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Level Three
Level Three

Battle of the Sithspawn Empty Battle of the Sithspawn

June 17th 2020, 10:58 am
Who wins in a free for all:
Battle Hydra
Chrysalide Rancor
Sith Wyrm

Bonus: All contenders unite to fight a Monolith
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Battle of the Sithspawn Empty Re: Battle of the Sithspawn

June 17th 2020, 12:57 pm
Well Jabba's rancor which was smaller than your average rancor beat a Krayt dragon as you know a single Krayt dragon was too much for KOTOR Revan, and Sith Rebam bested two terentetaks, the battle hydra, sith wrym, and Leviathan are all sub Kun who is in turn sub Revan via SF Malak

Chain is as follows

Chrysalide Rancor > Jabba's rancor > Krayt dragon >> KOTOR Revan > teretetaks and SF Malak > Kun > Leviathan, wyrm, and Battle Hydra
Level Three
Level Three

Battle of the Sithspawn Empty Re: Battle of the Sithspawn

June 17th 2020, 1:33 pm
man, bane mindraped a big rancor in POD. POD bane >>> KOTOR revan confirmed. someone get ant over here asap/
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