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Tau Idair vs Darth Bandon Empty Tau Idair vs Darth Bandon

June 17th 2020, 4:32 am

Tau Idair vs Darth Bandon Empty Re: Tau Idair vs Darth Bandon

June 17th 2020, 4:45 am
Darth Bandon enter the Endar Spire.

Instead of the soldier, Tau Idiar meet Darth Bandon.

Darth Bandon ignite his lightsaber.

Tau Idiar gesture towards Darth Bandon.

Darth Bandon tears through the wall of the Endar Spire, and then through the wall of his shuttle, and then into VOID - never to be seen again.

Endar Spire suffer decompression problem and goes down with Tau Idiar in it.

Tau Idiar is like OH SHIT....

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Force ghost show up and say "BE MINDFUL OF YOUR THOUGHTS, Tau Idiar."
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