneling)

Roron Corobb In The Databank wrote:With extreme exertion, Corobb could couple his powerful multiple-throated shout with a burst of Force telekinesis for a unique ability to repulse enemies with a torrent of sonic energy.


Zephata'ru'tor was the apprentice of B'dard Tone during the clones and only died due to grievous killing him in a space battle, not in an actual fight

Insider 86 wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread 1223110

TCSWE wrote:Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Respect Thread Tcaswe10

As a force sensitive, he should be able to enhance his breath attack similar to Roron Corobb enhancing his natural species attacks with the force (credit to  @Darth Durin's Baneling)

Roron Corobb In The Databank wrote:With extreme exertion, Corobb could couple his powerful multiple-throated shout with a burst of Force telekinesis for a unique ability to repulse enemies with a torrent of sonic energy.


With the just frankly stupid biology of the duinuogwuin species, i think people like Willm Lywin should be 100% talked about more, considering on average his species can fly around at 600kmh and disintegrate entire ships with fire breath from 900 meters away without any force enhancement at all, i don't see how someone like anakin could not just get speed blitzed or 1 shot from a kilometer away. And i think even in a film medium a race of humongous force sensitive dragons would also be ragdolling people. To rank the people i cover here:
Willm Lywin>=Flax'Supt'ai>>>>>Star Wing>Zephata'ru'tor>Borz’Mat’oh>>>>Mont'Kar'oh
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